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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. Bread, mattresses, footwear, olive oil
  2. I don't recall exactly, but if it is the same person I think it was quite high.
  3. Am I recalling correctly from a post a while ago that the donation for his time is quite a bit higher than average?
  4. Do you mean that someone who has contracted herpes should never have encounters with anyone after that?
  5. That's super sweet. She's lucky to have you, and I'm sure you must feel blessed as well.
  6. Right. I didn't say that all cases of preferences are absent of learned biases. Just that preferences towards certain characteristics may be more hardwired than that. I think we can too often discount the complexity of attraction.
  7. Just wondering, when you are hiking etc, is that off the clock, or is the provider still compensated for their time? Who initiates these get togethers, you or the provider?
  8. I know what your saying, but I think there are preferences that are not learned. Following your line of reasoning, a person is attracted to a particular gender because that is what they learned? I think there may be some environmental factors to attraction but a lot may come from birth. My point is that being more attracted to a certain size, race, eye colour, etc., does not necessarily mean one is sizeist, racist, etc. There are those who definitely may be, but not everyone is. I think it may be more of an issue if someone is only attracted to their own race, age, size, etc., to the exclusion of anyone else. Or if they will only associate with a specific 'type'. Attraction is far more complex.
  9. The truth for me is that I see beauty in every race, size, height, age, gender.... except myself! But that's a different topic for a different string... lol ?
  10. Maybe this is going to open a can of worms, but here it goes anyway. People can have preferences without it being racist, sizist, ageist, etc. It comes down to how we treat one another. Maybe I am predominantly attracted to Asians? Maybe I do not find myself attracted to whites? That isn't racism unless I also treat one race differently than another, or think that one is better than the other. You can uphold equality without having to be attracted to everybody. As for shaming, nobody should shame anyone for their appearance. But shaming someone for their words and actions is another matter.
  11. Everyone has a type. He has a lot more guts than I have.
  12. Ahhhhhhh... so nothing to do with a bucket of fried chicken?
  13. What was the issue, if you don't mind sharing?
  14. Level 11... stay home alone and never experience human touch. Kind of joking, but kind of not.
  15. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9...
  16. Ugh... my rope skills were non-existent. Ropes are for swinging on, not for climbing. Tumbling though was a different matter. I found I was an expert tumbler. Sadly, only when the tumbling was inadvertent... like down the stairs, on the ski hill, walking home from school... you get the picture.
  17. Well I'm thankful it didn't turn out that way, and that you are safe and alive.
  18. I hope it works out for you to meet him. Would love to know how it goes if you don't mind sharing, even via PM. ?
  19. Well, as the theme song said... Lady Godiva was a freedom rider, She didn't care if the whole world looked.... And then there's Maude!
  20. Well that story sure took an unexpected turn.
  21. It amazes me how people are able to have these incredible experiences... in comparison, my life is so utterly boring and amorously uneventful! A fly on the wall of your place literally sees more action than I do...lol.
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