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Everything posted by Vegas_Millennial

  1. How do trees feel in the spring? Releaved
  2. I always carry a few postcards and postage stamps in my carry-on luggage, just in case the power goes out and I'm stranded or delayed away from home and need to communicate with my emergency contacts back home.
  3. It depends on the airport. Some airports are set up where each airline is responsible for the operation and maintenance within its terminal. This was the norm with older larger airports, notably JFK. McCarran Airport (LAS) pushed the envelope by having the Airport operate and maintain all of the facilities, and merely charging the airline per gate/counter they use. Today, most airports follow the McCarran model.
  4. That's happened to me many times, including from a massuer. They'd rather have the steady repeat business from a good customer then the one time infusion of extra cash. Someone refusing a tip gets brownie points from me. For most self employed providers, I don't tip because they set their own rate and that's factored into why I hire them. But I'll tip if they go over time, or accommodate my arriving late due to traffic, etc.
  5. You mean I've been giving blowjobs to my dentist as part of an oral exam for all these years, for nothing?
  6. For most of human history we used sundials. Egyptians measured time by 12 hours of daylight, and 12 hours of night. Summer hours of daylight were longer than winter hours. People just looked at where the shadow fell on the sundial, with 12 notches added to establish proportions of daytime. This meant that people who began work at 2nd hour of daylight, for example, would start later in the winter than in the summer. Therefore, if we're going to pursue the time keeping method used for most of human history, then keeping the shift from standard time to daylight saving time then back again is more natural than maintaining one time their the year, as it mimicks the start of the day as given by a sundial
  7. A reason your search may have failed to yield the desired results is "daylight" is one word. A multi-word phrase to describe the same thing would be "light of day". But now that you've found us, thanks for contributing! Do you look forward to businesses opening and closing an hour later during the winter, in relation to sunrise?
  8. When I find the love of my life, he'll know I hire and I'll know he escorts 😉
  9. Year round Daylight Saving Time has been tried before, with much complaints after people realize just how dark it is in the morning during winter. If implemented again, we'll be back to changing clocks again soon. https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/politics/permanent-daylight-saving-time-has-been-tried-before--and-it-didnt-go-well/ar-AAVaAbx?ocid=sapphireappshare
  10. Kids have it too easy today. When I was their age, my parents sent me to school in the dark, blindfolded, on nights with no moon.
  11. Massage therapy license requirements vary by state. For New York, visit: http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/mt/mtlic.htm
  12. School districts can cope by starting school an hour later in the winter. Basically, businesses and schools will create defacto time changes to be open when daylight serves them best. But it will no longer be coordinated nationwide or across all businesses within the community, thereby creating more hassles than if we just left the current system alone.
  13. Area 15 (not 51) is something to try. I've never been personally, but it's on my bucket list. It's about a mile west of the Treasure Island. It's supposed to be a funky, artsy, other-worldly "experience"....kind of like a sci-fi indoor shopping mall with food and odd experiences
  14. Less than one month! I'm saving my hundreds for the providers, and looking forward to seeing the whole group again!
  15. Thanks! Yeah, I've been better than ever once I gave up the nonsense of quarantining and masks. Early in the pandemic I began to suffer health issues from being sedentary and now having regular access to healthy foods and friendships. Once I resumed traveling internationally, hiring providers for massage and other activities, and going to events, I've lost a lot of excess weight and my health has improved dramatically. Still a long ways to go. I'll agree that the pandemic "cure" of prolonged lock downs and mask wearing caused more health damage to me than the times I cought the virus.
  16. I saw him in September 2021. My assessment is very similar: nice guy, very hot, good massage, great stretching, very enjoyable. I saw him twice on my trip to Chicago.
  17. Let's follow the science and the laws from the knowledgeable California leaders. I'll be there, regardless of others' vaccination or health status. Looking forward to a fabulous time!
  18. It is not tax free. I would obey the tax law 😇 and report the income. But I'd also charge much less than $100. I've settled for a 🥩 steak dinner, or taxi🚕 fare home, or a $10 bill 💵 thrown on my ass after he unloads in it 💦 . We've all paid for sex in one way or another, even if it's just buying dinner on the date. Back to the topic, I get checked for STIs every few months. If I test positive I notify my encounters by either giving the local health district their telephone number if I know it, or through a dating app if that's how we met. If it was just a guy I met at a bar or dark alley and didn't get his telephone number, then that person I can't contact. Hence why random hookups have the potential to spread STIs faster than paid providers who can be contacted when exposure is discovered.
  19. I've had sexual encounters with about 1,000 men (rounding to the nearest thousand). Let's say 800 were free and 200 were paid providers. I've had about 5 STIs. Some if not all of those were from the free encounters. I'll let you do the math to figure if STIs from paid providers are a common occurrence.
  20. I went to Johnson's twice last week: once on a crowded Saturday and once on a less crowded Tuesday. Saturday was too crowded to be enjoyable for me. Long waits for drinks, and not enough room for dancers to circulate through the crowd between sets. They could easily raise the cover charge on Saturdays to thin out the crowd. There may have been 200 men and 4 women in the audience, but the 4 women got most of the attention from the dancers, which are mostly straight. Tuesday crowds were more my style, but it still didn't seem as much fun as in the past. The club looks great, but the dancers appeared uninterested and were constantly going to the bar to count their tips and exchange bills in front of the customers. It's still a great club and I'm glad it's there for us to enjoy, but the dancers need a little coaching on how to work the room when not in stage. I'll be back next year
  21. I was in LeBoy last Wednesday for Ametuer night. It was fun, but the ametuers made me appreciate the professionals ;). Usually men on this forum complain about the dancers approaching them and asking them for tips. This was not the case with LeBoy. I actually had to approach the dancers, as very few were working the room. Still, it was a fun night and I'll be back on my next Ft Lauderdale visit
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