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Posts posted by OliverSaks

  1. Any thoughts on Signal?


    I think you’re way ahead of the curve on opsec and it is so sexy.


    And, as long as we're on the topic of messaging privacy, I'll put another plug out there for Telegram: https://telegram.org/ It's FREE !


    Think about all of the information (and underlying meta data) that you send via text message to people you don't know and what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Conventional messaging is completely porous, unencrypted and entirely unprotected.


    This is old news: https://techcrunch.com/2019/08/27/border-deny-entry-united-states-social-media/ and personal privacy rights are not getting stronger.


    PROVIDERS: It is not a stretch to foresee domestic Homeland Security airport screeners request access to your phone given what is happening to international arrivals. Illegal search and seizure? Oh, ok... you can wait in the windowless room while my supervisor gets back from lunch. Sorry you'll miss your flight. Or you can just unlock your phone and let me write down the names and numbers of all your clients, financial payments, travel plans and everything else I can find.


    CLIENTS: How much are you willing to put at stake in entrusting details of your personal life to the guys you don't know who you message? Assume that everything that you send was published in whole in the newspaper.


    Use a messaging app that is secure and let you control what happens with your info when it leaves your device.

    <end rant>

  2. Any thoughts on Signal?


    I think you’re way ahead of the curve on opsec and it is so sexy.


    And, as long as we're on the topic of messaging privacy, I'll put another plug out there for Telegram: https://telegram.org/ It's FREE !


    Think about all of the information (and underlying meta data) that you send via text message to people you don't know and what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Conventional messaging is completely porous, unencrypted and entirely unprotected.


    This is old news: https://techcrunch.com/2019/08/27/border-deny-entry-united-states-social-media/ and personal privacy rights are not getting stronger.


    PROVIDERS: It is not a stretch to foresee domestic Homeland Security airport screeners request access to your phone given what is happening to international arrivals. Illegal search and seizure? Oh, ok... you can wait in the windowless room while my supervisor gets back from lunch. Sorry you'll miss your flight. Or you can just unlock your phone and let me write down the names and numbers of all your clients, financial payments, travel plans and everything else I can find.


    CLIENTS: How much are you willing to put at stake in entrusting details of your personal life to the guys you don't know who you message? Assume that everything that you send was published in whole in the newspaper.


    Use a messaging app that is secure and let you control what happens with your info when it leaves your device.

    <end rant>

  3. You took a drug which is highly reinforcing and pleasurable, and you liked it.


    You are NOT suddenly “an addict.” this thread has me really fired up, so much judgment and more jumping to conclusions about what can easily be an isolated incident.


    What you do now, and going forward, is the real decision. I don’t have the time to write more now, but there’s a lot more that I would like to say, and I’ll write tomorrow.


    Lot of “self-destructive behaviors” in many forms on this forum, people just love to judge others for the ones they don’t have.

  4. I will indeed be in town, thanks for the shout @Benjamin_Nicholas


    I love the Blu Q catamaran for a sunset cruise, very friendly crew and a lovely way to see the sunset. (http://www.bluqkeywest.com/)


    zachary Taylor state park is also great for spending a beach day and ending with a lovely sunset view


    haven’t been myself, but apparently there is a nude beach on Boca Chica (Geiger beach) - will probably investigate this coming weekend


    happy to recommend things / shuttle for a drive up the keys if you’re interested


    Thanks Benjamin!
  5. I will indeed be in town, thanks for the shout @Benjamin_Nicholas


    I love the Blu Q catamaran for a sunset cruise, very friendly crew and a lovely way to see the sunset. (http://www.bluqkeywest.com/)


    zachary Taylor state park is also great for spending a beach day and ending with a lovely sunset view


    haven’t been myself, but apparently there is a nude beach on Boca Chica (Geiger beach) - will probably investigate this coming weekend


    happy to recommend things / shuttle for a drive up the keys if you’re interested


    Thanks Benjamin!
  6. Some sources claim that the name "Pickleball" was derived from that of the Pritchard's family dog, Pickles, or from the term "pickle boat".[4][6]According to Joan Pritchard, Joel Pritchard's wife, “The name of the game became Pickle Ball, after I said it reminded me of the Pickle Boat in crew where oarsmen were chosen from the leftovers of other boats. Somehow the idea the name came from our dog Pickles was attached to the naming of the game, but Pickles wasn’t on the scene for two more years. The dog was named for the game, but stories about the name’s origin were funnier thinking the game was named for the dog."


    Wow never heard of such a thing. Why did they name it pickleball?




    Wow never heard of such a thing. Why did they name it pickleball?
  7. You didn’t have any problems with the first session, right?


    1) we aren’t machines

    2) consider yourself lucky that he enjoyed himself with you (and remember how this made you feel versus some lukewarm future hire where the guy feels like he is going through the motions)

    3) ask him to leave / stand your ground


    this post is wild lol -


    Maybe he was hypomanic/manic...? ?

  8. I’m a long time tennis player, but I had issues with tennis elbow. So far, Pickleball hasn’t triggered the pain that I used to get during tennis. Pickleball is also (imo) more social and welcoming, add that to the quickness of games and I can see why people are flocking to it. I certainly haven’t “aged out” - I just find it to be more enjoyable and better for my body, for the time being.


    I have played a couple of times, because some of my old tennis partners have "aged out" of tennis and find pickleball a suitable substitute. I do not, so I am not ready to leave the tennis court and go over to the dark side. One of the big controversies in Palm Springs recreational sports circles is the takeover and attempted takeover of public tennis courts by pickleball players, a battle that actually gets discussed in city council meetings.
  9. don’t you dare tempt me like that ??


    My neighbor across the street plays. Come visit me and I’ll have him arrange a game for you. Then when you’re done, you and I can play hide the pickle. ?
  10. Does anyone here play?


    I’ve been addicted as of late, such a great workout, nice way to get my competitive juices flowing (and spending extra time around retirees in athletic shorts is just an added bonus)


    I’ll plan on bringing my paddles to the PS gathering, happy to introduce some of ya’ll if you’re interested

  11. Yes, I was directing that at you @big-n-tall


    I’m just saying that it is possible to misread someone “playing coy” with actual, genuine uncertainty about how to handle a situation like the one stated by the OP. You’re obviously free to move on if you feel like it is a game, I wouldn’t blame you. But just from reading posts from certain people handling experiences with newer talent (@Keith30309 comes to my mind), I would suspect that you’ll miss out on some gems if you “assume the worst.”

  12. I can understand the impulse to assume the worst about a companion, but maybe it’s just someone without much experience with this sort of an travel arrangement / someone relatively new to the werqin’ world.


    on the other side, I try to give guys hiring me the benefit of the doubt because it can be a nerve wracking thing for newbies to “take the plunge” - call me naïve maybe, but it’s served me well not always assuming the worst in people



    I've paid as little as 500 and as much as 1600, not including travel. It depends on the escort's rates and how much the travel costs are.


    As Mr. Nicholas suggested, you should talk to the provider about the trip.


    I say if the provider is being coy about his rate, maybe it's time to move on.

  13. easier to take it as noise than engage with anything substantial, certainly


    I'm perfectly happy to take everything you post as random noise, if you prefer. I was just doing you the courtesy of pointing out that in my opinion, your style of argumentation is hurting your position, not helping. Oddly enough, I've barely spoken about the claims made by others, even though you seem to be saying I have.
  14. it was a joke playing on “this is sparta” from the cinematic classic “300” - I used a winky face to try to make that clear, that it was a joke rather than me being legitimately upset or something


    if you were a scientist, I would assume that you’d counter my statements with something scientific, but I’m happy to admit that maybe I mischaracterized you, if indeed, you are one






    I looked quite closely, but didn't find any links to sources in your posts, #104 or #105. #104 has links but I don't see a link to the story you are citing.


    I marked this post as insulting since you 1) mischaracterized my posts; 2) proceeded to a conclusion about me based on an uninformed assumption you made about me.


    Additionally, I think you know, a single citation is just a starting point. Putting "science" in all caps is really not helping.

  15. Argument by assertion is also a logical fallacy.


    you said I made an ad hominem, and I provided citations, I’m not sure what else I could do


    I explained the science as basically as I could, I did “appeal to expert” but doubt that you’re gonna read an endocrinology text or journal article to try to dunk on me


    Would you ever admit you were wrong or that you just don’t know much about this topic? I would say it is unlikely, you’re entitled to your feelings but THIS IS SCIENCE! ?

  16. I think that I answered very reasonably, I think if you have something interesting to add about government and chemical warfare on the gay community, that this community of many gay men would be interested to hear about it. Taking it to PM is not really the way to go on a matter like this, where knowledge could benefit the community at large.


    I don’t feel like I’m being passive aggressive, I haven’t attacked you but you’ve made a claim that I would like to read more about if it is indeed true.


    If you’re being passive-aggressively sarcastic, that’s fine.

    If you’re genuinely curious of my opinions, feel free to PM me and we can have a legitimate discussion where we can disagree, and challenge opinions respectfully.

  17. I’m not wrong here lol


    An endocrinology professor in undergrad, an expert in his field, shed light on the lay public’s understanding of hormones in food. The body treats the molecules in food just like it does other things, as something that is broken down and re-used from its constitutive parts. It isn’t like it just gets absorbed... the molecules are large and our digestive systems are robust.


    additionally, the notion that phytoestrogens act with the same affinity for receptors as estrogen compounds made by humans, is not correct, and therefore a simple mg to mg comparison is very simplistic


    Not only is this an ad hominem, it's also insulting to those of us who freely choose to eat beef. Since I think we all know you are not stupid, I would encourage you to advocate for your perspective differently. :)
  18. citation, from the Washington Post:


    “In a recent report for Tri-State Livestock News, Stangle crunches some serious numbers. He compares the estrogen levels found in the Impossible Whopper to those in the original Whopper, based on their protein sources (beef for the original, and soy for the plant-based one). The Impossible Whopper, Stangle concludes, has 44 milligrams of estrogen compared to just 2.5 nanograms in the beef Whopper.

    “Now let me refresh your metric system,” Stangle writes. “There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an impossible whopper [sic] has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper [sic]. Just six glasses of soy milk per day has enough estrogen to grow boobs on a male.

    It’s worth noting that Tri-State Livestock News is, according to its About Us page, a trade publication for the livestock industry, and the “growth and success of Tri-State Livestock News is due to the long-term support from the publication’s stockmen and agribusiness customer base.” As The Post’s Laura Reiley noted in a story this year, “Many of the country’s 800,000 cattle ranchers have declared war on newcomers Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat,” two of the leading companies responsible for plant-based meats. Impossible Foods supplies the patties for the Impossible Whopper.

    It’s also worth noting that conservative news outlets, such as National File and MichaelSavage.com,”

    The beef industry isn’t backing down lol


    Not only is this an ad hominem, it's also insulting to those of us who freely choose to eat beef. Since I think we all know you are not stupid, I would encourage you to advocate for your perspective differently. :)
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