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Scott Virginian

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Posts posted by Scott Virginian

  1. He changed screen names and ethnicities a couple of times (sometimes Brazilian, once a "Southern Boy"), so I kinda causally asked him why and he blocked me. Kind of a shame, cause he is pretty hot, and I really didn't mean anything by the question, was just curious.

  2. The steward is being fired. Says he did not know the encounter was being filmed and didn't consent to having it posted on line. He was off duty (though in uniform) so not shirking his duty. Kind of upsetting that his career/life is being damaged over this one encounter, particularly if he's telling the truth about the videos.

  3. Sending private conversation is different than direct conversation and I think by direct conversation you mean directly conversing with the member such that others can also view the conversation. Sometimes people may not be comfortable to answer your question or provide details in direct conversation and may prefer private dm which is kinda close room conversation!

    Best way is that go to profile of the member and start conversation which is private dm.


    Thanks for the reply, sexy monk. I did say in a public thread that I was going to send a private message and then did as you describe, started a conversation that had only the two of us in it. I have wondered if there is a third method. I'm thinking there isn't, that I just haven't had a reply.

  4. Sorry for an odd question, but I promise that I tried to solve it on my own, looked in the help messages, and can't figure out if I'm doing something correctly.


    On two occasions, I wanted to send a direct message to someone. One of those occasions it was a question to one of the admins. Nothing worrisome, just a simple query. There's nothing here that talks about specifically direct messages, so I started a conversation with just that person. Neither replied, and I kinda wondered if they were just overlooking it, ignoring it, or whether I was not sending the message correctly.


    Is starting a private conversation the same as a direct message?


    Thanks for any suggestions anyone can give me.

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