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Posts posted by OliverSaks

  1. just needed to vent / give a PSA


    I was careless and also someone decided to steal from me. I know they needed the money more than I do, but it still stings.


    Took a large portion of my net worth - very fortunate that I have some cryptocurrency that was not hijacked. (Which will be great until all crypto crashes... /s)


    Everyone, especially companions, please be careful with keeping too much cash around. Regular, small trips to the bitcoin ATM ;)


    I guess my takeaway from this is that sometimes things that seem trivial really matter allot to people and the right thing to do is to be sensitive to that.

    Why stick my thumb in somebody’s eye on purpose?

    Claps claps!

    Beautiful post!


    As an example, we literally changed how we addressed the president once he became president - changing how you address someone is fucking simple and we do it all the time (“oh you’re mrs. Johnson now? I didn’t know you got married” etc etc )

  3. No. If you look or are female I will call you her/she and he/him for male. I will not refer someone as they/them just to make them feel special. Thatd be like me saying I ID as a carne asada taco so you need to start referring to me as such. It sounds stupid. Cause it is stupid. There are two genders. Not 80 or whatever those that didn't get properly fatherly love say there are.




    Why sign something so unpleasant, tone-deaf, and judgmental with “hugs” ?

  4. Yesterday I was on Scruff. This really cute British guy ‘woofed me’. Facially he looked like a young Matthew Perry. I thanked him for the ‘woof’. We started talking. He seemed really into me-wanted to provide me some oral attention. We arranged to meet today. At midnight I get a text thru Scruff that he has to pick up some special headphones from a mall in Seattle and has no time to meet even though he isn’t leaving until Friday.


    After him a cute guy with a partner who lives nearer me Woofed me-we talked. He seemed interested in meeting me. He has a thing for older guys. We talk about meeting. I wake up today, and apparently either he or his boyfriend blocked me.



    Then a cute guy-new to the area-with from pictures- an 8 or 9 inch tallywacker who is tired of topping and wants to bottom contacted me on Adam4Adam. I told him I most likely wasn’t looking for a boyfriend only a friends with benefits situation. Now he won’t respond to texts although I don’t think he has blocked me.


    Finally, there is a guy on Bear411. He says he is new to it and finds it a bit overwhelming. I’m assuming it’s because he’s both new online and an attractive guy, so I’m betting a lot of guys are contacting him. The troubles are he lives 125 miles from me, and he says work is really busy for him right now.


    He says he’s interested in meeting. I hate trying to arrange things with guys on Bear411. Since it’s a website and not an app, it doesn’t alert you to messages unless you are logged into it. I’ve missed messages for days from forgetting to log into it. I explain that to him, and give him one of my emails. I also tell him-which I’m sure y’all all know is that the longer ‘conversations’ go on -much like escorts often tell us with long correspondences from potential clients- with these apps an inertia sets in. And it’s less likely a meeting will ever occur. (Just a note of clarification here-I’ve been talking with this guy off and on for weeks. I didn’t spring the ideas of communicating by email on him at once, nor the idea of inertia. We’ve been ‘talking’ on and off since probably at least the 2nd week of December). I tell him I’m not trying to push him though if he’s uncomfortable. He replies ‘ok’. But I’m guessing he’s a lost cause-distance and his own insecurities with a meet-up app coming into play.


    The sad thing is I really only appeal to guys who like bears. But I’m not really into my fellow bears (for the most part with an occasional exception) unless they are the skinnier otter types or what some might call ‘wolves’-the muscular bear types. And while there is an ‘over abundance’ of my type of bear. There is definitely a dearth of the kinds of guys I like spread over too many me-types.


    I’d say gay men on apps are scum. But I think it’s just men on apps in general. Some years back I had a zaftig friend who was exploring the dating waters as she was about to divorce her husband. Her app/website of choice was Pool of Fish. I remember her getting ready to go on one-maybe two- different meet and greets and the guys never showing up. She also told me she met so many guys online who wanted sex-can you imagine?


    I guess it’s the nature of the apps. I’ll bet women can be flaky too. It’s them anonymous nature of the apps that make it so easy to flake.


    I also realize I’m not perfect-but I try not to play the games others do on the apps. The one main thing I have problems with is letting people down easy if I’m not attracted to them which seem to be the majority of guys who contact me. Since I’m rebuffed 99% of the time, I know how it feels


    But in the case of these 4 guys-it wasn’t a situation of them needing to rebuff me as I wasn’t their type. All 4 of them indicated interest. That’s what is so frustrating when not so many do.


    Considering the guys who are interested in me are ‘‘rara avis’es”, ie “rare birds”, I guess it’s good that my libido is so reduced these days. It’s been two or three weeks since I last.... (hope that is not too much TMI). I do feel the need to now. But I hate to just masturbate and ‘waste it’ considering how long it can take me to ‘build back up a head of steam’ these days when I’d really prefer to be with someone.



    Guys who like bears are out there!

    Apps challenge my patience at times, but I’ve made some great friends / partners on them.

  5. I have made several offers to men and they think its a trick.im relatively young 33 6"4 200 very fit muscular i am considered attractive or hot but relationships are just something i dont have time for.i help run a side of my familys business.i have the status symbols homea cars travel on company jet i know what guys think.heres the rub as hars asni work on my body as soon as most guys see what i have im just a dollar signs.i admit i have a unique privleged position but thats just stuff it cant snuggle with a black amex.is know no man well most cant live and attend the functions the wardrobe alone for a month would be a stress to most and because the people in my world arent kind u know ive lived it ive been called a cum towel with veeners just to start so id want to make sure whoever im with cant be ridiculed like not wearing a bespoke tux or suit id not bespoke tailored to perfection and since im a fit tall guy i like my dates bigger atleaat in muscle mass and that certainly requires hand tailoring.what im saying is i like to be generous i like to spoil guys i like but i turn off like ice if i think im being hussled.im too pretty to be a sugar daddy but i dont mind being your bf who happens to support you.like i thought personal assistant or trainer for like 100k a year you live in my homes travel with me you pick your car.just gifts like watches in some cases like a Patek phillipe is kind of required to be accepted

    And thats an avg drs yearly salary.all i wanted was he must be affectionate like kissing be truly turned on by men i cant stand a dick that never grows past looking like a wad of chewed bubble gum .i xan handle it if im cruising the gym and a married guy wants fucked and never gets hard.its a public place.im a bit of an exhibitionist so i work a peak level on gyms.i have to pay for most any man i date so why not just hire a full time bf.im know wed be friends and if he likes men not bad to look at and i have enough room they could.live in a guest house i am very sexual i take hgh and test to bulk up during summer so i can fuck like a wild bull .i truly love tp bottom i have super sensitive prostate im like a fountain.but i love to top as well.i enjoy both and often.im on prep and neg

    I am offering a fun life and i want someone to enjoy it with no complex relationship no pressure to marry.thats ruined my dating life every guy wants married after six months and im like my money ia in a trust its untouchable if they wanna marry and some are so obvious i explain on paper i have nothing you get nada if they are hot because ivw accepted finding a great fuck bud is probably my best hope even when mr.right and theres been a few .we meet at club its elextric we all but fuck on the dance floor we leave i have been driving my db11 alot so they see that and its ohh then when we pull up and the gate opens and they see my home the energy shifts and its palpable.. Im very conscious to be as normal as possible.i see how kids of other banking families act they are the reason i want whoever goes with me to a function friend a girlfriend (as in friend thats a girl im best friends with my ex fiancee so i dont pretend )she goes with me alot since every guy wants a marriage now ill never marry i do not want a kid my brother is married has two handsome boys the family will survive.i would give and pay whatever juat for a strong man who likes ro.make out is passionate actually turned on by guys and once i give him his say 100k for training a year can just relax have fun not constantly scheme on how to get more cause im not 85 im 33 i know whats up youll get anything you want more than anyone could expect you'll have freedom to do and if you dont wanna have sex its fine as long as you listen to me if i need space and a guy forces himself unlesss your like 285 and arms are like jack hammers im not a petite nympho moaning for dick

    Im a normal gay man who has circumstances 99%of the population find privileged and the sweetest guy when he gets bitten by the greed bug nothing is ever enough and a true resentment forms..its truly a common occurence that guys who was a waiter now is angry he canr have a ferrari and Bentley i dare make him choose.that shit geta him left at the dealer and bags packed sent to a hotel.if you let them back in well.i had one guy take a knife to a warhol so no.well have security walk you through later .its such a common thing ive developed procedures to handle.it .money makes some people go mad.so i wanna hire someone to.have fun i need sex if not.im cruising the gym or online and i dont have time for games.ive found men i want to.offer this to but if i bring up the subject its some absurd 20 grand for a week or 10 grand for a weekend im offering to change their lives but some guys think they are like a gift from god.im sorry ive done actual modeling in my 20s .dsquared is the most particular mens line all.their boys have to be perfect.i.opened the show twice and the entire ten years till i had to.work for.daddy at 30 so for ten years i worked as an model with agent contracts .i cant see paying for someone whos well im the hotter one and guys that look like what i normally date are straight seem shady or have the worst attitude.im chill as fuck i truly want a playmate.i wanna go to.ibiza cruise the cote d"azur my.grandmother has a gorgeous yacht she bought this art deco floating palace the silver angel And i mean its a fuckin sweet deal

    How hard is it to be nice sweet go on a wonderful adventure who knows we could click i dont think id want a guy i cared for to have to escort even if he decides no cause im a guy who loves being in love.i bond with men quickly which is why i cant handle.dating ..im tired of getting my heart broke and i know.itll be impossible for me to be a man makeout get to know have passionate sex and not feel anything were talking a year .he can have flings my only thing is itll cost alot to make him look the part of successful power broker wed be a couple to.rhe world dont bring trade around be discreet.i may have a circle jerk.at the gym i love circle.jerks.i.have an exhibitionist side i need to.let out but if im.having sex with someone i dont cheat paid or not.i to make offers i get its bullahit or im told im very expensive and im like how many people are paying 5 grand for night and m not sending anyone 10 grand to meet im flying you private me option of 5 star hotel or i have a big ass place .im flying you to.meet ill pay your over night but truly kissing seals it.ive met one guy he wanted a 50 k retainer before night one .well as smooth as he talked he a horrible kisser sucking dick was a cheese grater.i did learn i can fly them here im getting a suite.i felt very uneasy with this obvious straight man who was realizing i dont care how big your dick is i have a dick too and id rather jerk.off forever than have a dead lay.im not sucking your y6dick for 30 minutes and your still soft.im not going to.let someone just fuck me forever they dont cum thats not sex.sex starts with kissing and wanting each other so much you devour other the feeling of two.muscular bodies intertwined pressing against each other you cant get enough of them. Dont know how tp phrase it but there's no need to.worry about money just be an intelligent passionate man who likes men.i think wed be atleast fuck buddies for real.like friends maybe romantic i can have a romantic night with a friend as long as we laugh have fun and have sexual attraction.i can held by a companion but i am very affectionate i the feeling of strong arms holding me letting .me let go.its like therapy.i have to carry a burden make big decisions all day wether im in or atlanta nyc i dont get a day i get to not have strategize.i need a man to take care of me hold me kiss me .i. Like knowing i can close the bedroom and. People may wonder what goes on but we have no roles other than to let our guard down and just be.sometimes just together talking is all i need. I like to let guard down and i want any guy im with . tell me what he wants or needs

    We can nurture each which i think having plenty of money im your acct and really no wants allow some guys to find themselves .i dont enjoy pleasure unless im giving too.how do i convey my offer of companionship


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