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Posts posted by guru68

  1. 1 hour ago, purplekow said:

    So some people say though I believe the original expression was.   The proof of the pudding is in the tasting.  Unless of course you are cheating on a high school math test by putting the answers in your dessert.  In that case the proof would be in the pudding and the quadratic equation is in the ice cream.     

    I guess we'll have to taste a lot of pudding.

  2. 17 minutes ago, SubNick said:

    Ok but he has to have a price at which i could lick his feet, even if straight as the driven snow. $10,000? $50,000? $100,000? Im not saying I would actually pay that, but I'd be curious what his number would be. 

    I'd guess that at some point he'd think that you weren't serious, but stalking him or some such. Then again, who knows? Pay off his mortgage and maybe he'll meet you.

  3. 56 minutes ago, SubNick said:

    I'm afraid I bit the bullet and paid the $35. He responded to a couple of messages but clearly had no interest in ever meeting. Which is his right but it does seem like a strange way to pass your time. I kept making bigger and bigger offers to him to see if I could get him to meet me or at least respond but he didn't take the bait even when I offered him $2000 just to lick his feet. I'm curious if i could ever him to meet. What if I offered $3000? $10,000?

    If he's straight and making enough from OF, I could see him not biting. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:


    When I hear "classically handsome" I immediately think of all the handsome men of Hollywood history. I can acknowledge that these men were handsome, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend any of them as sexual partners to anyone as that look isn't really my thing.

    The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

  5. 13 hours ago, TJMS said:


    His new add says he is accepting deposits to hold your place! LOL

    Sounds like several people have reservations already.

  6. 39 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I don't think that's it.

    He's just a little "not there".


    Maybe already planning how to spend the $$?

  7. 5 hours ago, Mo Mason said:

    Also, you all are crazy calling this dude 'average.'  His intentions (and hourly rates) might not be the most desirable or admirable, but DAMN... he's one of the best-looking young men I have ever seen on Rentmen.

    No argument there. If he really is 'average', I want to move wherever. 

  8. 4 hours ago, borgerback said:

    I paid a lot.  public_assistance tried to - alert me - gently (warn is too strong a word to use in this case I think) but bottom line he was way more focused on the next client and responding to texts regarding that than our play in our very expensive session.  Would not repeat, but he wasn't high, he wasn't a threat, and he was good looking.  Not as in-shape as I think he represents (e.g., I think putting the label 'jock' on him is a bit of a misnomer).  I hope I'm not coming across as snarky here.  

    Yeah, not getting the guy's full attention, especially when you are paying a lot, is really unprofessional. He (or his pictures at least) are definitely in my type, but that alone would deter me from engaging him.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Coolwave35 said:

    He lived with me all last Summer and worked out of my home. Super nice guy, trust worthy, but as far as I know, solely a top. We stopped having sex after I accidentally became his friend.  Those pics are all updated and he’s looking yummy. 

    You friend-zoned yourself? 🤣

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