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  1. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to xyz48B in Advice   
    OF has really impacted this hobby. Guys can rake in money without actually having to deal with clients. You have to actually enjoy time and fucking with the Average Joe to do the escort thing. With OF you can do it yourself or with a collaborator who aligns more with the Adonis ideal…
  2. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to Merboy in Advice   
    Hopefully once COVID is done with for good, all those hard-bodied studs that have been working out in the gym will realize OnlyFans isn't gonna bring in the money like a good old romp with a friendly stranger will, and we'll see massive influx of highly recommended hunks everywhere!  RM's not a bad site its just that its getting slim, mostly twinks on there now.  Where is the big muscle, the juicy pecs?
  3. Agree
    sexymonk got a reaction from Luv2play in I have decided…   
    Those guys topping (provider or clients) 8 hours straight must be supermen! To have such stamina they most probably be taking some pillls! After a while in the session is it even a fun? Unless breaks are taken? 
  4. Like
    sexymonk got a reaction from HoseMaster in I have decided…   
    I agree that 2000 per night is too much! When you buy a car, new or used, do you go for test drive or buy blindly? I would suggest that having overnight on first time is not recommended. First is test with 1 hour meet! If you like then later book for overnight. Learn to respect your own hard earned money! If you develop some good connection then spending on the person is altogether different thing. Why these escorts charge so much because they know that out there someone is salivating and thinking from waist down rather than from that grey matter! We all have urges! Just need to control our mind, think rationally. 
  5. Applause
    sexymonk reacted to topunderachiever in I have decided…   
    I'd much rather do 5 encounters with 5 beautiful men on 5 different Friday nights than do one overnight.  But that's just me.  
  6. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to xyz48B in I have decided…   
    They can be. But it’s a crapshoot. And my experience (MY experience) is that even the porn stars don’t deliver anything that someone who’s not plastered all over pornhub.com can’t also deliver. And often those who aren’t as well known don’t have the ego to go with the fame…
    I don’t need to pay for glitz and glam. And I don’t want to be made to feel like taking my money is somehow doing me a favor.
  7. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to xyz48B in I have decided…   
    It’s not just you. And there’s definitely a place for that. But an overnight is a different category than the 1-hr meetup. 
    Question for providers: in an average night, how many guys do you see for an hour?
    This thread was prompted by a provider telling me he couldn’t do less than $2000/ON. I could understand that if he’d be losing money by booking an overnight when he could book multiple appointments that would amount to more than anything less than $2000. But let’s say he’s charging $400/hr. He’d need 5 guys to engage him at that rate to make $2000/night. I have no real idea how many guys a night a provider sees (or is willing or physically able to see) but it would surprise me if it’s consistently 5 guys a night…So an overnight that includes several hours of sleep for even $1500 or $1200 seems like a deal to the provider. At $400/hr, a provider could charge $1200/overnight, see one guy, sleep, and make as much money as seeing 3 guys without sleep…and how many providers are charging $400/hr and nightly have 3+ guys hitting them up that actually translate into meetups? Maybe I’m missing something.
  8. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to + Reisr30 in I have decided…   
    Recently I have been quoted $1,200 - $1,500 for ON with time ranges between 6 pm - 9 am and another 8 pm - 6 am
    I think it all depends on what you agree with the companion and whether they meet your needs or definition of BF experience.  I think I would pay $2,000 if i liked the provider and we agreed what what was covered during the ON.  In my opinion you pay for the company and if I really want to spend time with a specific provider then it's up to me if I want agree to the cost.  
    Perhaps it's me but I hate to negotiate so I don't try to push for discounts; if I want to meet someone and I know their rate I can decide if it's worth it to me to pay the fee.
  9. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to xyz48B in I have decided…   
    Same. That’s why if the rate is too high, I’m going to just move on from now on. No sense ruining it with the vulgarity of money. 
  10. Agree
    sexymonk reacted to xyz48B in I have decided…   
    Is escorting really that incomparable to other service jobs? I grow fucking weary of people on this forum who say that we can’t compare escorts to other jobs. Yes. Yes, we can. If it’s work, it can be compared to other work.
    Escorts provide a particular service. They can be (and I might argue, should be) compared, at from a compensation perspective, to other service providers with like levels of education and expertise. The fact that the work is illegal might make it worth a bit more, for the risk, but that doesn’t make it worth that much more. 
  11. Applause
    sexymonk got a reaction from LFABWC in Jay Dymel   
    Ok, if ranting here and calling us mean makes you happy then so it be. We accept wholeheartedly your rants. Thank you.
  12. Applause
    sexymonk got a reaction from LFABWC in Jay Dymel   
    So now what Trump has to do with people speculating someone's death? That is ridiculous statement. We have respect for the bygone person. By speculating no one is disrespecting or desecrating him. What can be done is to learn lesson out of this thing and save many other lives which can help to prevent an event to start speculation! Also I know how much the politically correct people are tolerant! Simple pretense of remorse, feeling sad and flowing tears doesn't help or going to bring back the person. Let this be an example to save other living lives who are in same boat. To really respect him is to start talking about harm reduction and absistence to drugs with people whom we know to be victims of addiction.
  13. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + Pensant in Objectification?   
    That’s why I indulge in this hobby. I can always get a freebie; however, I want someone with whom I can freely engage in the kinks and role-play that captivate my imagination. Don’t be shy.
  14. Like
    sexymonk reacted to Gymowner in 411 on JPHadley new in NYC   
    i am coming to the conclusion in life that as hot and cute that these "under 30" types are, when you get to know them for more than an hour session they can wear you out mentally. the lack of focus, selfish, self centered "everything is always about me" attitudes, taking day(s) to respond to simple text messages or questions drains the desire to even want to be with them.
    its always best to stick to my rule #1 and never break it. this is a business transaction, not a friend...period. as clark gable once said "i dont pay them to come into my bed. i pay them to leave"!
  15. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + nycman in 411 Muscle Blonde Adam   
    You need more information than...

    Think with your big head bro and stop listing to the little one between your legs.
  16. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + sync in Francock   
    Tattooing has a curious grip on some people. Some years ago I had conversation with a dream of a bartender with an extensive tattoo. He told me that he is ex-military and the tattoo is to remind him of his buddies he lost on the battlefield. I don't understand how anyone could ever forget such an experience or why anyone would want a constant reminder of it.
  17. Like
    sexymonk reacted to good ol boy in Inside scoop on Alain D   
    Do i really need a video ? hmmm let me go to porn hub or ...
  18. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + peterhung85 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have just seen this topic. I still don't want to believe it...
    It was 2009, San Francisco, and my first ever review was published on Daddysreviews by a long-standing member here. I had no idea what this site was so I went to check it out and shortly after my cell phone rang. A gentleman introduced himself as "Daddy" and told me that my review got published on his website. He asked me a few non-intrusive questions that were geared towards finding out whether the money I make through this means is being invested for my future. Again, and I must emphasize this, he did that in the most non-intrusive way as one possibly could have. I felt that he just genuinely wanted to ensure that I am on the right path to creating financial independence for myself in the long run. We covered a few other aspects of the industry and he offered me a helping hand in case I ever needed a piece of advice.
    Soon after my first published review came the second, third --- 20th, and 30th, and my business has exploded and I was full of quality inquiries. Surely, providing a great service doesn't hurt but without the ability for people to research their next "date" on a platform like his, how would anyone know about my abilities?
    But business (while obviously in our lives is key) was truly NOT what Daddy was all about. He was in it to help people. Genuinely.
    I had the pleasure to meet him on numerous occasions at a variety of restaurants and many times at his apartment in Las Vegas. We even met during the pandemic (the chair was waiting for me at the entrance to sit on) while he distanced himself from me by being in front of his computer on the other side of the apartment and we were both wearing masks. The "HOW" never really mattered, but every meeting with him was always highly insightful and entertaining.... and very genuine. Many of you probably didn't get the chance to truly know who was behind this nickname/website and I am very grateful that I had the pleasure of conducting more than just superficial chit-chats with him.
    For those of you who don't know, he was a computer whiz and had incredible talents at forensics and used to be retained as a forensic expert in multi-billion dollar lawsuit cases back in the day. This speaks volumes of the in-depth knowledge he had about certain fields in computers.
    Talking about talent, he used to be an escort himself (waaaaaaaaaaay) back in the day. He wasn't always overweight and was rather hot. He told me so many funny stories about providing services in LA/Beverly Hills to some of the Hollywood elites. They were extremely entertaining stories.
    He never cared about the money. He went as far as to flat-out decline highly lucrative promotional/marketing/advertising offers if he disagreed with how the company conducted its business in the gay world, whether we are talking about advertising practices, treatment of others, or the mission the company stood for. He was a principles guy, yet - needless to say - non-judgmental.
    Every time we talked - without an exception - he had his "routine" questions:
    - Are you happy?
    - Do you put a certain percentage of your money aside and invest it?
    - Do you take time out to have fun and enjoy life too?
    This should tell you about the type of person Bill was.
    (With names redacted), he showed me all kinds of escort inquiries where the guys offered him free sessions in exchange for promotion/bad review removal/self-review postings. He NEVER abused his position and always maintained his integrity.
    He was a big fan of Latin guys with muscles and cute butts. Who can blame him, right?! Yet... never ran out of compliments for me when we met.
    We talked about a few side projects of his too. Some of you may not know, but a few years back he was running a website that was teaching the transgender community about proper accessorizing / makeup / wigs and how to start out. He was also running it on his own dime and received no compensation for it.
    On my last in-person visit during COVID, we actually started discussing either a joint business venture or a certain promotional opportunity about a website that would have served as an extension of DaddysReviews. We have never finalized the details and sadly, that will not happen anymore. It would have been great to work with him I am sure.
    I just want you gentlemen to understand how this person sacrificed most of his life to help our community. He never asked for anything in return and I know exactly how much of his life he sacrificed for others. He changed my life, and probably many of your lives I am certain or the very bottom line, his work made your life a little easier in this crazy world.
    I hope that he is in a good place now, his contributions, his helping hand, his guidance, and the amount of care and love he put out for all of us will be remembered (at least by me) for a LIFETIME.
    When @Cooper reached out to me, I was shocked to hear that I was probably the only person who knew his address. He was so loving, welcoming and open that I thought he kept company often times at his home. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Cooper for taking immediate actions and for keeping everyone posted. I am so truly sorry it ended this way. :-(
  19. Like
    sexymonk reacted to BaronArtz in Francock   
    I agree ... why do so many Latin American men have these extensive neck tattoos???? I see it so often on otherwise hot flirt4free cam models. It looks hideous. Imagine what it will look like when these guys hit 50, 60, 70
  20. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + poolboy48220 in Top 3 to 5 Providers You've Seen, Who Are Still Active   
    Another vote for Alex Ward. I think he's the only guy I would repeat with who's still active. Lots of retired guys in my fantasies.
  21. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + freecahill1965 in 411 on Levi Tucker   
    Yes, it is. Drop me a line. I will be happy to at least take you to lunch.
  22. Like
    sexymonk reacted to Epigonos in Trevk - NYC - Rentmen   
    One photograph plus PNP -- no way! However, cute face.
  23. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + nycman in 411 Haydenjamesnyc   
  24. Like
    sexymonk reacted to + Billsboy4 in 411 Haydenjamesnyc   
    someone needs to feed him!
  25. Like
    sexymonk got a reaction from + WestGuy in Is there something wrong/immoral about hiring? My thoughts...and yours   
    My two cents: Nothing wrong in hiring. It saves time on grindr by the too much back and forth messages. Also on RM we can meet same person again and again and say bye to one night stand! It is bad if exploitation is involved though!
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