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Posts posted by guru68

  1. 47 minutes ago, viewing ownly said:

    "I am not a prostitute", but escorting is listed in what he's available for. Is that like a librarian saying "I don't put books away, just reading material."?

    Perhaps he worries about legal complications (not that the sentence would matter for that), or he's trying to signal that there won't be any sexual contact.

  2. 2 hours ago, diehard_002 said:

    Yes indeed. Tim does that but when you have to constantly herd cats - big  & small - and need to keep the show going.. you have to cut him some slack. I was not too happy that unlike the promo mails the final nude party email did not mention Matty, but he did show up and stayed in thongs the whole time.  His strict touching "rules" still applied - atleast to me and couple patrons I spoke to.  I had the final lap dance of the night with him and funnily he did not find a place to change back to street clothes so he did it right there in the lap dance room and yes I did get a peak at the treasure LOL

    Hopefully the rewards will inspire him to make more appearances.

  3. 26 minutes ago, robberbaron4u said:

    Thank you, but the situation dictated sending him home or having a house guest for the winter season. He advised me that he only traveled "first class" and I informed him that every seat on Air Tonga was a "first class seat".


    Keeping him for a season sounds like it would have been expensive.

  4. 2 minutes ago, robberbaron4u said:

    Now there is a practical solution! I will pass your suggestion on to him.

    Every young man must make his way in the world somehow. Hopefully the backseat is clean.

  5. 11 minutes ago, robberbaron4u said:

    If he doesn't come up with the $112 he owes his Uber driver, he is going to be a late arrival at Johnson.

    BTW, how are you hearing this, or are you just kidding?

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