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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I've been watching the Jack Hunter series. Ivan Sergei is a delicious "Indiana Jones" type.
  2. I dunno. My motto is "real friends pay double". After all - they should know the loads...eh..value I bring! 😝
  3. I couldn't find a darn thing to watch on streaming, so went digging through old DVDs. Landed on Dante's Cove! Got the set, never watched it...now working my way through it. The guys are mouth-watering!!
  4. Take a look at the Money Girl podcasts, they are not bad, short and informative. I get them through iTunes/iPhone. On the other hand, if you are willing to spend a few dollars and a few hours, the Money Guy has a training course. Haven't taken it myself, but it sounds like it covers the basics. https://learn.moneyguy.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwdKmp7-M-QIVPGxvBB2LgQG4EAAYASABEgL5efD_BwE
  5. I am beginning to think the stock price for Disney may be down enough to start looking like value...pity about the dividend though. 🤔
  6. Have you considered making your own?? 😆 https://www.thesimpledollar.com/save-money/making-your-own-laundry-detergent-a-detailed-visual-guide/?fbclid=IwAR3V6iqbVa8W0JKzRd5846YczUHGn9TDaZ8lrbgPohicpCSQqfmGTfNEJYw Seems legit. 😋
  7. The story of how British Imperialism screwed up a country to get to it's riches. And laid the groundwork for what became apartheid South Africa.
  8. But was it worth it and would you repeat if offered the opportunity? 😁
  9. Please change your name to SirBillyGOAT! (I am jealous of your adventures!) 😃
  10. By your logic, you should stop wearing a seat belt and disable the airbags in your vehicle immediately - your natural reflexes are all you need. Natural adrenaline is best.
  11. Once you disengage your emotional response, stop cursing and start thinking you will realize that for sex workers it is not an option - they don't work, they don't make a living. Just because you have the luxury, doesn't mean everyone has.
  12. Abstinence has never been the solution folks think it is - even in the short run as a "step" it is of limited value for some folks who have commitments. And just because you are better informed than most about monkeypox, doesn't mean everyone is. What we need is for the vaccine to become available to all and to get the word out to everyone in our community to get it so we can stop the spread.
  13. New gym shorts: $30 New gym fee: $20 Getting smacked back into reality when you offend your neighbors: priceless! I am sure he will survive the life lesson. And will likely be a better person for it.
  14. I am a fan of Biscoff cookie crust - the alternative I use often is Maria cookies; usually when I am lookin for a more neutral flavor in the crust. 🥧
  15. I have a deep rooted appreciation for drag and drag queens. When I was a wee lad studying in Ireland, trying to find myself, I scraped together all my courage and dragged (pun intended!) myself over to a gay bar. The place looked a little seedy on the outside, not "the hottest gay joint in town", but the kind of low key place with a few locals, where a stranger can scope things out on the QT - just what I was looking for. Upon entry I was greeted by a beautifully dresses lady in drag. I had never seen teeth that white, lips that red or a gown so meticulously crafted out of red faux silk. She steered me towards the bar and settled me next to a local bloke. Big, bald, hairy, tattood, loud - the exact opposite of what I wanted, but just what I needed. He gave me one look and yelled at the barkeep: "Hey Giúiré - this one is too young for a pint of the black stuff!" The barkeep chuckled. The drag queen on stage (I later got to know him as Sammy), next to the bar interrupted her joke telling to glare at him and replied: "Don't you start on him Atticus - you manky old savage!" She floated off the stage, came over to say hello and said out loud, aiming for it to be overheard: "Hmm. Somebody throw me a life vest - I am about to drown in sea green eyes!" Then she winked at me and walked off. Someone from the other side commented:"I know whose keeping me warm tonight!" There I was, a too tall, too skinny, too insecure lad, blushing like I had never before. She stopped, turned to him and said: "Well, Sean, I am glad you are putting that Merino wool blanket I got you for Christmas to good use". Now the whole bar was paying attention. "Merino wool? You got it on sale at Tesco and left the tag on!" Sean complained. She gave him a brilliant smile and the whole bar laughed. They may have been a little drunk by that point. I didn't care. Suddenly I was part of the family.
  16. Dude! This makes 10 bumps in the past 24 hours!! It may be time to limit your screen time... 🙈
  17. @Coolwave35 I believe you are falling behind on your goal. Up and at 'em fella! 😋
  18. I get cruised sometimes at the store, at the park or even on the train. There was a time when I made full use of all opportunities, but nowadays I am a little more cir-CUM-spect. 😄 Hope you get a call back - good deeds should be rewarded!
  19. Good advice from @FrankR. I would only add that it is usually best to deal with these things sooner rather than later. They don't age well and tend to fester. 👍
  20. Met this young man earlier this week - fun and friendly guy with a great attitude. He doesn't host but was happy to come to my hotel in NYC. A little younger than I usually go for, but no regrets here. Ask for face pics - he is handsome but being discreet. I guess I would call his body "twinkish" and slim...he speaks softly and carries a big stick! English skills are great, very polite and had no problem communicating. Would definitely see him again. https://rentmen.eu/SlimBoy_BR
  21. I really liked the character of Chrisjen Avasarala - to really appreciate the character you need to read the books (especially book 3). Sadly she wasn't present in season 3. Hope she makes a comeback in the next season. 😎
  22. I was pleasantly surprised by how true they are being to the outline of the books it is based on. (At least up until now where I am, which is Season 3). Steven Strait is so hot too!
  23. Scott Speedman is still a hottie - he aged very nicely! Just saying... 😛
  24. We are all gullible in one shape or another - and we all have our vulnerable moments. Myself...I have an astonishing collection of "as seen on TV" merchandise that will be worth millions one day!! 😁
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