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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. Maybe it involves leftover Thanksgiving turkey?
  2. I'd rather see him holding a Big Mac and a side of fries.
  3. I only said that it isn't any of my business, not that it isn't of interest to people. As for expressing any doubt, when I read your post I thought you might have been seeking some sort of proof of his statement. If I assumed incorrectly I do apologize. ?
  4. I WISH. Before covid I travelled quite a bit, but the only language I learned was un poco de espanol. ?
  5. I really enjoyed the Netfix series Elite, and the Spanish actor Aron Piper reminded me of someone. Now that I think about it, I think he reminds me of Ryan Phillipe. Sorry, I cant post a photo from my phone... but did anyone else see that series?
  6. I loved this show. Very much in line with my dark sense of humour. Great writing and character development too.
  7. Especially if your name was Oedipus...
  8. I've heard that there was a calculating aspect to Diana's personality, and her grandmother Lady Fermoy no doubt pressured her to continue on the path to princesshood - not unlike the machinations that have often characterized relationships at Court through the centuries. Diana was still essentially a child, and somewhat of a pawn used by her family to achieve greater glory.
  9. But then he would just be 'Ma'... not sure how many clients that would attract. ?
  10. I had managed to unsee it... until I saw the thread was updated again. Thanks so much... LOL
  11. Maybe Queen Victoria was more amused than she let on.
  12. I think there's a misconception that everything is rosy for those who are greatly endowed, which isn't a fair assumption to make. That said, I wouldn't mind having that issue myself, at least for a few days... lol.
  13. Thank you. Thank You. THANK YOU. Glad to hear someone thinks so ?
  14. I thought this post would be about some link between breast implants and climate change... hahaha.
  15. I saw it... I think it was a producer or CEO of Jeopardy who said some kind words. It lasted one or two minutes at most, and no photos or anything like that. A short but nice speech thanking Alex, and letting the audience know that he had taped the shows to air up until Christmas and they would air as planned because that's what Alex said he wanted.
  16. CuriousByNature


    Its unfortunate he doesn't include a face picture though....
  17. Well done. I think you did exactly the right thing.
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