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Posts posted by OliverSaks

  1. True that...excess calories not good.


    But I saw a doctor on TV at some point in my past...that had an ounce of Hershey’s chocolate and an Apple side-by-side.

    Although the same calories (for this discussion say 125) the Apple had far greater benefits, “burned” some calories by virtue of digestion via its fiber, no fat etc.


    So yes “calories are calories”, fruits have sugars, but smarter choices make a difference too.

    Different foods (which may have same calorie content) most certainly have different effects on the body, including influence on weight.


    The effect on the endocrine system, and gut microbiota, and the reward/motivation circuits in the brain (and neurohormones) all may differ even if caloric content is the same.


    The body is not a bomb calorimeter.

  2. https://maps.org/


    Psychedelic treatments for PTSD / depression / addiction / others


    Matching donations until end of the year, hoping to bring mdma therapy to FDA approval for PTsD by 2021

    (Personally meaningful, great potential for helping relieve suffering)



    Mosquito nets to prevent child mortality - one of the most bang for your buck charitable locations, consistently rated one of the best charities (low overhead and high impact)


    givedirectly.org (what it sounds like - give money directly to people in poverty, they decide how to best use it)

  3. My primary physician won't do the things necessary to test for these. He's nearing retirement and isn't interested in keeping up on PrEP. As such, I see another physician in the office for anything related to sexual health.


    I am one of four patients in the office she sees for PrEP. She swabs for both oral and rectal samples. I find it amusing that she assumes that the rectal swab might cause pain and she apologies every time for needing to do it.

    I’m always shocked at how much more uncomfortable the rectal swab is than an actual dick in the ass...

  4. Kombucha is great for a low sugar (usually like 5-7 grams/serving) thirst quench - more pricey than soda, but a way better option when looking for a fizzy thirst quench. Lots of awesome flavors out there, my favorite being GT’s brand “Trilogy” or “Watermelon Wonder”


    Not everyone likes Kombucha - it is a fermented drink that can be too vinegary / acidic for some people - but it is lovely on a hot day.

  5. I am vegan. I consume no animal products, no processed foods, no extracted sugars and the only added fat in my diet is minimal use of extra-virgin olive oil.


    Anything extracted: oils or sugars are indeed “processed”. Eat as much as you can foods in their natural state.


    This includes fruit. Natural fructose from fruit is low glycemic which does not spike insulin in the body and the presence of fiber in the fruit is key to metabolizing.

    Now I’m hard... lol

    Fiber is the unsung hero

  6. I’m also surprised at the number of bottoms I’ve met who are on PreP and bb who don’t get rectal G/C swab / have never gotten a rectal swab.


    Some medical person can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think what you said about throat and asymptomatic G/C also applies to catching it rectally - vague symptoms or asymptomatic, urine / urethral swab would not pick it up.


    Something else to think about

  7. It’s not the same guy. The original has left the business for greener pastures.

    (Confirmed by text with the original, incomparable JockBrad)


    Someone is trying to capitalize on the name...

    I'm 99% certain (just shy of 100%)…..a familiar face from the past in Columbus, OH has just re-surfaced & indicating Cleveland as a new home base.....previously simply known as "Jock Brad" - lots of his reviews remain on Daddy's website.....this jock stud had legions of fans & should rise to the top of the Cleveland scene in short order if it's the same guy, errrr dude, errrr jock....



  8. The tip should be included in their price. This is just like escorts charging more for an outcall and then asking you to Uber them to you. That is ridiculous. I should pay more to host?


    Tipping was a learning curve for me. I have learned better as I have inquired about things in the forum and worked with good providers. Sometimes, I ask, what do I get for being a superior client? You should receive outstanding or superior service for the escort’s fee. Some do not deserve their full fee and some are not priced according to their experience.


    A good warning: if someone even mentions a tip in advance, they are an amateur and you are destined for a bad experience. Mark my words. Almost guaranteed. Similarly, those who ask for payment up front. They have a plan to escape halfway through the exercise.

    Why shouldn’t you expect to pay a little more if someone makes a housecall to you and adds additional time to his work day ... I’m not sure you really thought that one through.

  9. I’m a recovering pedant. I could have been gentler towards you, and I hope you didn’t feel too attacked in this thread.


    I’ve sent messages to people advertising about some minor ad text issues, including a forum member I met in PS at the gathering. People have only responded very kindly or ignored me completely. I think a very gentle approach is required when you step into this realm.


    I'm not saying that grammar can never change. I understand how someone might not understand the difference between "who" and "whom". And I'm one of the ones that can't usually differentiate between "which" and "that". But do we let all standards fall? Who/whom and that/which are somewhat subtle grammar points where the meaning is really obvious no matter which word they use. While the meaning is obvious when confusing dominant/dominate, are we really ok with confusing verbs and adjectives? If I was the parent of a child who used the phrase "I am the dominate boy on our block," aside from wanting to know who and how he is dominating, shouldn't I help him also understand why using the word dominate like this is wrong? I'd say yes. In the same way I wouldn't let him believe that 2 + 2 = 3.



  10. Grammar policing is yet another way that we can buttress our shaky selves, right?


    “On the internet, know-it-alls show off to other know-it-alls that they can differentiate between use cases of “that” and “which.”


    “Moreover, because young or poor or immigrant populations are often among those who may not conform to traditional English grammar and spelling and punctuation usage, focusing on linguistic deviations can reinforce the barriers of privilege. ”

  11. Today was sugar-free chocolate pudding, two diet Pepsis, bottle of plain water, beef hot dogs with cottage cheese, apple


    I have defrosted a steak for tomorrow.

    Please eat some vegetables, I beg you.

    Here I go being a pushy vegan again, but I can’t fathom feeling at my best (physically or mentally) if that was my daily fuel. Food is medicine!


    Green tea with soy milk and sugar, honeycrisp apple, peanut butter and jelly granola bar, GF Brown rice pasta and tomato sauce, baby kale salad dressed with oil and vinegar, curried quinoa and chickpea salad, Trader joe’s Dark chocolate truffle bar (half a bar)

  12. It was another gluten free vegan day for me...avoiding any added sugars


    No one wants to be me...

    I ate brown rice pasta with TJ’s soy chorizo, mushroom tomato sauce, and nutritional yeast (Gf, VgN)


    I think your diet is pretty okay!

    I’d be happy to cook for you anytime

  13. That's a new one. I have always thought they should, and brought it up with my Prep doc. He just shrugged his shoulders and said they didn't do that.


    What sort of screen do they use- DEXA, urinary N-telopeptide?

    I’ve also not heard of that as a screen either

  14. So strange to read about people discovering barebacking now, in 2018. I have been barebacking since ever, having bareback orgies for over 30 years, which means that like me thousands and thousands of gay guys have have been doing the same. Within a month of its launch around 2000, BBRT had reached 100,000 members.

    My problem as a client is that there too few escorts that bb to bother (anything goes). It's, 2018 and 'safe only" escort should be such a rarity that you have to pay extra if you want "unatural sex'

    Ah yes... escorts - people having a large number of partners - should not do everything they can to protect themselves so that you can enjoy yourself a little more... okayyyyy, that must be really tough on you

  15. How does it do that? In my initial screen, I didn't have any test that would have revealed a sensitivity to the medication.

    They test for kidney and liver function among other things in the initial PreP visits, which could suggest a patient might not tolerate the medicine well. They continue these tests while taking the med to monitor for possible harm to the kidneys, which may develop over time, in addition to the HIV test at each PreP visit.

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