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Scott Virginian

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Posts posted by Scott Virginian

  1. Is there a place where the ranks are listed in order or how many posts/how much time moves you up to the next level?  I tried searching, couldn't find it.  TIA.

  2. I'm all for choice...

    You could stop your sentence right there and it would be 100% right. If someone, even someone vaccinated, wants to wear a mask, for any reason including "fashion statement", I'm for leaving them alone.


    How does a mask protect children? Or anyone for that matter?

    When you write something like that, you leave me perplexed. After 14 months of this, do you really not know how a mask protects people? Am I misreading your question?


    It's the unvaccinated children (or adults) that should be wearing the masks, right?

    All children are currently unvaccinated, and won't be for at minimum another month and a half. Even if they get their Pfizer first shot today, "fully vaccinated" means two weeks past the second shot. That's effectively end of June. So none of them should be taking off their masks.


    This was my key point:


    The risk of a vaccinated adult passing the virus to an unvaccinated person (adult or child) is pretty low, but it isn't zero. If some vaccinated parent wants to wear a mask all day long to get that one extra percent of protection against passing the virus to their own children when they go home, who am I to tell them otherwise? But the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd, the Tucker Carlsons of the world, have already been prodding their followers to harass and attack mask wearers. The right-wing intimidation has already begun. Anti-maskers should not be going around telling people to take their masks off, because they have no idea what other circumstances that person faces.

  3. I hope the anti-maskers will remember that some of those vaccinated adults may continue to wear a mask because they are around children not yet vaccinated. If someone wants to take an extra margin of safety, no matter how small, to protect kids, they should be respected, not harassed.

  4. Cooper has my vote! ?✍


    Cooper | M4M Message Forum (m4m-forum.org) ???


    I don't know what his own desires, preferences, thoughts are, but he's been a huge asset to this community, an admirable alter ego to Guy (as in someone who seemed to genuinely understand what Guy was trying to accomplish here), and an amazingly patient and even-handed source of adult supervision to our sometimes unruly little gaggle, LOL. I hope he'll be here in a leadership role.

  5. I have as of late developed a lustful addiction to watching Corbin Fisher porn. To name but a few of the guys in no particular order: Quinn, Dawson, Connor, Colt, Cain, Dru, Travis, Brent, Aiden..so many sexy, beautiful guys, I just can’t get enough of them, and I even enjoy watching them fuck girls ??‍♂️ Anybody out there share this addiction?


    They were great in their day, though many of those videos are many years old and the stars have left CF behind. Aidan, Cain, and Dawson are apparently happily living in relative anonymity with girlfriends/families (and hey, good for them).


    Does not, however, make those vids any less enjoyable! Aidan in particular, yeah, whooo. Just IMHO, I liked his earlier vids for CF before he bulked up. There's a line between "ooh, you look like you work out" and "um, are you sure you're not on steroids?"

  6. There's a story, perhaps apocryphal, that Kurt Vonnegut once said to Joseph Heller, at a fancy party on Shelter Island, that their hedge-fund-manager host made more money in a day than Heller would ever make off his most popular book, Catch-22. Heller is said to have replied to Vonnegut, "yes, but I have something he will never have. Enough."

  7. Perhaps Elizabeth preferred to sit alone.

    I doubt it. She has always looked comfortable in a crowd, including her family affairs.

    I think she was placed in a "bubble" to ensure "God Save the Queen" would have a better chance of working.

    And she didn't want Charles' wife to sit alone. Camilla


    I doubt it's preference, so sitting her alone has to be either image or safety. I have to believe the entire Royal Family has been vaccinated by now (I guess it's possible not, but I'd sure be surprised). So image, then. The monarch bearing her solemn grief in dignity? Setting a Covid example for the rest of the nation? Dunno. It was wierd, though. I hope that out of public view she's able to find some comfort in family. I don't care how stoic she is or how long she had to get used to the idea of his passing, losing a husband of 73 years has to hurt horribly.

  8. Interesting that Thick Dick seems to be advertising solely for massage (then why is the thick dick important?) while Samulatino is definitely offering more, but in a different location. They are relatively similar physically, so the same dick pic could belong to either one, or neither.


    And their stats are different. 24, 5'7", 7" versus 29, 5'9", 8".

  9. I will indulge my own emotions for one emotional outburst: this f***ing sucks. This just sucks so bad.


    The words and emotions of the people here say all you need to know about what kind of man Bill was. He spread warmth and humor and love, he made people laugh, he helped people love, he lifted people up, and made the world a little better than it was before. I hope that his spirit is somewhere, free of care and pain, and being part of the joy that he created. May he rest in peace and may the memories and bonds and connections he inspired be a beautiful legacy.


    @Cooper, you created kindness, looking after him as he looked after others. Thank you.


    In the next few days, perhaps each of us can find someone who needs a friend, who needs a kind word, who needs a shoulder, and do it, while saying silently "I do this kindness in Bill's name". A thousand acts of kindness radiating out in honor of him. And somewhere up there he'll look down and know that he inspired good.

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