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Posts posted by OliverSaks

  1. http://www.onlinejacc.org/content/71/22/2570






    If you need more sources, or help interpreting the research, I’m happy to help. I didn’t go to school for 8 years for nothing ?


    Yeah, so everything about vitamins and research is wrong, but everything good they write about TOFU is fucking accurate. SMH....Do what you want to do, but don't demonize vitamins and act like being vegan is the best thing. Please.....
  2. No... soy is so demonized, so many myths, but just a couple of sources:






    Tin foil hat Dr Saks thinks there has been an effort to demonize soy (alt right peeps call liberals “soy boys” for instance) probably from the meat industry - we feed most soy in this country to the livestock you all eat!




    Doesn't soy raise estrogen levels in men?
  3. Why would you be attacking me at all? I was just asking and I respect your choices.

    I think we all should eat more vegetables as A.O.C. said. We're 7 billion and counting and obesity is a national security thread as pointed by the Pentagon.


    What about eggs (if you eat them at all) and tofu?

    I do not eat eggs, nothing that is taken from an animal. The egg industry is a horrendous cause of animal deaths/suffering (google what happens to chicks that they find out are male ?)


    Tofu is made from soybeans and I eat it a lot.


    Wanna know something better than scrambled eggs, better for you and for the animals and for the planet?

    Tofu scramble (google for precise recipes... so easy to make)

    Silken tofu + nutritional yeast + turmeric + garlic / onion + chickpea flour + olive oil


    Pairs well with anything that scrambled eggs go with


    JUST Egg is a mung bean based (https://www.ju.st/en-us/products/consumer/egg) product that does so close to what eggs do, but I’m a frugal vegan so I avoid this product until it gets cheaper / I like tofu scramble a lot already and it is less processed and at least as nutritious (if not more)

  4. Vitamin C for immune boosting powers have been thoroughly debunked in the medical literature. Emergen-C is no more effective than Tang. Since many (upper) respiratory viruses are short lived, people *feel* like they knock out the infection with that stuff, but it would have resolved in the same time course without the vitamin C dosing. If it makes you *feel* better, no worries.


    I can’t sleep without taking melatonin anymore. It’s the only drug/supplement that will knock me out. Besides that, I take extra dosages of vitamin c such as emergen-c, whenever I feel like I’m coming down with a cold, and most times it cures me before my cold gets worse.
  5. I eat the same type of protein that the food you all eat for protein eats. The focus on absurd amounts of protein being necessary for satiety and muscle growth are just marketing schemes... Elephants and other big ass, strong animals eat only plants - it isn’t magic.


    I eat soy, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, pea protein, nuts, seeds, pulses, legumes - this is definitely the most common question I get asked being vegan. I’m not saying this to attack you, I just think it is funny how people suddenly become protein and nutrition experts when asking me to defend my food choices, but I am not the person with an unbalanced diet, and I am more intentional with planning every meal than most omnivores I’ve ever met.


    Last night at dinner, at Next Level burger in SF, 100% vegan dinner with 40 g’s of Plant protein because I’m on a bulking phase.


    As a vegan how do you do to grow muscle? What kind of protein do you eat?
  6. Just a small correction, because it gets repeated so much. CBD IS psychoactive, but it does not get you “high.” A Yale researcher made this point clear to me during a grand rounds presentation on his two decades of work with the substance.


    “Very simply stated, what is clear about CBD is that it must be considered psychoactive because of its ability to act as an anti-anxiety agent and an anti-psychotic agent," Russo said.”


    CBD can be very effective for some people. It all depends on dosage, how it's taken, and how your body reacts. I would suggest a 100% CBD topical that you apply to the localized area when you perceive pain.




    CBD is CannaBiDiol, which is one of over 100 cannabinoids identified from cannabis plants. It is nonpsychoactive. In other words, it does not affect your conscious mind (ie., it doesn't make you high).


    THC is TetraHydroCannabinol, which is the principle psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis plants (ie, it makes you high).


    The highly limited research that we have so far, has found many medical uses for both of these cannabinoids and many others. But, American bigotry, classism, and xenophobia has greatly restricted research in this area until recently.




    Industrial hemp has only recently been legalized, which will be great because it has many useful applications. One application that will be huge is that it can be a great source for pure CBD. Sadly, CBD and THC are still Schedule 1 listed by the DEA, so this makes it challenging sometimes to find them. But, if you live in a state with legalized cannabis, your local dispensary should be able to help you. They will likely recommend something that is not 100% CBD because the ways the laws are written leave such products in a gray area. It's easier for them to sell a 90% CBD/10% THC product than a 100% CBD.


    If you can't find a good quality pure CBD topical ointment or cream, direct message me and I can refer you to some online sources.

  7. Mocha, I’ve been harsh towards you in the past, and there have been times where I did not recognize the unearned privileges I have even within the escorting world, and as a result I did not fully comprehend the experience that you had and diminished those experiences or attributed them to your personality/attitude. I apologize for that.


    Here though, I think the quoted post is spot on. It seems like you are always running from something. There will be no decent city until you’re at home with yourself.


    Do you really think moving to a different city is going to resolve the perpetual issues you seem to have?
  8. Hormone imbalance? What!?


    As the survivor of 40+ years as a chronic borderline depressive, commend your sage advice to the OP.


    Please note that the immediate cause of depression is a hormonal imbalance in the brain. The imbalance occurs when there is a need to slow down bodily functions in order to protect organs from the destructiveness of stress. That occurs naturally in grief. But when we can’t identify the need for such slowing, the brain will try to make up issues. That’s when anger and paranoia can arise. The combination of counseling and medication is the best way to treat these issues.


    Be a bit wary of over medicating. Psychotropic drugs take a long time to become effective. And what helps one individual with the same problem may be useless to you. The tendency of some therapists is to pile on the meds. That’s dangerous because they are all metabolized in the liver. At one point I got non viral hepatitis and had to stop all medications instantly. The withdrawal was hellish. Just be careful.


    I recommend Andrew Solomon’s book Noonday Demonds. It’s an almanac of depression. It’s ironic but the more you know about your disease the less the chance the cause of your hormone imbalance will remain a mystery.


    And remember as all these posts demonstrate, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

    For me it was more difficult to come out as someone with a mental illness than it was to come out as gay.

  9. Trash post, dude. You clearly don’t understand the concept of harm reduction. I hope you are not a physician who treats pwud.


    It’s not a bad guide, but it’s clearly written by someone with more “street”

    smarts than real medical knowledge. Nonetheless, it’s better than nothing.


    My guide:

    If you’re worried....call 911.

    Learn how to do good CPR and when to use it.



    My guide is much easier to remember and will save more lives.

  10. I don't think anyone is doing any different here than what the escorts do as well. They chop up and spit out their clients age, body shape, wants and needs, just as much and keep coming back to that same client for the money. We all are guilty. But if you are paying for something, you want it to be to your liking. The market dictates that the guy should look at certain way. So he doesn't fit the mold. The guy is fat and not one person has said they would hire him even the ones coming to his defense. So let's get real here. Spend your money on him and then you can really be his advocate.

    I don’t hire escorts, but love the fact you think doing so is a requirement for suggesting ya’ll not be so cruel to a stranger. Tasty take lol

  11. CBD is pure snake oil. If it works for you that’s great. It appears to be

    harmless. Just don’t forget that most placebos do work. This one just

    has the added benefit of being related to pot. In reality they took pot,

    removed the active ingredients, and they’re marketing the useless



    From a business point of view....it’s brilliant. From a scientific/medical

    point of view....it’s useless and unethical.

    You’re wrong. It’s being touted as a cure to everything, which it most certainly IS NOT, but it does have medical value. I listened to a grand rounds presentation about it from a Yale psychiatrist, two things that stick out;

    CBD: anxiolytic, anti-psychotic

    THC: anxiogenic, psychotomimetic

    Dose-dependent, but very interesting in the context of current cannabis trends of high THC / “knock your socks off” type of high with lower CBD levels.



  12. I can't speak to CBD as I haven't tried it, but I can give another idea. I'm not in need every night but from time to time I just know I'm going to have a bad night - maybe once every couple weeks at most. I discovered the benefit of Aleve PM. Advil has a similar product, but doesn't work for me, only Aleve. It's regular Aleve with an added low-dose relaxent of some type. The dose is 2 tablets, but I find only one does the trick. I pop one maybe 30 minutes before going to bed, hit the pillow and I'm in dreamland. They say to only use it when you can get a full night's sleep, and I would follow that as I'm dead to the world for 7-8 hours. Then I wake up refreshed and with no groggy "I took a pill" feeling. A side benefit is that it, at least for me, produces wild vivid dreams. Really crazy but not in a nightmare sort of vein, but weird - and I remember them the next morning.

    It’s Benadryl (plus NSAID)

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