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Posts posted by Epigonos

  1. My major problem with these food delivery services is that I find the food bland.  I realize that when they are preparing meals for a wide selection of people they must be careful with spicing.  I have over thirty different spices and herbs in my kitchen which I use to prepare interesting well spiced meals.  I have no problem with the specific items they prepare as I enjoy eating just about everything; the one exception being that I loathe, hate, and detest okra - I absolutely refuse to eat it.  I have, in the end, come to the conclusion that I enjoy preparing my own food so much that these services won't work for me. 


    Many thanks to all who were able to attend the Palm Sp;rings.  II was so great renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.  I honestly believe this was the best one ever.  Loved the idea of having breakfast Monday morning at Rick;'s -- great way to bring closure to the festivities.  A special thanks goes to DavidSF for hosting the Friday afternoon get together at his lovely home.  Oliver, as always, did an incredible job organizing and directing the entire event

    Sorry to be a wet blanket but I taught in a public high school for over thirty five years.  During every faculty only event we were forced to wear name tags - I absolutely HATED them.  Thus the year we start wearing name tags at the Palm Springs Weekend is the year I WILL NOT be there. 

  3. Well, my menu is set for the Sunday Pool Event, and I have, just about, completed the prep work for everything and am about ready to pack up and hit the road for Palm Springs.  For those interested here is what to expect to see from me on the table: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Dates, Cantonese Style Won Tons, Cajun Turkey Rolls, Caprese Salad Skewers, Chicken Wings with Roquefort Dressing, Crab Rangoon’s, Party Cheese Bread, Sausage and Spinach-Stuffed Mushrooms, Sloppy Joe Sliders, Steak Bites with Chimichurri Sauce, Teriyaki Meatballs, and the stupid fucking Deviled Eggs. 

  4. Lucky I can’t imagine anybody criticizing you for wearing a mask at the Pool Party.  I have in most instances, both indoors and outdoors, stopped wearing a mask.  I’m older than you are but I do not have any major health issues.  When I go shopping I still see  people wearing masks.  That is certainly their choice and I respect their right to do so as long as they respect my right to not do so.  I’m very much looking forward to seeing you after such a long hiatus and I could care less whether or not you wear a mask.  See you Sunday.   

  5. I totally agree with KeepItReal regarding getting together with boyfriends.  I've done numerous three-way and two of the worst escort experience I've ever had was with two sets of boyfriends.  They wanted me in the middle and refused to play with each other during the entire session.  Awkward is the exactly the correct word.  I've always found that what works best is if I plan the three-way with a guy I know and have played with, and we choreograph the session together. 

  6. I was supposed to meet with him a couple of months ago.  He called and in something of a panic said he was in the middle of some type of crisis (he didn't explain and I didn't ask) and would have to cancel.  Tried to contact him recently to inquire how he was doing but received no response. 

  7. Newport Beach is "terribly - terribly" Southern California, Orange County upper middle class plastic.  You are not likely to find many escorts hanging out there.  I suggest you look in the Orange County, the Long Beach or the Los Angeles category/areas and see if a guy, you find appealing, will drive out to Newport Beach to meet you. 

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