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Posts posted by OliverSaks

  1. I’m not allowed to make Toronto my home location, only a travel location.


    Anyone know? I’m stumped


    Changing your profile home location in this region is currently not allowed. You need to create a separated profile for this region or use travel locations instead.”

  2. I do not meet with people anymore who I know are using stimulants. The unpredictability is not good for my peace of mind and it is not worth the risk to my safety. Learned this lesson early on when I was young and new, and it hasn’t failed me adhering to this since.


    I worry about people using regularly, especially working men, but I can understand the many reasons people do. Methamphetamine is so strongly reinforcing that it just seems like something that is best not to try.


    I’m a proponent of cannabis and consciousness-expanding substances, to be clear that this stance is not some “higher moral ground” anti drug rhetoric. What prolonged, high dose methamphetamine use does to the brain and the dopamine system is just not good.


    @Kurtis Wolfe, I would suggest an organization like DanceSafe.org, which does harm reduction work nationally and includes fentanyl test strip distribution and drug testing at events. https://dancesafe.org/


    There may also be other organizations work specifically for queer + trans POC using methamphetamine, which as @hypothetically mentioned is an epidemic especially around SWers (http://actupny.com/ has some focused harm reduction efforts)


    #fuckEdBuck #EdBuckisASerialKiller


    Finally, if any posters have questions or concerns about drug use, I’m happy to chat privately, off-camera.

  3. Sounds like you’re the one losing out in this deal - cut the dude some slack maybe?


    If you're going to do it, be sure to do it right. About six months ago, a very attractive San Francisco escort reached out to me and asked if I'd be interested in booking with him. I said yes, I definitely would be. He basically had the booking. He was traveling and said he would be back in touch when he got back to SF. He never followed through-never heard from him. Not only did he leave business on the table, he ruined his reputation with me. I seriously doubt if I would book with him if I heard from him again.
  4. Crossing the picket line, digitally or physically, is not supporting the striking workers.


    Whole Foods gave me a $10 credit to spend on Prime day, which knocked $10 off my grocery bill this week. I was able to find a favorite food item on sale at Amazon. Not all spending on Amazon qualifies as consumerism. But I fully support Amazon strikers, as well.
  5. It just reeks of the “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that fails to acknowledge his societal privilege as a conventionally attractive, cis, white, wealthy-enough male who (probably) had access to the right schools and extracurricular opportunities and some amount of family support and knowledge about the college process.


    That’s what I mean, if it’s unclear I will try to explain. Benji can correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t know everything about his upbringing, but I was just going based on his parents being able to afford putting him through a (probably) expensive school.



    Why, black or Asian or Latin origin people can have money too. Yes that gives you a safety net as opposed to a child of a single parent on drugs or who abandoned their kid or a kid in foster care. But still it looks like they didn't give any money sans basic support and he figured out how to do it right up till masters?
  6. The privilege in this post is just dripping off, and pretty damn satisfying... ooooooooof


    A wealthy white male who was “not given anything”




    I agree that expectation today is a very usual thing. It's not raising a crop of highly independent young people.


    My parents were financially able to put me through any amount of higher education, but told us from a young age that it was our obligation to figure out how to make it happen. We were not given anything: We were expected to earn it ourselves.


    I worked as soon as I turned 16. I was on full scholarship for undergrad. Thankfully, I was able to pay for grad school out of pocket.


    I wouldn't trade the most difficult financial times in my life for anything. They made me the person I am today.

  7. I just had my busiest trip in LV ever w/ a lovely lunch with one of our dearest forefathers. It’s been a hit or miss city in the past, but I’ll definitely be back.


    I played one World Series of Poker deepstack events (PLO) and after several hours earned a mincash. Way worse hourly than my main gig ?


    The vegan options in Vegas are absurd. If anyone wants a date for a Vegas trip, it’s easy to get to...

  8. I’m trying to save people from being preyed on by an industry that markets based on fear to sell useless products, by promoting the evidence base in the literature that is more robust than testimonials by supplement makers or by in vitro or theoretical observations that don’t translate to anything clinically significant (eg antioxidants and heart disease / CV events, based on theory that didn’t pan out, but still is a driver of crazy marketing craze about antioxidants)


    Not eating meat is first and foremost an ethical choice, for the animals, and I would never go back to eating meat. People who don’t put enough intention/attention into what they are eating can feel bad on any diet, including a vegan one. With the options that exist today, there is no reason that one can’t live a very satiated, healthy life on a vegan diet, at all phases of life (according to American Dieticians Association)


    The bonus is that I don’t have to waste money to supplement unnecessary shiz and can use those savings to buy more tofu and kale ?

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