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Everything posted by Epigonos

  1. Any 411 on this Palm Springs guy: https://rent.men/LakotaMornStar
  2. After I sent him a text stating that $425 was beyond my budget he responded asking what my budget was. I NEVER negotiate with an escort regarding his fee. If his initial fee is beyond what I'm willing to pay I thank him and sign off.
  3. Contacted him about getting together. Responded quickly he wants $425 an hour to get together. That is more than I am willing to pay so I thanked him for his time and wished him the best of luck.
  4. Saw them, for the first time, in a Christmas Shop when I was in New Orleans several months ago. Though they were cuter than hell and bought two of them for women friends. Both women though they were an absolutely hoot.
  5. I've never considered myself good partner or spouse material. I'm far to selfish, self centered, and controlling. I usually have the attitude that it's my way or the highway. The truth is I'm totally happy being alone. Don't get me wrong I enjoy being around people but on my terms. Being a public high school teacher for thirty-six years and please believe me I loved nearly every minute of it, I also, at the end of the day looked forward to coming home and enjoying the peace and quite and my own company so I could recharge my batteries for the next day.
  6. I'm willing to pay what I do for my medical for TWO MAJOR REASONS. 1.) I get to select the physicians I choose not depend on the roll of the dice in some system that assigns physicians to patients randomly, and 2.) I don't have extremely long waits to set-up procedures like knee replacements, which are deemed elective, simply because I'm old.
  7. If you are tired of long waits for appointments with doctors in both private practice and HMO's you might want to consider a MDVIP Concierge Physician if one is available in your area. If you sign-up with one you are guaranteed a minimum half hour appointment within forty-eight (48) hours of calling. You are also provided with the physicians personal cell phone number in case of emergency. These doctors will work with any specialists you wish to use and will assist you with appointments with your chosen specialist. I love the system. Now cost - I pay over and above my medicare B and D and my Anthem Blue Cross Supplement about $2,000.00 a year. Fortunately I can afford it and I absolutely love it.
  8. The Medicare Advantage Program does function like an HMO thus you are required to use a network of physicians. He does provide numerous different services. I have friends who make a point of using all the available serves provided every year even if they don't need them. Medicare Advantage is incredibly costly and is the major reason why the entire Medicare program is facing insolvency. I have always refused to use an HMO thus I have a costly Anthem Blue Cross supplemental plan. I'm a fanatic when it comes to researching medical services I need. With my plan I can use any physician who take medicare. Thus my orthopedist (knee replacement) is located in Santa Monica, my urologist (enlarged benign prostrate) is associated with the City of Hope and is located in Pasadena. My primary concierge physician (everyday needs) is located in Brea, and my ears/nose and throat physician is located in Fullerton. Fortunately I'm able to afford a plan than allows me to pick and choose the best of the best regardless of where they are located.
  9. To All! Have a wonderful, safe, and hardy Thanksgiving.
  10. Christmas is totally insane at my place. Christmas was always “the holiday” that my family celebrated with gusto. My mother was absolutely nuts about Christmas and my sister and I both inherited her love of it. My sister’s decorations were based around snowmen and mine around Santa Clauses. Over the years I have collected dozens of hand carved Santa Clauses from all over the world. I have so much Christmas “stuff” that I have to rent a storage unit to store it all. On the day I bring all my decorations from the storage unit I rent a pick-up truck to expedite the process. Once I have all my decorations on site it takes me approximately three weeks to completely decorate my 1200 sq. ft. condo. Besides decorating a large wall unit and several cupbord tops I put up four six-foot artificial trees each based on a different theme. I start the second week of October and usually finish at the end of the first week of November. Once my place is decorated to my satisfaction, I usually take off for Puerto Vallarta to rest and relax before I start cooking for the holidays. Once home, I bake twenty cakes from an old family recipe which I give to friends and family. I also start preparing food for the three or four Christmas Party’s I host. ----- damn – Damn – DAMN I love Christmas. Last Christmas, 2020, was a total bummer. My sister had recently passed away and we weren't supposed to have guests in our homes. In a major funk I didn't put up a single decoration.
  11. I'm going to take a lot of heat on this one from several posters. I've just returned from a four day trip to Arizona. I spent two days in Phoenix and two days in Sedona. As far as I'm concerned Sedona is one of the most overrated places in the world. Yes it is beautiful. Yes it has lots of hiking trails, if you're into hiking. Yes it has several fancy spas, if you're into that. It used to have several outstanding Southwest Native American Arts and Crafts galleries but only Garland's remains. The place is now full of T.T's (Tourist Traps) selling T-shirts and other junk. Thus when all is said and done after a day or two two the place is boring and expensive.
  12. I got together with him only once -- to my extreme sorrow. Was one of my best experiences with an escort ever. We went out to a fantastic dinner and then returned to his place for two hours of VERY intense fun and games. He was in great physical shape and looked exactly like the photos in this thread. He was very participatory and totally into the session -- damn he was fun. I tried many times to get together with him again but our schedules just didn't mesh.
  13. Very true WilliamM I did indeed miss ALL the concerts given by the people/groups you mentioned. Believe it or not I have survived. I haven't even felt any great sorrow for missing them. Fortunately we all have different interests and things we consider important.
  14. Very exotic look. I've had him on my radar for some time. Would also love to hear from someone who has taken the plunge.
  15. One conclusion I came to after teaching at a public high school for thirty-six (36) plus years was that I.Q. scores are largely bull shit. Students differ widely in their ability to achieve success on standardized tests. During my teaching years I constantly heard from colleagues that student "X" though under-performing in classes was brilliant because of his/her very high I.Q. score. On the other hand student "y" thought high-performing in his/her classes was achieving success in spite of his/her low I.Q. score only because he/she was a workaholic. Whether one likes it or not the single best indicator of future academic success is current GPA. One constantly hears the cry that high school GPA's have been ridiculously inflated. That claim is likely true but it is equally true that a student with a high high school GPA will work to meet the necessary criteria to achieve a high or acceptable GPA and the college or university level. Colleges and universities were and are perfectly aware of this fact yet they needed and continue to need a way to limit to number of students with outstanding GPAs for whom they have places Thus along came and comes the use of the SAT which provides college and university admission officers with an additional tool to control (limit) the number of students they admit. The one serious mistake that we make by totally denying the importance of I.Q. is that by doing so we might assume that all people have equal ability in all thing -- simply not true. Example: student "A" might require one year to achieve competence in Algebra while student "B" might require two or more years to achieve the same competence as student "A". The question then becomes is it worth the two or more years for student "B" to achieve competence in Algebra or should he or she be directed elsewhere.
  16. I have, all my life, hated large crowds and loud noises. Thus, all my life, I have never been much of a pop concert goer.
  17. Years and years ago some Australian friends of mine insisted that I try Vegemite. They assured me I would love it. To this day I'm convinced they were sure I would absolutely hate it. The joke, however, turned out to be on them as I loved it. I've never had much of a sweet tooth but have always loved salty things and Vegemite was right up my alley. I always have a jar of it in my pantry.
  18. The Hollywood sign originally went up in 1923 as an advertisement for a local housing development. As time passed it became an iconic symbol of the Hollywood film industry. By the early 1970's it was in a state of near total collapse. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce started a fund raising effort to collect the three quarters of a million dollars to re-build the entire sign. Several Hollywood notables made donations and the funds were raised and the sign was completely rebuilt. Years ago a group of my high school photography student and I made the climb up to the sign and took lots of great shots of the L.A. basin.
  19. I'm just curious. Why in the hell would he advertise on a gay escort site showing photographs of himself with a woman? In my book the entire thing is weird beyond belief.
  20. If the first video was shot in 2009 and the photos in his rentmen ad are current and he is 35 the twelve years between the two appear to have been rough years for him. I find it difficult to believe the two are the same guy.
  21. Very interesting, but way too much emphasis on partying for my taste.
  22. Well, if you've got the bucks to afford the outline you provided above why no give numbers 4 through 15 $1000 each "IF" they are enthusiastic participants. I assume you will be providing each of these guys their regular fee thus the prizes are over and above that.
  23. If it is determined that he is definitely legitimate and he included oral in his list of things he's into I'd be on a plane to New York ASAP. He rings on the right bells for me.
  24. I've been a Scotch drinker since I was in college a thousand years ago. I know this is going to sound terribly pedestrian, but I’ve never been a fan of single malt Scotch. In my condo complex there is a 92-year-old housebound lady who’s only living relative is a niece in Chicago. She absolutely loves Scotch. I walk over to her place a couple of times a week with some hor d’ouvers and we sit around gabbing for an hour or two drinking our favorite Scotch – Chivas Regal.
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