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Scott Virginian

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Posts posted by Scott Virginian

  1. To anyone thinking of engaging him, I admire your courage.

    I'm waiting for someone with an account created yesterday and one message to drop in here saying he was not only the finest night of sex in their life, but yea, the finest night ever recorded in the history of passion, that they were transported by his charm, beauty, sexual dynamism, generous endowments, and easygoing manner.

  2. I don’t want to be too gross and turn my stomach this hour of the morning, so I’ll use an analogy.

    You put your hot dog in the microwave and it comes out with chili on it, like a chili dog.



    Ah, I think I got it. Though now I’m not sure what you saw in pic 4 that led you to think that would happen if you were to, as you put it, stick your hot dog in that particular microwave.


    That said, it’s also interesting that pic 4 has disappeared... I wonder if Mr. Blake is here amongst us. If so, come forward, sir, you’re welcome to join the conversation and introduce yourself!

  3. Sorry, I just saw this. I met Adam, but he was maybe tired or something. The session was not very energetic. He left a bit earlier too.


    Sorry it didn’t work out as well as you’d hoped. ☹️

  4. Have had similar. Admired the guy who spent some time telling me all about the excitement he was expecting being in New York, having such fun in New York, blah blah blah New York, and had no idea that he'd located himself in an upstate New York county six hours from the city, with a population about the same as a crosstown bus. I called him on it. One day later, his profile had switched to St. Petersburg, Russia.

  5. He’s Russian...I know.


    Hi @Poincare - I have seen a couple of folks here write euphemistically about Russian guys and I'm wondering why. I'm not criticizing, I'm honestly curious. In part I can't tell whether it's "He's Russian, avoid" or "He's Russian, they're all hot". It seems to be a thing but it's whooshing over my head and I'm wondering what I'm overlooking. If you prefer to reply PM/DM that's cool. Thank you.

  6. Russian?



    If you gents (@tsgarp and @Pensant) don't mind my asking, I'm curious to know why Russian makes you wary. I'm not criticizing, far from it, my spider-sense also tingles when I see Russian. Wondered if it's the same reason. Doesn't improve the situation that he advertises as Czech if he's not...

  7. Here's a piece of possibly optimistic news: of the 241 reported cases CDC is currently investigating, 121 are pending, 114 were NEGATIVE for 2019-nCoV, and only six were positive. They're in California, Arizona, Illinois, and Washington State. There's a reasonable chance that some of those cases are more run of the mill influenza. And while the 2-3% fatality rate they're seeing in China is troubling, it certainly isn't the 10%, 15%, and 20% rates that some of the worst epidemics have produced.


    What can anyone say? Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing, use hand sanitizer by the bucket, and don't share utensils, cups, etc. And good luck.

  8. Yes I saw him a few weeks ago and he was great! He's my main LA regular I see whenever I'm in town. He's naturally masculine and has a really sexy jock/bro thing going on. His body is always on point...there's never and "off" season for him. In bed he's wild open and loads of fun. Go get him!


    Much appreciate your chiming in. Curious that his current profile says "straight". That wasn't a problem or issue? Any limitations that it created? PM me if you prefer. Thank you!

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