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Posts posted by Boink

  1. 5 minutes ago, MikeBiDude said:

    The burner phone topic has come up before. I use the Burrner.app for the iPhone with much success. No provider has ever questioned its use…other than the occasional iPhone addict not understanding why my messages don’t look like iMessages 😉🤣

    I use the burner for a few reasons:

    • discretion
    • I don’t want my work/family phone to have provider conversations visible (the burner app has its own passcode feature)
    • On the rare occasion conversations go “bad” with a provider or seeking arrangement contact, I have the option to block and not get harassed 

    I’m sure burner numbers can be abused. But in the hands of a mature provider/client they are handy.

    I use mine to flake out, stalk, bother, and get myself off because I'm a shady, dishonest, insincere deadbeat.

  2. I've initiated chats with three providers. One of them has ignored me completely for reasons unknown.  The other two replied quickly, and happily shared their phone numbers. (Although one of them already had it listed on his profile.) Have had pleasant exchanges with both of them - I really think the chat helps break the ice.  I will take it to texting when I'm ready to engage.

    The only emails I ever get from RM is an alert when so-and-so left a message on the chat board or in messenger.

  3. 11 hours ago, Dante said:

    To me, the friendliness and genuineness are the most important thing, and I have on occasions met great clients who texted me from burners. By and large though, whatever the causation or correlation might be, more time wasters use burners than genuine clients, so yes, a burner number is indicative of time wasting. 

    So, using one wouldn't make me automatically ignore or block you, but using your real number will improve the impression you make. 

    And I would just add, there are enough time wasters out there that I wouldn't blame any escort for just being done with answering texts from burners, especially if they have plenty of business without it. 

    Thanks for your answer, Dante.  As for texting, I do feel that there are legitimate reasons why a client might use a burner number, and assuming they're all flakes or time wasters is painting with a pretty big brush.  I'm sure there are plenty of flakes out there who use a 'legitimate' number.  And I'd bet there are plenty of escorts who use burner numbers, too. 

    I'm really starting to resent the flakes out there who make it tough for us serious guys to make a deal.  🙂

  4. I should have specified in my original post do TEXTS from a burner number offend or set off alarms somehow?  I can kind of understand not wanting to answer a call from a blocked number (although if I were in the provider business I would expect a certain amount of that).  But is there anything about a friendly text from an unrecognized number that would cause you to ignore or block it?  Is that somehow indicative of insincerity or a likelihood of flaking?

  5. 5 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    Why don’t I like answering random calls? Because invariably the caller will ask about what happens etc and I’m usually not in a position to discuss all the details in case I’m overheard. Therefore I prefer that we arrange a time  via text and then I can make sure I’m somewhere discreet for a conversation.

    Totally agree! And it's the same reason I don't like making random calls.

  6. I saw this added to a provider's profile:  "Will not meet with nor reply to app generated telephone numbers".

    Are these numbers offensive somehow?  I didn't even know they were 'detectable' by the recipient.

    Could this be why a provider I've been trying to reach won't even respond to me?

  7. 13 minutes ago, marylander1940 said:

    you shouldn't trust just one negative comment on here over several positive reviews on RM, especially considering that since March only paying members can post reviews. 

    Some folks keep seeing the glass half empty. 


    You're right of course.  It is a weird instinct, isn't it?  It's just kind of jolting to find a fly in the delicious soup.

  8. 6 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    Written text, beyond the basic questions, is not viewable in the US. Text reviews certainly exist, but US viewers need to use a VPN (foreign proxy) to see them. 

    I do find the expansive written reviews thru a VPN interesting and helpful, although it seems ONLY 5 star reviews are posted.  But there are cases where there are DOZENS of ecstatic reviews for an escort on Rentmen, but ONE negative comment on this forum and somehow I trust that one comment here more than the dozens of raves on Rentmen. (Marcus_A is an example of that, albeit I know nothing about him personally.)

  9. I'm curious if, when an escort receives a polite introductory query about setting up an appointment either by text or the Rentmen messenger app, and the escort chooses not to respond or acknowledge the message at all, are they prone to delete the text or chat thread entirely right then and there?  Or might they keep the text or chat thread (or contact) 'alive' in their phone for possible future consideration. (Even if they never use it.)

  10. I'm interested in him, too.  I find all his porn super hot.  Right after that April 6 log-in on Rentmen, he traveled to Europe for the Grabby Awards.  I think when he does that, as in years past, he tends to loiter over there for over a month or more. (As evident on his Only Fans page.)  Might be why he hasn't logged on to RM in a while.  Hopefully he'll get back to work when he returns to LA.

  11. 3 hours ago, maninsoma said:

    If you get the station MeTV+ (available over the air in some markets and on some cableTV packages), you can revisit Robert Conrad's young, handsome self on Hawaiian Eye every weeknight.  I haven't seen the show until recently because it was before my time and it isn't a show that's been aired in syndication regularly, so it's been a treat for me to tune in and hope that the episode on that evening will have at least one scene with Robert getting out of the pool and standing shirtless for a while.  Robert still looked great on Wild Wild West -- hell, he looked great for decades after he shot Hawaiian Eye.  But he was absolutely stunning on Hawaiian Eye, with a combination of a hunky man's body with an almost "pretty" face. 

    I'm not quite old enough to remember this show, but I've read articles and seen some reruns.  There was a very similar concurrent show to Hawaiian Eye called 'Surfside Six' with a stunning young Van Williams doing, I assume, the same thing Robert Conrad did. I think it was set in Florida.



    van williams robert conrad.JPG

  12. 1 hour ago, sync said:

    Definitely thick, shapely legs (thick calves that begin at the ankles, then bulk outward then taper back into the knees, then bulk outward again forming thick thighs with defined hamstring development, then tapering into a tight butt.)

    tweets populairesWhy hello there - 2 - whotwi analyse graphique TwitterPin on Sexy hot men!Pin on men

    Also, when thighs and calves are veiny.

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