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Posts posted by FrankR

  1. 8 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I'm so confused.

    I clicked on the link and there's some dude who looks iike he's in his late 60s.

    Are we talking about the same person?

    Maybe I should start escorting because this guy would have to pay ME to fuck him .


    7 hours ago, FrankR said:

    Exaggerate much? 


    29 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Frequently. Yes.

    But in all seriousness...did you post the correct link ? You were discussing a former twink with a "chiseled body" and this link leads you to some old, bald guy who looks like a trailer trash meth-head.

    I’m so confused. I didnt post any links or mention his appearance. Chiseled or not.  Find it hard to reconcile your suggested age of 60 with the pictures - looks like a regular “40-something” guy. 

    If that is “60”, I look forward to it. Havent met the guy so cant speak to actual appearance and witholding judgement.

    The comment (“this link leads you to some old, bald guy who looks like a trailer trash meth-head”)  makes you sound like a 19 year old sorority girl gossiping.

  2. 3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    Granted, some of these photos were uploaded up to 4 years ago (some more recent). Even then, this man's profile lists himself as 34. If he looked this good at 30 or 31, he's doing well. I'd want to verify the accuracy of his photos, but the fact that he looks so good in his 30s is a turn-on for me.


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Vilnius, Lithuania - Razielcik: PHENOMENAL GOD LEVEL WORLDWIDE MASSAGE ARTIST


    “God level” you say! Lol

    I remember when it was the fashionable thing for masseurs to do youtube verification videos, years ago before the whole Rentboy/Backpages/Fosta thing.  

    Some of the masseurs gave you a good look! You can still find some of them on Youtube. Search for: masseurfinder nyc


  3. I have decided to do away with all my DVDs - if anyone wants my selection of Vista Videos please send me a direct message. Will happily send them to you.  Please do consult your physician before watching them tho - your eyes may fall out and you may experience light-headedness as blood rushes to other, expanding,  heavy-headed, parts of the body!


  4. 14 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

    Last night, I was having dinner with four other people at an Italian restaurant which had some TV's around the room. I saw Roger Federer playing tennis on one of the TV's, and I said "That can't be a game going on now, can it? Roger Federer's got to be at least 40 years old! Any of you know how old he is?". When no one responded, I pulled out my phone and said "Hey, Siri. How old is Roger Federer?". Siri responded "Roger Federer is 42 years old." Everyone else at the table started to crack up laughing. "You're the only person who uses Siri," one said. Siri seems like a quick, easy way to get this kind of information. Is using Siri really that odd?

    I dont use any of them. Find it creepy that you have this machine listening to you 24/7. And probably storing much of what it hears, including information I would consider private. If I need information, I just google it. 🤷‍♂️

  5. On 8/1/2023 at 11:40 AM, MikePDNA51 said:

    RentMasseur and Hunqz were beat websites for Lisbon. I met up with about 5 guys over two weeks, all except one smoked. Met guys on Grindr and Tindr. American Massuer on vacation was only non smoker. Must have a no smoking in profile before meeting up. Check out area around Sunrise Spin Class, if can find a guy in spin class he probably does not smoke and 75% chance gay. Sights in Lisbon were more interesting than massage. Eat/ Drink: apple juice, raspberries, steak and fruit.

    Are you aware of any bathhouses worth exploring in Lisbon. Like the famous Thermas in Barcelona…  Since many of the Brazilians I know enjoy that scene, speak the local language and visit frequently - could be a fun spot…

  6. 40 minutes ago, NyGold said:

    If it were my bf or hookup in this context - I might agree. But Isn’t this rather like saying a doctor or dentist or lawyer had a bad day so despite paying them for services advertised / promised / expected I shouldn’t be complaining about them if they failed in the task at hand?

    we hear from providers they want respect as professionals.

    Let them be judged to professional standards.


    I dont think anyone is saying you cant give a professional (doctor/lawyer) a bad review. But it is not a good comparison. And context is important. A doctor/lawyer can have a bad day and still provide adequate service - it is rather different when it comes to…getting it up.  Keep in mind professional standards differ between various professions, lets first agree on what professional standards should look like for eecorts before we judge. No doctor would want to be judged by lawyer standards, nor would an escort want lawyer standards (though both are arguably hired to screw someone!) 🤭

  7. 1 hour ago, Lucky said:

    I lost the main tree in the front yard. Cost of removal?


    Two sticks of dynamite - $20

    Box of matches - $0.50

    Glad extra strong garbage bags - $4

    The look on your neighbors’ faces when they realize exactly how you got rid of that tree…priceless!! 😆

  8. 20 minutes ago, Cooper said:

    Everyday I’m reading horror stories of how unsuspecting people’s life savings are stolen right from their bank accounts.

    Today there was a story of a young couple saving for a wedding. A call from their bank (caller ID said Chase)  asking if they made any wire transfers from this account (caller had acc’t number & SS#). The couple had no reason to believe this was a scam. To reverse these transfers they were told they had to wire it back to their account. Next thing they knew, all their savings were gone. They had been scammed. Chase declined to help because they had authorized this wire transfer. 

    What can people do to avoid these scams. The story went on to say if you get a call from a bank or money institution, hang up and call the bank to confirm. 

    Have any of you received suspicious calls like these? Did you ever lose any money? If so, what action did you take. 

    I have gotten calls from banks, the IRS and Amazon - all scams.  My standard advice to friends, clients and my parents: don’t talk to anyone that calls you or email you. Dead stop. Call the number on the back of your card or the number on your statement. Have them do a proper authentication before you discuss any details.

  9. 2 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    never heard of "destination fee" and "urban amenities" fee........and they're charged in addition to the now-common "resort fee"?......I wonder how they defend these other fees (i.e.  what do they supposedly cover?)....... 

    They dont even try to defend it - in some cases you dont find out about these fees until you check in. Happened to me in Washington DC at a Marriott. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, colonexstacy said:

    Okay then how about if I politely tell you to take a seat. You know I really don't need you or anyone else on this damn site pardon my sorry ass for trying to lighten the mood. I wrote something that I thought was funny and if you want to tell me I'm not funny you do have that right and I have the right to tell you how condescending I think you are you do not tell me how I behave with anybody. It is so easy isn't it just sitting hide behind your little keyboard to tell people how they should conduct themselves and I march to my own God damn drum. 

    I am not in a good mood because I'm dealing with side effects from chemotherapy and I am going through hell and instead of coming to the side one to constantly read about the misgivings or the givens of the providers I tried to write a thread the other day that I thought would be fun because I always found it interesting that these guys in the reviews always saved at his pictures don't do him justice. I am just so angry right now thank you for making my day thank you thank you thank you and everybody else that wants to come at me go ahead bring it bring it bring it God damn it

    May harmony find you. 🤦‍♂️

  11. 8 minutes ago, colonexstacy said:

    Well first of all may I suggest that my behavior is not conducive whatsoever to whatever standards you desire of me.

    I have received notifications this week a-plenty regarding people who have been messaging me from other topics regarding various providers in which I have communicated my past experience with them. Now you will not believe me, and again that is certainly not my  insomnia inducing concern, but for the record for those who still slightly  hold my existence as one worth to continue the engagement of breathing I would like to state that today is the first time I had a notification of this post whereas previously I wondered why there had been no response. And for some reason even I could not find the post. And I thought perhaps it was deleted because it was not a subject of any particular provider. Now sit down.

    You are trying to be funny - I get that. It’s not coming across as funny.  Telling other forum members to “now sit down” as if they are children on the school grounds is condescending.  Instead of being snarky - consider exercising the discipline to follow your own threads so polite discourse can take place. That is, I assume, what you were aiming for when you creates the thread? 

  12. 8 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    Well, again, yes and no.

    Yes.  You're right that if you bought Coke stock in 1980 and sold it today, it went from a split-adjusted price of $1 to about $60.  Not bad.  And you got dividends along the way, which as of now are about 3 % a year.  As I said above, my calculation of Berkshire's annualized return of 38 % a year compounded from 1980 to 1998 was crude.  Because I didn't even include dividends.

    No.  Coke is an excellent example of my point above.  If you bought Coke for $44 in 1998, at a peak, it took about 15 years for the stock to simply be worth what you first bought it for.  Again, there's dividends along the way.  But that's a long dry run for Coke if you're simply counting on dividends.


    If we are talking Buffet-level wealth, the other thing that has to be factored in is capital gains taxes.  It certainly makes no sense to pay short term capital gains rates by gaming a stock like KO every year.  In large part because there's no reason to sell a stock like Coke when the stock price keeps going up.  On the other hand, if you'd owned it for a decade and you thought it was topping in 1998 it could make sense to pay long term capital gains and get out and invest in something else.  You'd have had 15 year to try "something else" and you could still buy it back for the same price.

    Stanley Druckenmiller is a good example of an alternative billionaire strategy.  His idea is to jump from one asset type to another.  If Coke ain't working for you, buy gold.   He's made money every year.

    I'm not arguing against Buffet.  Quite the opposite.  My best investments have all been buy and hold real estate.  And that works nicely because of the leverage of using the bank's money on a mortgage paid by tenants to gain appreciation. 

    When I first started trading stocks in 2000 I got the wrong impression, precisely because of what I pointed out above.  In January 2000 buying Coke or Procter & Gamble was a bad idea.  You wanted to buy some worthless biotech or .com company and make 100 % in a month or so.  For some strange reason, that didn't last long.  So what I eventually figured out is that it's better to view stocks like little homes.  The more expensive, like Apple, usually the better.  Although Berkshire itself costs more than most people's homes.


    I posted that chart from John Hussman earlier in the thread.  It's worth a repeat on this point of buy and hold.  The debate I've been having with my nephew, who is skeptical about how long this bull market will last, is whether at some point it will just makes sense to buy Treasuries instead.  The red line shows the annual return of the S & P 500 over Treasury bonds.  Obviously, in most years going back a century it is better to invest in stocks rather than bonds.

    Hussman is an excellent example of how to totally fuck up long-term investing.  As I cited in a post above, he has been arguing since 2014 that the market is overvalued and it's time to get out.  As his blue line "risk premium model" above shows.  So he has the great distinction of being wrong and having crappy returns pretty much every year for a decade.  I'd listen to Buffet instead.

    The issue as I see it is if it is 1998 or 2000, and stocks like Intel or Coke, let alone Pets.com, having been going up like a skyrocket, maybe it is time to get out of a long term trade.  And buy Treasuries, or something else.  We now know that would have been a smart move in 2000.  But by 2002 it was better to buy stocks again for years to come.

    And in 2022, thanks to inflation, we also learned that even though it may have made sense to sell stocks and buy Treasuries, it turned out they both sucked.   Basically, inflation sucks.

    So, yes.  It's always smartest to be like Buffet as Plan A.  That said, I know my nephew is simply praying the rally lasts til Fall so he can cash out a 300  or 400 or 500 % gain, or whatever it is at that point, pay capital gains tax on a huge tech stock win at the long term rate, and try Plan B.  Fucking Millennials!  No patience.  They always want it now.

    You may find this interesting…



  13. 2 hours ago, Just Sayin said:

    An ad appeared on Rentmen for a cute guy yesterday; it has disappeared now; his name started with a C and ended with lopez or lopes and he had an area code 352 number; I messaged him on the RM app and when I asked him where he was, he asked for my ZIP code; when I gave that to him, he gave me the address of a nearby hotel; he also wanted a deposit for one-half of his fee, which I declined.

    I thought this was odd, because he told me that the deposit was for his "manager" or something similar; I decided to text him several hours later; he asked me my ZIP code again, and I gave him a different one, and he gave me the address of a hotel in a different area; he again asked for a deposit, and I told him that I was sorry, that I only had cash. His last text to me several hours later was "did you understand me?"

    Have others experienced this?

    There is a young, blond guy in NYC doing the same thing on Grindr. Buyer beware. 

  14. On 6/21/2023 at 8:47 PM, nate_sf said:

    … and yet new stores that are being opened are not covered in the news. Just the closures, only the bad news. 

    We locals are bewildered by all this negative national coverage. Yes there are problems but the media is going out of its way to paint a dire picture, and it just ain’t so. It is not dangerous here, and the vast majority of the city looks great. Westfield is offloading all of their US properties in the next year, but it’s San Francisco Centre that makes the news. I guess reporting on Westfield turning its malls back to the lenders in places like Tampa Bay doesn’t fit the narrative. 

    You are not wrong. Even CNBC is noe saying that previous reports by media AND management of retail stores about how bad theft or “shrinkage” has been…has been overblown. “It is a crutch to obscure internal challenges”


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