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Everything posted by SirBillybob

  1. Speaking of the restaurant service analogy, a gentlemanly client should at the very least forward you a gift card for solo (or with +1 of choice) dinner at your fave eatery prior to embarking on digital sextual foreplay.
  2. Without prejudice, and without advice: As I understand it, liquidy residual faecal matter on toilet tissue may have a pink or reddish hue that confounds you because a more complete stool does not show it. Its colour does not necessarily denote circulatory fluid. I used to worry about it until my GI MD clarified. If it appears more gore-ish, like the harmless manifestations of female menstrual spotting or flow, perhaps more reflects sequelae of intercourse.
  3. Without prejudice, and without advice: As I understand it, liquidy residual faecal matter on toilet tissue may have a pink or reddish hue that confounds you because a more complete stool does not show it. Its colour does not necessarily denote circulatory fluid. I used to worry about it until my GI MD clarified. If it appears more gore-ish, like the harmless manifestations of female menstrual spotting or flow, perhaps more reflects sequelae of intercourse.
  4. LMAO. Why conflate a poster adding to the discussion a price reference point concerning any location or point in time with braggadocio? Pricepoints hinge on many variables including purchase power parity, subjective value-based considerations independent of objective value, location trends and standards, dynamic currency exchange, and the geo-specific legality of commercial sex and related infrastructure. Moreover, value-based cost assessments may evolve and shift with increasing exposure to experiences abroad. If you are able to grasp economic global relativism, you might not use one centric context (eg USA) to arbitrarily predict or control prices or gratuity leanings in another setting. You might knit together your own particular take and judge typical fees within a specific setting to be exorbitant, fair, or concessionary. The latter does not equate to exploitation; for example, overall client volume or individual repeats may influence rate.
  5. LMAO. Why conflate a poster adding to the discussion a price reference point concerning any location or point in time with braggadocio? Pricepoints hinge on many variables including purchase power parity, subjective value-based considerations independent of objective value, location trends and standards, dynamic currency exchange, and the geo-specific legality of commercial sex and related infrastructure. Moreover, value-based cost assessments may evolve and shift with increasing exposure to experiences abroad. If you are able to grasp economic global relativism, you might not use one centric context (eg USA) to arbitrarily predict or control prices or gratuity leanings in another setting. You might knit together your own particular take and judge typical fees within a specific setting to be exorbitant, fair, or concessionary. The latter does not equate to exploitation; for example, overall client volume or individual repeats may influence rate.
  6. LOL ... amusing that a handful of evolved (term used loosely) over time MTL Village 'haters' will try to go to the mat convincing someone they should not like what they like.
  7. LOL ... amusing that a handful of evolved (term used loosely) over time MTL Village 'haters' will try to go to the mat convincing someone they should not like what they like.
  8. No. Re: mixer's question [guy on the left], no, not at Stock recently. Longtime performer, may be dabbling elsewhere, but I take periodic Campus breaks to allow for stock rollover. Some posters here sometimes comment a dancer looks appropriate for one place over another. But remember that the main distinguishing factor for a peeler is the digital footprint within a venue requiring greater comfort with public domain presence, often in perpetuity.
  9. No. Re: mixer's question [guy on the left], no, not at Stock recently. Longtime performer, may be dabbling elsewhere, but I take periodic Campus breaks to allow for stock rollover. Some posters here sometimes comment a dancer looks appropriate for one place over another. But remember that the main distinguishing factor for a peeler is the digital footprint within a venue requiring greater comfort with public domain presence, often in perpetuity.
  10. LOL, we can surely allow for the reminder that a handle "twinkboylover" is in charge of defining typology criteria and disabusing us any ill-conceived notion we might have about the relevance of such labelling, or correcting drastic errors in how we stratify type or give a positive shout out about a good experience in general.
  11. LOL, we can surely allow for the reminder that a handle "twinkboylover" is in charge of defining typology criteria and disabusing us any ill-conceived notion we might have about the relevance of such labelling, or correcting drastic errors in how we stratify type or give a positive shout out about a good experience in general.
  12. LOL. I can live anywhere I please, don't require gainful employment, and I am a demanding "foodie". The only denial I am prone to is the disbelief that my property has inflated in value 200%. I suppose if the city's mandate is viewed by sex tourists as designed and required to meet their needs, there is bound to be narcissistic rage. I mean, dropping a lot of cash, outside of a great exchange rate, and not finding exactly what you want. Yikes! Sounds more like sour grapes, not valiantly sparing the average reader the abject disappointment of coming here. Montreal rates high globally for destinations because it is renowned for letting your freak flag fly. That is obviously too tall an order for a handful of ultra-tough-crowd hecklers whose travel column skills seem questionable. It seems that The Village is expected by some to be a world class Red Light district with the same Disneyfied ambience as a smaller scale Times Square. Eroticized urban zones in general tend to have a shelf life. Adaptation is called for. Stay home, use Grindr. But even local, you cannot expect a vast high quality dancer inventory to prevail in an age where digital app obsession replaces old-fashioned going out on the town. Complain to Airbnb Explore about the death of the streethustler scene and your being deprived of the chance to be imprisoned following summary conviction, and to our PM about the toughening of prostitution law in 2014. Let's make it a no-contest amicable divorce. You can even keep your point of view. Perhaps living here I experience it along a few more dimensions. And when travelling I broaden the agenda, though I think I can roll with a less than ideal actualization of my fantasies.
  13. Hyperbole/exaggeration & confirmation bias operating here? Of course there is always change, and if a visitor's initial great experiences are not repeated, or particular preferred valued aspects diminish, the perception is often one of deterioration. I have never been in love with the Village, but as a former visitor who established residency downtown here some 17 years ago, my assessment is that things have not changed much qualitatively overall.
  14. That is equivalent to about $27 these days, adjusting for currency inflation. My best mid20teens-year deal by top-tier guy was about that, inclusive of tip. Not so different a quarter century on. I could hardly believe the quote that came out of his mouth while flirting in the dry sauna. 6'2" built handsome guy didn't realize he had the goods to be a cover physique model.
  15. Maybe I feel cranky today, but it is not expensive to sign up for Stock Bar streaming, as I have. Then you can determine the roster, get a sense of the types, Eric(k) and others' presence versus absence, and whether to plan to travel in. My situation is different, I admit, as the registration cost is more than offset by the small cover it would cost me to walk over for a look-see but then don't. Currently I can easily assess from 20:30-22:30 while reading, eating, watching TV, etc. But from a distance it may also be worth it if you already have voyeuristics tendencies. Without promotion, about 4x Netflix rate. And you can now tip from a distance if your sexual peccadillo is kneeling submissively before the ATM and handing over your debit card.
  16. Do you tap Reply then Quote, or Quote then Reply. I need a mnenomic, like Q before R, or counterintuitive R before Q. I know I just did it successfully but someone distracted me, knocked on my door, and I forgot how I did it.
  17. Sorry, I cannot seem to separate the quote from my text.
  18. Well ... now you are the most recent expert. Depending on your resourcefulness, perhaps you will share what you came up with. I have not hired in São Paulo and the two sauna brothels leave much to be desired.
  19. I have sex in strip club private dance cubicles ... the rate is $20 per 0.083 hour. I would not dream of negotiating a fee by the 0.042 hour. However, if I go beyond 0.42 hours (5 dances), I have obviously nutted pathologically late. Where I attend, the house gets essentially no cut. Pre-sex social foreplay-ish chat time is the price of a beverage. I don't book or pay according to North American centrism. In Brazil, the 30-minute brothel rates for physique models have relaxed the arbitrariness of one-hour meetings in broader contexts. The typical fee ranges from $38-57 USD, though I do not deal anywhere in the world in greenback currency. Based on current exchange, I have never paid more than $19 for the subsequent half-hour should we agree on extending to 60 minutes. That trend has basically influenced the one-hour pricepoint for a community escort ($57-76). For brothels, the house gets approximately $38, equivalent to the base price for one trick.
  20. These extended threads speak to innate traits that are both evolutionary and environmentally influenced. There is considerable interest in whether humans operate figuratively from a "selfish" gene versus a "cooperative" gene. Some argue that selfishness emerged much later in human evolutionary history when survival became more based on competition for resources. I think we recognize the human capacity to oscillate between the two positions. Back to the present. There is research that explores the tension between cooperation and self-interest, along the lines of rapid intuitive instinct versus more methodical rational reflection? Do we cooperate when we overcome our intuitive selfishness with rational self-control, or do we react selfishly when we override our intuitive cooperative impulses with rational self-interest. Substantial evidence suggests the latter. I already commented a while back on clients' tendencies to ruminate about the personal costs about a planned purchase during the lag time between product order and purchase confirmation. Stop-loss, gain/lose utility inequality, etc. A hair or doctor's appointment is based on a transient but stable need. Sexual desire is finicky, transitory, and unstable, with peaks and valleys largely dependent on the response cycle, orgasmic release and refractory periods where horniness is subdued. A time-specific peak in desire is the impetus for booking. It is urgent, primordial, idealizes the provider (perhaps to a borderline delusional degree), and intuitively cooperative. Ideally (for escorts) yet impractical, the transaction would occur immediately. Paradoxically, the inherent self-interest spurred by desire is briefly set aside in the apparent decision to pay. In contrast, for many of us a manicure or chiropractic appointment is not as spontaneously intuitive. The need or problem has constancy up to the time of the service. Perhaps the same can be said for massage parlours and strip clubs offering release. They are not so much on a schedule and can better 'catch & release' (tee-hee) according to the immediacy of walk-ins' desire. All clients, then, must overcome the secondary overthinking that emerges from shifts in sexual tension. Human sexual nature also realistically means an unwillingness to defer orgasm much beyond the excitation peak that prompted an appointment in the first place. Your client, in other words, often pursues release in the interim. There is little prediction and control over where the allotted booked time falls within the client's sexual response cycle. Honestly, I know myself, and that I will only part with money for sex as a very temporary lapse in rational judgement. That is why I have cultivated the discipline of tolerating the elevation of sexual desire/tension until the time of the appointment, or more typically get off in a strip club. These cancellation and no-show problems are clearly an artefact of the business. A therapist, for example, might spend an hour exploring ambivalence with the client, but that is a very different scenario. I think it is likely difficult to predict ahead of time the lapse in enthusiasm that a new client may demonstrate over time. Booking itself, for some, is a very unique and ephemeral state of consciousness. What I think escorts are unfortunately impelled to do is take regular barometric readings that run up and down, and then experience surprise and disappointment regarding the abrupt about-face that may occur despite valiant attempts to maintain the client's peak desire through social connection, bridging and so on. Personally, if I had to escort, in a parallel universe, and client volume was far from overwhelming me, I would try to find a practical way to strategize to intersect predominantly at peak sexual tension. This would likely involve high levels of flexibility and perhaps a paradigm shift in price-points and session lengths. No clear easy answer. Lucky for me I don't have to test my ideas.
  21. I think the body type here is a cross between a pup and a sugar cub. There are simply not enough categories.
  22. I was in Barcelona and Sitges in May. Sitges is very nice. However the last train from Sitges to Barcelona is 22:25, a hassle if a bear event occurs in the evening. For the train (RENFE) you also have to pre-select your departure time; they are not open tickets. A return fare is not much cheaper, so many people just purchase one-ways as they need. I do not think the train allows 'standing room'. There is a longer bus ride that runs all night from near the train station to various points in BCN, but then you also have to choose a place that you can get to from train and bus stations late at night in the city. I believe you can obtain a T-10 pass and I think it is Zone 3 to BCN-Sitges. However, I have not taken the bus. The day and night buses are two different companies and the final BCN destinations are different at night compared to day. There are virtually no Airbnb "entire place" options those dates in Sitges south of the train tracks. A quick Booking hotel search for the 11 nights in Sitges reveals exorbitant prices. The planning at this stage sounds daunting. I guess you had better check accommodations prospects before committing to a flight. Commuting will require much organizing and attentiveness. Catalunya has regulated stay platforms such as Airbnb. The inventory for entire place is lower and pricier than in the past. Renting a room in somebody's home has more flexible rules imposed by the gov't.
  23. Literally, as in the word literally (well, not literally or figuratively ... rather, actually) is an adverb, not an object as requested in the topic.
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