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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. I think it’s okay to make the request. I also think it would be okay for the said escort to charge you a nice, additional, hefty “specialized grooming request” fee, too ?
  2. Someone passed away for Christ’s sake. Let’s have some level of decency here.
  3. Im sorry that you experienced such blatant disrespect. Those two assholes are part of many reasons why I’m the misanthrope that I am. Fuck both of them.
  4. LMAO!!!! This is one of your funniest comments ever!!! ????
  5. He’s contacting him for both. He could easily provide him a massage, and get paid, without the sex.
  6. I never implied that the said masseur wanted to date the client. I simply said that he enjoyed the sex.
  7. I think he likes the money, BUT he likes the sex too. Otherwise, he’d just offer him the massages (without the sex).
  8. B.L.U.F. If the dude is contacting YOU for sex, you shouldn’t be paying for it.
  9. From the sounds of things, he should be paying YOU. Give him your rates and availabilities, and see how he responds. ???
  10. If someone has an issue with the size of your dick, on to someone who doesn’t have an issue with the size of your dick. By all means, do NOT get any surgeries for the sake of seeking validation or approval from others.
  11. Absolutely!!! Your investments were definitely risky, but the reward was certainly greater. I always think of a similar story I read in a local Gay publication years ago, where a man bought an abandoned building , right on Logan Circle, which used to be a “hotel”, that rented “by the hour”, for either streetwalkers, or for crackheads to have a place to “squat , smoke & party”, He endured burglaries, being robbed at gun point, and from his survival, now, every unit is worth over $1M, and the actual circle that’s right at his window (that used to be a crime ridden, drug circle) is now a renovated park, where children are playing and people are doing yoga outside.
  12. WOW!!!!! you made some GREAT PICKS!!! I think you’d enjoy this photographer’s site: https://www.michaelhorsley.com/archive It literally provides a visual history of what those areas were like, before they revitalized. Enjoy!!!
  13. Clarification: Did the providers specifically offer the erotic services? (i.e. a disclaimer prior to the massage, informing you that there are erotic options available), or was this a situation, where your expectations were the same as they’ve always been, and turned erotic, to your surprise? This is an important question, as both situations kinda lean towards the idea, that these erotic services were established for YOU, and not to be shared publicly. Hence, YMMV....
  14. Greetings Guys: Giovannimuscle is in DC for a few days andwas Wondering if anyone has had any experience with him. https://rentmasseur.com/Giovannimuscle Please feel free to share, or PM me directly. Thanks!!
  15. Most of these luxury watches hold their value, so I don’t see anything wrong with having them.
  16. Well I’ll give him his due credit for his body transformation. I’ll also take that credit back, for using that body to snooker suckers into booking “massages”, from him.
  17. Well... It’s a combination of things... looks, is what people use to visually “pass”, as white, and obtain acceptance into whiteness. But, in addition to skin color (specifically in America) being “white”, was about specifically being a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Any group outside of that obtained major discrimination, to include Jews, The Irish, and the Italian immigrants. However, through social integration,last name changes to create new identities, mixing in procreation, and literally physical alterations (nose jobs, etc.) through the generations, many of these ethnics, merged into official whiteness and became part of the white race. In current times, history is somewhat repeating itself, as we see similarities with Latinos. Many Latinos shocked the world when voting for Trump, and being staunch republicans. Many Latinos identify as “white” (or at least “white Latinos”) , in national census statistics. Combine that with interracial breeding and mixing, they are working steadfastly to become the next grouping of ethnics, to join official whiteness.
  18. This is a deeper, yet eye opening topic, that goes further into to controversial topic race, specifically how the idea of race has changed over the years, where being “white”, meant something very specific, and a lot of people who are considered to be “white” now, weren’t always.....
  19. Every damn comment you post, makes me wonder if we were separated at birth. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
  20. In the search, type in “Ivo at Rev*ve”, and a thread about him, and similar DC masseurs will come up. From what I’ve gathered: 1.) excellent therapeutic massage 2.) no sensual elements or extras. 3.) You’ll always anticipate more but never get it Traditional “blue-ball” special.
  21. Well Unicorn, Guess what? We’re having a very engaging conversation, and are able to see each other’s way of thinking, and we didn’t have to ask each other any of those questions.... ? We didn’t need to define each other’s educational, career, or socio-economic “status”, to exchange ideas. The truth is that none of us don’t.
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