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Scott Virginian

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Posts posted by Scott Virginian

  1. The whole “you can fly but you can’t drive” thing leaves me perplexed. You’re less likely to contract Covid in your private car then you are sealed in an airplane with 100 other people. 🤨

    The answer is right in front of our noses. Proof of vaccination. I know that Republicans are making a stink about it and the Biden Administration is unwilling to walk face first into that politicized buzz saw, but proof of vaccination should be the standard. It’s not like this is some new idea. I am old enough to remember yellow vaccination cards stapled in my passport. We had been doing that, for over a century, because of cholera and yellow fever and other diseases. I have no problem showing anybody here my card that says I’ve got the Covid vaccine. The only people who have a problem with it appear to be those who refuse to get the vaccine for political reasons, and they’ve successfully bullied and intimidated the rest of us. 

  2. +1 here for a new single ungendered pronoun.  He/she is constraining, it is objectifying, and “they” as a singular adds confusion. We have letters available…


    ze/zem/zhes or xe/xem/xis (both pronounced with a soft z like the French pronoun “je”).

    qe/qem/qes (hard q like k, the Q is a nice tip to LGBTQ)


    Unrelated, I want to thank the South for at least one good thing: “yall” should become the official second person plural. 

  3. Personally, I’d love to travel in space, visit other planets, see if there’s anything else out there. 



    I’m also somewhat disappointed in Branson. This felt a lot like a spoiled rich kid’s indulgence.  He cracked the 62 mile limit of the gravity well for all of three minutes. Big deal. There was no real innovation or new tech involved; NASA put humans in space, in orbit, and on the moon 50 years ago. ‘Shoot something into the sky and watch it fall’ isn’t exactly breaking science, here, boys. 

    He gives a lot to charity, I know. He could have done that with the money spent on this, too. 

    And it seems like the only new thing he’s created is a way for self-indulgent celebrities to light fire to $250,000 all to get selfies in “space” and boost their insta and tiktok rankings. There’s a win for humanity. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    I’m being a Debbie Downer, I know, but this just felt like a huge waste of resources for a whim. 

  4. On 4/4/2021 at 3:43 PM, MikeBiDude said:

    He’s sometimes based in San Diego....we’ve communicated and agreed on our fun and activities, but haven’t been able to schedule the deed. I’m not sure when he (or me!) will be back in the county but we are still trying.

    Curious if you two connected or if someone knows more. 

  5. They list 183 providers in Albany, 121 in Utica, 363 in Syracuse, 524 in Rochester, and 571 in Buffalo.  "Highly unlikely" would be putting it mildly.

    Bigger concern: the pictures look like those you'd find on a meet/chat site like Adam4Adam, not one like Rentmen.  I wonder where they scooped up all those photos and -- assuming those folks even exist and registered for a meet/chat site -- do they know that they're being portrayed as "for rent"? 😬

    I'm hearing "run, do not walk, in the opposite direction".


  6. 11 hours ago, RadioRob said:

    As I noted in the Achievements thread, the new ranks are the default out of the box ones generated by the new system.  I did not spend time trying to customize them because it would mean creating new associated images, etc.  To be honest, I was just too lazy at that moment as there were bigger fish I was working to fry.  

    I posted about how ranks could be changed.  While I'm not actively working to create/develop new ranks and graphics for those ranks...  if someone else wants to do it, I can implement it if the members here like what is proposed.  

    The final rank if we were to change it...  I would suggest "The Sleeper - Needs Laid" since they obviously spend too much time here.  

    After the last 15 months, Rob, everyone would qualify for the "needs to get laid" rank.... 

  7. 2 hours ago, tallandark said:

    One of the hottest boys I've ever hired. Passionate, intense, really read my cues.

    Thank you for the feedback.  Sadly the trip I had planned to Hawaii got torpedoed by Covid, but hey, there's always hope for a future trip.  🙂

  8. A 7x6 could be "bigger" than a 9x3, but it depends on whether the guy is 5'5" or 6'2"... 🤪
    We need a measurement system that balances both length and girth and then expresses it as a ratio to body size.  We could express it in units of dong.



  9. 13 hours ago, FreshFluff said:

    It’s hard to know whether she would have given away the seat in first if both of you had been polite.  She might have just given one of you an exit row seat and considered that a favor.

    Maybe she gave you the seat to compensate you for having to deal with the nasty guy or just to piss him off. 

    Oh, I definitely think it was a case of giving me the upgrade because he was being so unpleasant about it. 

  10. On 6/7/2021 at 11:11 PM, azdr0710 said:

    very true about being polite and civil when complaining.....back in college, while working at a very nice local resort near school, the "nice" complainers got taken care of first and thoroughly....

    Sat down in my seat on a plane.  Guy walks in with the same seat number.  Gate agent arrives.  Guy bellows at Agent about that being his seat.  I said I was sure it was an accident, that there was a way to fix it, and asked what the agent would suggest.  Agent goes away, comes back within two minutes.  Guy is still fuming, muttering, being obnoxious.  Agent asks Guy whether he insists on having that seat.  He says damn right he does.  

    You know what happened next.

    She says great, the seat is his, and then asks me to follow her to first class.


  11. Coupla visual hints I use:

    The distance across the four fingers is about 3".  If a guy is holding his crank and it's twice the length of his four fingers, he's about 6".

    The distance from the tip of the thumb to the bend in the wrist at the base of the thumb is about 4", maybe 4-1/2".

    From the tip of the thumb across the bottom of the palm to the other side of the wrist, about 7" to 7-1/2".  The average length of the entire hand, wrist to tip of index finger, is about the same. 7" to 7-1/2"

    The distance from my elbow to my wrist is 12".  And I'm a tall guy with long arms.

    13" is quite literally the length of a lower arm.

    In his first pic, he's got his dong lined up against his thumb and palm base.  It's a little longer, so he's about 8", give or take 1/2". 

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