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Posts posted by hypothetically

  1. So what you’re saying is, all the people out of work right now...should have had an exit strategy or back up plan as well?


    Every person I know is out of work right now, except for factory/industrial type workers. Some can work from home, others are just wealthy by portfolio or other means. But I met a guy the other day who is a wedding planner. He saved over $300,000 in 10 years. He’s out of work and all his biz is being moved. I can’t even get a haircut because they shut the hair salons down. The vitamin shops are closed. It’s touching everyone, and like I said: only things weathering this is sex, liquor, and drugs (medications included)


    People I know who have had 2 and 3 jobs are also out of work. I don’t consider myself “stuck” in the business. I consider myself grateful to be able to still have a demand, that’s not determined by an employer’s need to lay-off or an order pertaining to large groups of people.


    Society right now has not taken into consideration the fact that there’s many people who were quasi-homeless prior to this situation. Where do people think all the people who lived in their car, or lived on the road traveling most of the month, or had no “permanent” address? Did they just vanish into thin air? Or are hotels opening their doors with free rooms and food to help people “stay in”? Not so.


    People need to realize you can’t plan for everything. Hind-sighting at guys who use escorting as their sole and reliable income, is a false sense of security. When I was in the hospital for 5 days last month, the only people who helped me out were 3 clients. 1 came to visit, 2 sent deposits for future sessions. If I were working a “side” job, I may or may not have even gotten sick pay, since this has been an issue even prior to COVID.



    I don’t consider relying on escorting to be a disadvantage. I feel it’s a valuable resource I’d like to hang on to for as long as I’m able to. I remember I had a client couple years ago in Orlando who suggested I get into the Vacation business. In order to “secure a better future for myself.” Well guess what. All that’s dead right now. All of Orlando and Las Vegas is dead right now because both economies rely heavily on tourism.


    What’s happening now is likely more than anyone could have truly planned for.



    ....wait. Is this @Mocha?

  2. Sex workers are not the largest "marginalized" group suffering, so please STOP this ridiculoius nonsense, and then circle back to me, so we can engage in an educated, balanced conversation. . .....


    I never said they were the largest marginalized group. I was implying marginalized groups that do sex work. Even then that does not mean “largest.” Don’t put words in my mouth please. I’m just going to have to disagree with you on this one. “Sorry.”

  3. And that's noones fault other than the individuals... People are people, and the "we are all in this together" attitude fits the narrative. Although I am sure you aint buying it ? It also still doesnt excuse escorts, like one on this site, from engaging in reckless behavior simply because he takes his temperature and it is Low...when he has been mandated to stop and brazenly ignores it. He's been in "the business" a long time, and if he hasnt prepared for this rainy day, that's HIS problem, not the problem of innocent people he might infect.



  4. I am not sure if you are saying the hardships of guys in "the business" are greater than others, and if you are that's quite dismissive of you. Writing a resume is simple. What to put on it reflects choices in life YOU made. Minimum wage workers who never went to college are in the same boat whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

    Minimum wage workers can file for unemployment. Minimum wage workers qualify for a stimulus check. Writing a resume IS simple, but point escorts in the direction of the slew of companies who will be hiring soon. Come on. What about all of the escorts, many of which are undocumented who have not filed taxes? I’m unsure how you’re trying to counter argue when I hear the struggles of my sex worker friends daily, many of which have not a single solution at hand when all many of you have to do is file for unemployment and ride this out, whether you’re making minimum wage or not. You’ve been furloughed? Tough shit, you and the entire nation. Some escorts have absolutely nothing rn. I am extremely grateful to not be in this position and my heart goes out to everyone during these trying times but “the struggle” isn’t quite the same.

  5. Actually sir, that should be the same advice for ANYONE in any business that doesn't have a backup plan for survival.... Like you told ME about staying in shape during the Quarantine, its up to ME to do so...Its solely MY responsibility... The "business" isnt exclusive.


    you’re still butthurt about the “staying in shape” thing huh? Sorry to hear.


    you are correct, but the topic at hand is SEX WORK, and I feel this message is substantially more important for those in THIS business (specifically those who have been doing it awhile). There is a difference between being exhausted saying, idk, waiting tables or teaching children, to survive, in contrast to having to fuck to survive. Apples to oranges champ. Additionally those who do it many years full time have no resume. I’m sure you have a resume in the event you wanted to part ways with your current career. If you want to start “How is Covid affecting your business” (the blue/white collar version) in The Lounge, by all means. But this is “Ask An Escort” and we are discussing the logistics of sex work and Covid. Be safe, wash your hands.

  6. Anyone know of a site to search for ftm providers? Haven’t had much luck on RM


    Per the conversations I’ve had with a couple of FTM sex workers abroad, sadly, they have not garnered a ton of traction in the business. It’s a very niche market, still considered “taboo,” and as you can imagine, a ton of stigma associated with being female-to-male and working in a predominately cis-male industry. It’s also a question of whether they should be on a site for cis men looking for cis men or on a trans-friendly site, and I don’t anticipate men want to fish through a slew of ads of trans women to find a trans man. There are apps like Transdr but primarily for dating, not hiring.

  7. this guys first pic said "stay home stay safe". yet the green button is on "available now". wtf!!! lol




    While misleading, "available now" doesn't always mean an escort is ready to teleport to your home.

    "Available now" = visibility, and what escort doesn't want to be seen knowing that everyone is at home twiddling their thumbs (and hopefully) garnering a huge "wishlist" for when this is over. He's calculated and smart.

  8. The use of EVERYONE was a broad stroke.

    Indeed it was. And I haven’t been in “the business” since before all of this began. I am, however, in health and wellness. If you “look like shit” after all of this, it’s a choice you made lol. The topic is "how will you stay in shape," not "how will you remain lazy."

  9. Don't stress over it... the bright side is that EVERYONE will look like shit when this is over, so YOU wont stand out for being out-of-shape...:confused:


    whoa whoa whoa, that’s more ambitious a statement than saying this will all pass within the next month. Many of us are still training. Not “everyone” is choosing to be sedentary while in confinement. Some Pull up bars and resistance bands are on back order because of the surge of purchases following the stay at home orders.

  10. Anguish? If you're feeling anguish, don't continue. Or, at least take another look at it; Refresh and Renew. :)


    I've been an escort longer than anyone currently working. I've never felt anything close to anguish. Elation, for sure. You have your own schedule, you're admired and appreciated daily, you travel, and you get to make others feel good.


    These are all things proven to enhance and maintain Mental Health.

    Escorting isn’t exactly that...peachy keen, but if you feel the aforementioned things outweigh the cons, and you’ve been able to “enjoy” your lengthy tenure, good for you. It’s a...calling, for some lol.

  11. Irresponsible, but factually correct.

    Good thing by my age, I have stopped caring about what young people like you think of me.


    k, just be sure to wash your hands after looking at all those big graphs, lol.

    (I think absolutely nothing of you, boomer, your comment, however). Be safe.

  12. Allegedly? Just some data...

    Data from Italy:


    Data from the US:


    Data from China:


    upload pic


    Yes, in theory, a young person that doesn’t have a preexisting condition could die of it. But statistically, it barely ever happens. There are a few cases, and the news insist on showing those to us, because it will scare everyone into staying home (probably a good thing the media are doing, btw).


    But let’s talk facts: Young people die on the road much more often than that. Yet, we let them drive. Maybe they shouldn’t, they are taking too much risk.


    However, boomers be very, very careful. Just look at the stats. This is clearly a boomer-killer plague.


    “but let’s talk facts:” many things kill young people (and old) at a much more staggering rate than Covid-19, but I’m not about to play chart solitaire with you.


    you can send me all the powerpoints and charts in the world, brava, I’m not saying I disagree with any points you made but...”grain of salt,” the situation in the U.S. has not reached its peak. 40% of the infections occurring here in New York are men 18-40. While my bet isn’t that young people are going to start dropping like flies, there is still a risk, period. I still stand by your comment being irresponsible, as young people need to be vigilante also. There is always copious room for “plot twists” in situations like these.

  13. If you are hiring these days, you might as well play Russian Roulette.


    If you are young and healthy, and get infected you are putting others at risk, but not really yourself.


    The bulk of those who are hiring are not “young & healthy” @Tarte Gogo..

    While the chances of someone younger becoming fatally ill from Covid are substantially lower than those 40-50+, there have been cases reported of young people dying with no underlying health conditions. I think it is irresponsible to say if you are “young and healthy” you are not putting yourself at risk. Just because the chances of me getting fatally ill are lower (allegedly), that doesn’t mean I’m going to welcome a virus to ravage my body and maybe pull through. Define a “healthy” 30-something, that’s relative.

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