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    themsg reacted to SamMiller213 in What is in the water?? Crazy clients   
    Most people have gone a year plus without a massage and maybe even physical contact. Those now recently vaccinated are coming out of the woods.
  2. Like
    themsg reacted to + Yellowrod in Onlyfans / Just4fans / Are any worth the price?   
    With the amount of $$ some of these guys are raking in, I wish they would up their production value - lighting, angles, set up some go-pros....
  3. Like
    themsg reacted to big dale in ryanwest LA   
    I am asking this question without judgement, and from a place of genuine curiosity. Do you guys not verbalize to the provider in the moment on what you want, and/or redirect them if they are doing something unpleasant? I had a massage with someone who kept checking a beeping phone. I politely said "you know, I am finding that very disruptive. If there's some need for you to have attention elsewhere I am happy to come back another time." He apologized, silenced his phone and gave me a great rest of the session. I understand feeling vulnerable because you're naked and face down, but you have to retain ownership of your self-interest, politely.
  4. Like
    themsg reacted to nylund in Any experiences with these SF masseurs?   
    Never saw any of those but can offer these tidbits. Pictures of Jameson and Aaron are at least 10 years old if you can't already tell. The same pictures have been in their ads as long as I have been hiring.
    Tried contacting Jameson once but no reply. Also tried reaching out to Aaron and he's professional. I tried to gauge how 'far' he is willing to go but it seemed that he's purely therapeutic. If you dig around here I think you can find some confirmation of that but also he actually was a good masseur.
  5. Like
    themsg reacted to 510guy in Recommendations for San Francisco?   
    Though I think he is good and was actually my first experience, defintely worth a try. I have seen him 3 times I can pretty much guess his routine as he doesn't seem to sway from it. The third time I asked him to change it up a bit he said something to the effect that he is used to doing it a certain way and didn't really vary his routine. But I would recommend him for a try as he does do a unique combination of therapeutic and sensual.
  6. Like
    themsg reacted to thedanNYC in Dylan in LA, aka “Nerd w Big Hands”   
    I vote for @BeefyDude posting a photo of dat ass for research purposes. You know, just so that the people can at least compare theirs to his and get an idea of whether they have a chance of getting that much-wanted attention. ???
  7. Like
    themsg reacted to kingsley88 in Can someone please offer me some (CRUSH) advice   
    Sorry for this Bluefin. I think it's ok to have a crush on your masseur as long as it doesn't start to become toxic to your emotional/mental health. I think the majority of guys (especially those who are single) are always in the search for a human connection and human touch is an amazing feeling.
  8. Like
    themsg reacted to Okashii81 in Masseur is making booty-calls to me   
    @Wolfer After reading the OP my initial thought was not to comment because it sounded like you have the situation properly analyzed. You just don't want to pull the trigger and make the decision to change (or cancel) the arrangement for fear of losing something. Others in this thread have responded with the "if it ain't broke" reply, but it really doesn't sound like you are comfortable with the situation to continue as is, whereas others might. For what it's worth, I'm not willing to say the masseur is using you, but you certainly present as the perfect client, i.e. someone he's attracted to and with whom he gets to have fun and get paid.
    What made me want to respond though was the above quoted comment. I don't know if flattered is a word I would use in this situation because it makes it sound like the masseur is doing you some courtesy by seeking out your business and you should be grateful for it. That kind of thinking is partly why you seem upset about the situation.
    A while ago I had a somewhat similar situation. I had a regular masseur and after our first couple of sessions we had full on sex. From that point on we had sex every time we met. He was very nice and complimented me and I knew he enjoyed himself. I even saw him out socially once and we hung out a bit. We would email and share funny memes, etc. He never reached out to me about setting up a time, but in my mind I always approached a session with him as a paying client. We weren't FWB. However, there were a couple of times when he was particularly horny that he pretty much skipped the massage and went to town on me immediately. (And yes, the sex was good! haha) When that happened, he would leave without asking for payment. In those instances it was about him getting pleasure (and also pleasuring me) and not him providing a service. If your guy is not willing to do that, then you have your answer. You either need to cut him or decide if you can continue with things as they are, putting aside any feelings of being afraid he might say no at some point.
  9. Like
    themsg reacted to Onamission in Most handsome masseur in LA   
    If we're talking handsome, I would say Ian.
    Or Jason
  10. Like
    themsg reacted to Wolfer in Masseur is making booty-calls to me   
    I don't think so, he has a full-time (non massage related) job that wasn't impacted by the lockdown. The massage business is something extra he does.

    I'm not looking to date him. I'm just bothered by the fact that he is scheduling me for something he wants instead of the other way round.

    Exactly, thank you for expressing it like that. He did change the dynamic and now I'm not sure how I feel about it.
  11. Like
    themsg reacted to Rodrigo Suarez in 411 on Francocoxxx of Bakersfield   
    Hired him long time ago. He's been in the biz forever. I wouldn't recommend.
    Here is a previous thread with mostly negative experiences too:
  12. Like
    themsg reacted to Jamie21 in Potential Client Tip   
    I’m a masseur. I’ve no problem with my client asking about sex. That’s part of my service so why shouldn’t they ask? They can ask anything they like, if it’s something I won’t or can’t do then I’ll simply tell them that. There’s no point in them booking only to find out their massage isn’t going to be what they want moments before they get on the table. That’s just going to make the experience disappointing and I want to make it memorable for them.
    If my client asks for a half hour session or books a late night session with an hour’s notice that’s a tell tale sign they don’t want a massage they just want to get off. I don’t accept those kind of bookings. It’s minimum one hour, and you have to be sober / not under influence. Those requirements rule out the guys just looking for a quickie. No problem with that but it’s not my service.
    If a masseur or escort has lots of rules and requirements, including needing pictures etc the it almost always means they are not in the job to satisfy their clients, they’re in it with the sole purpose of making money out of their sex life. Have that in mind when you attend your session.
  13. Like
    themsg reacted to Mattm in Potential Client Tip   
    I don’t about other masseurs, but......
    Don’t text a masseur and make it all about a HE and sex. That’s an immediate red flag. You also just ruined any experience you might have had, and I’m less inclined to even respond. “Will you do _____?”
    Well...not now.
  14. Like
    themsg got a reaction from Bluefin in 411 for AValleyGuy in Fresno   
    Anyone has any info?
  15. Like
    themsg reacted to KrisParr in Nude Massage   
    One of my favorite go-to masseurs always started out with just running shorts on. I’d be face down, and he’d work on my back, legs, feet on one side and then start working the other side eventually ending up at my head. I never knew when, I just knew that as I felt his presence just above my head, if I would open my eyes and raise up a bit, there’d be a lovely cock, just waiting to be tasted. Sometimes he he would take his sweet time, others, he was a little faster. The anticipation was thrilling even though it was routine. Damn, I miss him.
  16. Like
    themsg reacted to EastbayMike in MassageClub in SF   
    One shouldn't have to wonder. Given the extreme rate he's requesting he needs more details in his ad beyond vague bs about new rituals and lasting memories.
  17. Like
    themsg reacted to rogerG in Does anyone know why they don't post a price?   
    Some guys want to protect themselves from legal liability. Each state is different. In New York State, it is illegal to provide "massage" service without a license. It is illegal to charge money for a "massage" service if you are not licensed. It is illegal to perform "massage" service in a location where it may be against the law. If caught violating any of these laws, you can end up in jail. Even if you are licensed, it may be illegal to perform the service in your home. You'd have to know the local zoning laws to be sure. Each building may have their own rules regarding work from home. If a legal case is brought against you, any ad that shows you asked for money in exchange for a "massage" service could be evidence against you. The legal onus for massage service is on the provider, not the customer. If someone has "Ask" in his ad, I would consider that person a bit more cautious. IMO, "Ask" may not mean scam at all. In fact, it could mean the opposite. Self-protection, which in turn can protect you.
    I found this at a law site:
    Because you need a license to give massages, merely an offer to give a massage or holding yourself out as an individual who can give massages is punishable as an "E" felony if you do not have a license to do so. While this offense is not considered Prostitution and a violation of New York Penal Law Article 230, the ramifications may be worse. The reality is that law enforcement, such as the NYPD, often pursues this charge as means to prosecute those people they believe are involved in Prostitution, but are unable to charge them with the crime of Prostitution or any of the other related offenses.
  18. Like
    themsg reacted to + Autumnal in Does anyone know why they don't post a price?   
    I don't like the "Ask Me" listings either. But if they have any reviews, you can scroll down through them, and click the button that says "Read All Reviews". All the reviews show what the clients paid. What was payed by different clients is all over the place - not sure if this reflects tips included.
  19. Like
    themsg reacted to EastbayMike in Does anyone know why they don't post a price?   
    For me, listing "ask" is a sign of unprofessionalism and I just move on to the next ad. I'm only comfortable with a rate structure based on location (in or out) or length of session. If the rate is based on how dressed the provider is or whether I should expect a hand job at the end of the session I'd rather hire an escort.
    Years ago I called a masseur off an ad on massagem4m (back when there was a massagem4m.com and people weren't yet afraid to have actual phone conversations). One of the photos on his site was him in a weathered cowboy hat. I jokingly said he looked cute in the hat and did he wear it while giving the massage. He told me that would be a fetish session and $50 extra. I didn't schedule a massage with him.
  20. Like
    themsg reacted to Luv2play in LatinMdlEastrn coming to SF, Los Angeles, Miami   
    Reminds me of what a late uncle of mine, who was a university professor, said once when commenting on the modern theatre,” I don’t much care for the theatre these days, it’s all about sex, violence and coarse language. I can get all that at home.”
  21. Like
    themsg reacted to + WestGuy in No Shows   
    One of my regulars told me recently that someone booked a four-handed massage with him and another masseur and then was a no-show, thus wasting the time of two masseurs. Fortunately one of the guys was hosting at his place so at least they were not out the money for a studio rental. So rude.
  22. Like
    themsg reacted to BaronArtz in No Shows   
    That is terrible. What a waste of time, effort and money indeed. If I really can't make it, which is rare, I offer to reschedule and/or pay 1/2 of the fee via Venmo. And I don't wait until the last minute either.
  23. Like
    themsg reacted to Mattm in No Shows   
    I would never!
  24. Like
    themsg reacted to Mattm in No Shows   
    I’ve had 4 no shows this week. Just tell me you can’t come. I spend time setting up the space, I light all my candles, I set the room with clean linen, I make hot towels....all a waste. Most of the time I also pass on other potential clients because I’m booked. It’s infuriating.
  25. Like
    themsg reacted to Mattm in No Shows   
    As a massage therapist, I’ve been experiencing so many no shows lately. Please just give us the courtesy of telling us you’re not coming. It’s a waste of not only our time, but our income. ❤️❤️
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