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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I don't see an active thread for Leo. https://rentmen.eu/LeoSweetwood His Rentmen ad was active earlier in August and he was on Grindr in NYC yesterday. Has anyone seen him recently? Last comments were back in 2018 and along the lines of "he has a bit of maturing to do - experience was meh". Hoping he has grown into a more mature provider... Comments on experience would be appreciated.
  2. Don't panic...it's organic!!
  3. Smallpox is a different topic. The USA has a large stockpile of smallpox vaccine available. That stockpile can be released on short notice in case of a bio attack - that is the "insurance" you are looking for. The smallpox vaccine in stockpile is not suitable for those with a compromised immune system (like gay/bi men with HIV). Which is why it was not released to combat the monkeypox outbreak which impacted gay/bi men for the most part. To date nobody in the USA has died from monkeypox.
  4. So let me see if I have this right. You expect a niche vaccine, to a non fatal disease, to be available to anyone who wants it at a moment's notice? 🤔 You need to seriously reconsider your expectations. But to make you feel better, here is a picture of Chris Evans. (Though I suspect whining and complaining makes folks feel better too.)
  5. My experience with him, about a year ago, in setting up an appointment was very interesting. His rate was higher than I would usually agree to but it was my birthday and I wanted to splurge. His OnlyFans videos are hot so I was motivated. Then he started to ask for more amenities. Black car only to bring him in from Stamford, CT (no cabs or ubers!) A room at the Equinox (the Courtyard won't do!) At that point I walked away. It wasnt only what he asked for but how he asked. My impression was that this young man still had some growing up to do. 🤷‍♂️. Maybe you will have better luck.
  6. I took in all your advice and decided to test his resolve. We went to the store and looked the socks over. He confirmed that he liked them and wanted them. So we walked over to the ATM and I pulled out the cash - it was a nice thick bundle of Benjamins. I handed it over to him and said: "Feel the cash in your hand. Now go feel those socks. Do you realllllyyy want to spend this money on those socks. The cash is yours, whatever you decide." We went back to the store and he promptly backed out!!! Dave Ramsey may be right - it hurts to spend cash, swiping a card it doesn't hurt like physical cash. I then took him down to Canal Street where he found knock off versions of the socks (and a few other items he liked) from the street vendors. Walked away having spent a fraction and still satisfied. Gonna let it sink in a bit and then we will have the "cost vs value" discussion. He's a smart young man - he will do okay! 😎
  7. If you are able to walk, it can't have been that great! 😜
  8. As my personal glam squad - I need your thoughts. 😁 One of my young friends asked for Louis Vuitton socks as a gift. I find them rather pretentious. Am I wrong in this - are they stylish in your book?
  9. My doctor told me that the efficacy is not affected by weight, so far as is known. (I am short and skinny, so asked about a lower dose). Blood pressure is probably a more important factor. Do speak with a medical professional before you make a decision.
  10. Wait... are they calling me FAT?? 🤭 My "underlying fat" is none of their business!! 😆
  11. You know the rules: on your 3rd bump you have to take one for the team, meet him and report back! 🙂
  12. I've been watching the Jack Hunter series. Ivan Sergei is a delicious "Indiana Jones" type.
  13. I dunno. My motto is "real friends pay double". After all - they should know the loads...eh..value I bring! 😝
  14. I couldn't find a darn thing to watch on streaming, so went digging through old DVDs. Landed on Dante's Cove! Got the set, never watched it...now working my way through it. The guys are mouth-watering!!
  15. Take a look at the Money Girl podcasts, they are not bad, short and informative. I get them through iTunes/iPhone. On the other hand, if you are willing to spend a few dollars and a few hours, the Money Guy has a training course. Haven't taken it myself, but it sounds like it covers the basics. https://learn.moneyguy.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwdKmp7-M-QIVPGxvBB2LgQG4EAAYASABEgL5efD_BwE
  16. I am beginning to think the stock price for Disney may be down enough to start looking like value...pity about the dividend though. 🤔
  17. Have you considered making your own?? 😆 https://www.thesimpledollar.com/save-money/making-your-own-laundry-detergent-a-detailed-visual-guide/?fbclid=IwAR3V6iqbVa8W0JKzRd5846YczUHGn9TDaZ8lrbgPohicpCSQqfmGTfNEJYw Seems legit. 😋
  18. The story of how British Imperialism screwed up a country to get to it's riches. And laid the groundwork for what became apartheid South Africa.
  19. But was it worth it and would you repeat if offered the opportunity? 😁
  20. Please change your name to SirBillyGOAT! (I am jealous of your adventures!) 😃
  21. By your logic, you should stop wearing a seat belt and disable the airbags in your vehicle immediately - your natural reflexes are all you need. Natural adrenaline is best.
  22. Once you disengage your emotional response, stop cursing and start thinking you will realize that for sex workers it is not an option - they don't work, they don't make a living. Just because you have the luxury, doesn't mean everyone has.
  23. Abstinence has never been the solution folks think it is - even in the short run as a "step" it is of limited value for some folks who have commitments. And just because you are better informed than most about monkeypox, doesn't mean everyone is. What we need is for the vaccine to become available to all and to get the word out to everyone in our community to get it so we can stop the spread.
  24. New gym shorts: $30 New gym fee: $20 Getting smacked back into reality when you offend your neighbors: priceless! I am sure he will survive the life lesson. And will likely be a better person for it.
  25. I am a fan of Biscoff cookie crust - the alternative I use often is Maria cookies; usually when I am lookin for a more neutral flavor in the crust. 🥧
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