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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. America is entirely too stupid to adopt this idea. People don’t really understand what civil liberties are, and will risk their lives (and others), for their false sense of “my body, my choice”. At the least: Hospitals should stop treating those who catch COVID, but are not vaccinated. All enclosed public spaces should require proof of vaccination. Employers should require vaccinations as well.
  2. I respectfully somewhat disagree. On Scruff and Grindr there are plenty of guys, offering free “door open, blindfolded, cum dumpster services”, without any concern of whether they’re attracted to them or not.
  3. Just because someone asks you a question, doesn’t mean that they are entitled to an answer. The next time someone asks you what you do for a living, simply tell them that you WORK for a living. if they push further, ask them do they pay your bills. case closed.
  4. People need to stop trying to tie what people do for a living, to what type of person they are in character.
  5. That’s exactly the point… to be vague, and ignite judgments and random assumptions from the person inquiring. That will reveal more about them, than what they are trying to find out about you…. 😉
  6. One more note about revealing what you do for a living…and this goes for everyone in any profession: When someone asks you the “what do you do”, questions in the initial phase of social interaction, examine WHY they are asking you these questions, and try to remember how judgmental, elitist, vapid and opportunistic people can be. When people starting asking such superficial questions, they are trying to build an image of you, to make a determination as if you’re “good enough” for them to socially interact with. A lot of people confuse professions, degrees, and other resume-building accomplishments, with CHARACTER. Don’t fall into that trap.
  7. Guys in general are just idiots… The same guys who will shame a sex worker for running a professional/lucrative operation, will be in an open relationship, sitting on every random dick they can find…. For FREE…
  8. You don’t owe anyone details about your profession, period. Regardless of the type of profession you’re in. Further, you had about 3 encounters with this guy. He’s reaching far with demanding what aspects of your life you need to disclose to him. Be very careful of people who inquire a lot of information about you. If you feel inclined to share “what you do”, for a living, sum it up to “independent sales consultancy”, and keep it moving.
  9. If a masseur is charging $200 bucks for a massage, he has the money to invest in a table, and to rent tables when he’s traveling. No excuse for having a massage on a bed.
  10. They’re absolutely traceable (but not to a regular Joe Schmo you’re generally communicating with) You literally have to sign in to your Google account (the account that actually identifies you, and connect you with your IP address), to create a Google voice account. it’s basically like the modern advanced version of *67. It provides a layer of anonymity to the person you’re communicating with, but everything behind the scenes connects it directly to you.
  11. To communicate with anyone outside of family and very close friends, I use an app called “TextFree”. It’s totally free and gives me an anonymous phone number number that I can text from, receive and give calls from too. Always remember that your main cell phone-land line numbers that you have accounts with from those major providers, are the numbers you use on your bills, in stores, and even on business-related applications. Adding the fact that phone companies sell your data, you’d be amazed (and disturbed) at what would pop up if you simply googled your own phone number. There’s a way to remove certain things about your from Google searches (actually though Google), but it’s tedious and requires lots of follow up. I only know because I did this for myself, after googling my personal cell phone number.
  12. If this guy doesn’t intend to ever meet these potential Clients, he can literally reach out to 500 guys in a day, get a $5.00 deposit from each of them, and literally make $2,500.00 in one day… Think of it as being similar to those embezzlement scams, where someone has some trick code to thousands of bank accounts and nips .03 cents from each of their checking accounts randomly. The customer will never notice the small amount, but for the scammer, those numbers exponentially add up.
  13. My issue with that is this: from looking at the video (which was HOT in my opinion), and the fact that the erotic box was not checked… would indicate that the massage is not going to be one where one is going to get a very “happy” experience. More than likely, a prospective client is going to get the “sexy guy classic”: A rub, with a brand new set of blue balls.
  14. The first two words of his profile said enough for me: “Eastern European”… Fool me once, shame on you…. Fool me twice, shame on me… Those Eastern European guys are always hot, but many of them are slick and full of games…
  15. Bumping one more time, to see if anyone has had a massage by this guy.
  16. So how was your overall experience with him?
  17. I’m going to pick at you for a second just to make a point…. (so don’t be offended). You were able to adhere to a scheduled time and date for a dinner with friends (at least some time in advance); why would it be so problematic to have the same consideration for a masseur? 🧐
  18. I always plan/schedule in advance. My favorite massage guys are travelers and let me know in-advance when they are coming to town. Also, it’s a personality thing. I like making reservations for everything (restaurants, massages, movies, etc.) and being prepared for everything, especially when it comes to being considerate of someone else’s schedule.
  19. I think there’s a disconnect in what we are all defining as “equality”, in relationships.
  20. Yes, they are. Those transactions could be: money, shelter, clout, validation, self-esteem, or even codependency. In every relationship, someone is giving something, and someone is receiving something. Those are transactions .
  21. Once I was around 25 (now 42), I came to the following conclusions about all types of relationships…. (Intimate, friendship, business) 1.) Most relationships are transactional. One party has a need, and the other has the “supply”. Once one party either stops their need or ability to supply, the relationship will soon develop issues and will be on the road to the end. 2.) In a lot of intimate relationships, people aren’t looking for love, they are looking for help. Whether it’s emotional, psychological, or material; there’s usually one half who is lacking in something, and the other who feels that they can either help, cope, or fix. 3.) All relationships require compromise. In every relationship, someone has compromised some part of their beliefs, values, wants and desires, for the sake of the relationship. In every relationship, someone is going along with something they don’t want to do. 4.) More people are in relationships for the purpose of validating themselves by being in a relationship, than actually their “love”, for their partner. Loneliness, societal pressure, and insecurities will push many people into relationships. And finally… 5.) What most people present to the world in their relationships isn’t real. what’s presented is staged. What goes on behind closed doors is a lot of dysfunction, issues, and conflict. And the reason is simple: Most people are dysfunctional, have issues, and create conflict. It’s just a part of the cycle of human nature.
  22. I’ve had one done with a rentmasseur, and it was just not a feasible situation: 1.) we’re both trying to maneuver in the shower, and 2.) the product wasn’t “spa” grade either. It’s just better to get those type of body treatments in a spa.
  23. How was the body scrub? I’m long overdue for a full exfoliation.
  24. I’ve hired him before and he didn’t smell bad at all. My biggest issue was the product that he used to massage me with. I personally prefer some type of oil (coconut/almond/etc.) I’m thinking that the B.O. issue might be due to him being heavily booked, and not being able to shower in-between sessions. So based on your timing, you’ll either get the “fresh” version, or the “funky” version. And keep in mind that for every guy who prefers “shower fresh”, there will be others that will prefer some “pheromones”.
  25. Never mind. Met him, and left. pictures are EXTREMELY MISLEADING. It’s him, but pics are extremely outdated. extreme catfish.
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