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Everything posted by DrownedBoy

  1. On the one hand, if I'm on RM late at night, I do get people contacting me and offering deals. However, there's a lot fewer available, and not hot enough that I'd hire. After that meeting with my regular, I'm good for another 2 months. I'll deal with it the same way I did with the previous months. As a high class Italian courtesan once told a famous French philosopher: "Gianetto, lascia le donne, e studia matematica."
  2. I was wondering - does anyone know a case where someone was arrested for meeting after seeing each other on Rentmen.com?
  3. Correct - I'll add that there were much fewer providers online than pre-Covid (none that I'd hire). But I never tried "chatting them up" (nor did I reply to their messages). They just RMd me directly after I looked at their site. I didn't ask for a discount; someone just offered one out of the blue. And to make clear - I never had luck using RM Messenger before, because none of the escorts seemed to use it. However, now escorts are using it to reach out to me, unsolicited. That in itself is a change. And yes Benjamin - that's why this is called a "data point." Keep collecting data.
  4. No, the one time I used Friendboy, clients can leave a comment for a provider. Once that happens, the user is marked clearly as "verified by meeting."
  5. * BUMP* Has anyone dealt with BelAmiStallion (https://friendboy.pro/boys/BelAmiStallion)? He 's always almost marked available. One thing - he is not "verified my meeting" because nobody gave his comments. And he's been up there almost a year? This seems like a red light to me. Anyone disagree?
  6. Well right now, I just glanced through a few RentMen profiles, and 2 of the people I viewed immediately RMed if I was looking to hire. I never before had that type of response from Chicago providers. I think it's a good economic data point. EDIT Make that 3. Some guy just reached out and offered a 25% discount special. Too bad he has facial hair. Wish more than a handful of Chicago escorts were "Available."
  7. I just had a long session with one of my cheaper regulars. I'm good for another month. Next time I'll hire my most muscular regular.
  8. Ouch - only 3 bodybuilders in Illinois, and they're not much to look at. Guess I'll be traveling more. Still, you'd think Chicago would have more. Maybe I need to wait for the plague to lift.
  9. Once when I was staying at a hotel in a large downtown, workers vetted everyone who came in. I had to go down, meet the provider, and flash my hotel keycard to get back up on the elevator. That's the only hotel stay where that happened to me. It wasn't fancy either (I think it was a Holiday Inn).
  10. Here's my prediction. Right after Covid lifts, rates will stay stable for a month or so. That's people who can't control their libido. Afterwards, there will be more escorts but prices will stop dropping, because too many clients have less income or worry about their jobs in a recession. I never understood why some people can't resist their libido, that they can't just walk away from a deal. That's probably the best thing a mature client can have.
  11. Hey guys, I was wondering if there are other message forums for clients around the internet. Personally, I'm interested in 1:1 interactive meetings with bodybuilders. I understand there are forums where such arrangements can be made, but I don't know which ones are reliable. Does anyone have some advice?
  12. The term "spit in my mouth" is a standard euphemism for a bj swallow. I only hope this is a metaphor too.
  13. If you can get ahold of him. I hired him once and he was excellent, but he's nearly impossible to get in contact with, and he's extremely lackadaisical and slow when setting things up. The last time I tried to contact him, there were 15 minute pauses between every text, he seemed huffy that I didn't explicitly spell everything out although he never asked, and he ended by saying he was busy at the time. Maybe the recession will improve his customer service, but I don't like wasting time. As you can see, Chicago is a great city if you like facial hair....
  14. No...we crushed on any guys, not knowing if they were straight (or just assuming). It's too bad I grew up in a less accepting era, since a lot of guys I grew up with came out later. I'm sure my personality would be a lot different if I had a boyfriend in junior high. It still blows my mind when I hear about same sex dating in high schools today.
  15. Nobody never asked me that. However, cops, as I understand, need to get providers to explicitly state they're providing sex for money. I'm into role playing and not oral/anal, so it would be rather difficult to label anything I do with providers as "sex."
  16. I don't like keeping providers hanging with "let you know" phrases. A firm answer is easier. Since the recession started, I'll be more specific, such as, "Sorry, I guess you're too high class for me." Markets work best when clear price signals get sent. Enough signals like that, and either providers drop their rates or drop out of escorting.
  17. Absolutely not. I don't need to be with a guy who finds spending time together disgusting. Besides, straight guys never kiss, which is a deal breaker for me.
  18. As a client, I always found it low-class to offer less than a provider asks for. They ask for what they want, and I say yay or nay. Only once have I downright told someone their rates were too high, and quoted one of my regulars' rates, and gotten a counter offer I would accept. I'm leery of counteroffers since there might be resentment on the provider's part.
  19. Oh, I don't use Friendboy for the higher class escorts...
  20. I've only hired once from those places (guy on Friendboy who also used to be on Mintboys) because they were really local. I got lucky and added a regular for now.
  21. I'll have to be careful with post pandemic newbies. Before the pandemic, as I mentioned, new kids with no record would go on RM thinking they're worth 300-350. Now that they have massive competition and fewer clients, I'll have even less patience with that type.
  22. Believe me, every single business in the country is determined to get a better deal. Businesses hated the past 2 years, when it was hard to find workers. Now they have their pick of desperate unemployed people, while they can threaten to lay off their existing ones. It's how the world works, no matter what business you're in.
  23. In my line of work, it's not uncommon to see people come into the office with the flu and such. I've always said that this in itself could infect a chain of carriers and eventually kill someone. Hopefully after Covid, businesses will wise up to all the lost productivity they incur by forcing people to come in sick. However, it's near impossible to prove that you caught an airborne disease from a specific person.
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