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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. Oh My god I know nearly none of these people.
  2. Rod Hagen

    NICE guys

    I guess I've aged out of the club! Or I've become a prick. OR I was always a prick. :-)
  3. When I've stayed at hotels that skimp on the inroom coffee maker and are too inexpensive to have room service, I've resorted to letting the hot water run for some time and then using my Starbucks Italian Roast instant coffee packets. It's not nearly as hot as I'd like, but it gets the morning moving. Mike B, I love your collapsible travel kettle, but I'm a minimalist carry-on-only packer and that is just too bulky still for me. Maybe version 2.0!
  4. It depends on where you're living. SoCal ppl have very flexible schedules, so day time's no problem. NYC ppl work till 8 or 9 or even 10, so late night may be only option. Oh and those SoCal people who are from the East Coast tend to prefer late nights. When I was an escort in my 20s I took all the 3 am calls just because I thought it was sleazy and fun. Once I was in line at 2am to get into the Hollywood Spa (bathhouse). My pager went off, I used someone's nokia (remember that ring tone?) to call them back. Drove to the hills for an appointment. Finished just before 4, still felt energized, so I went BACK to Hollywood Spa and fucked till Dawn. I switched to day time and early evenings in my early 30s and remain there now. Point-being, late night is exciting and exhausting. Also, there's more likely to be drugs if that bothers, or excites, you.
  5. Rod Hagen

    NICE guys

    Who's the original Nice Guy escort, Casey Donovan? People I know who hired him said he was as nice as advertised. Any one here who hired him?
  6. Rod Hagen

    NICE guys

    Who's the original Nice Guy escort, Casey Donovan? People I know who hired him said he was as nice as advertised. Any one here who hired him?
  7. I give my masseur a big tip at Christmas. (Money, not that other kind of tip :-) ) I do it to let him know how much he contributed to my happiness and health that year. And I do it all in one big payment, rather than stagger the tips throughout the year, so it's something he can count on, at a time we all need more money, the end of the year. And that way he never has to have that voice in his head that says, "he tipped $20 to me last time, but only $10 or not at all this time, did I do something wrong?"
  8. In my 20s most of my clients were in their 40s, the rest were distributed more or less evenly through 50s 60s 70s and 80s, maybe 90s. In my early 30s, most were in their 50s and 60s. However, also for a few years in my early 30s I offered a discount to those 24 and under, just as an experiment. And it worked. I wasn't old enough to be a "daddy" but I was old enough to steer inexperienced men around tight turns. In those years I often saw adult teens and men in their early 20s. Young people bore me, generally, so after awhile I stopped the discount, or at least stopped advertising it. Now, more than a decade later, I rarely see young men. A couple have called me daddy which on the one hand I get. On the other hand, there's nothing about me that seems "daddy". I don't have gray hair yet...yet. Nothing about my personality is "daddy" so much as I'd never respond with that kind of lingo: "son" "boy" etc. But I get it, I'm 46, so there's that. I think escorts my age and a bit younger probably have better "luck" seeing younger guys because they're willing to play the daddy card. That's not me.
  9. Funny episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Jeff Garlin was looking at houses just to fuck the agents, and when his wife figured it out she made him buy the most expensive/ridiculous house even though he had no intention of actually buying one.
  10. Catalina Island runway, Avalon, recently upgraded, has always been a blast.
  11. Rod Hagen

    Best of LA

    Kristian is fantastic. Have fun!
  12. You should ad a sixth one. 6 is a strong number :-)
  13. The lighting and color of that abandoned space he and the photographer shot in is fantastic.
  14. Thanks everyone. I'm trying to make it much more a very pulpy juice, and not a smoothie. Smoothies are good on their own, as a meal. This is something to accompany a meal. I like Pineapple juice and love pineapple chunks, but I think pineapple juice alone may be too acidic. Maybe I'll mix it with bananas. (??) Unfortunately, ginger gives me horrid heartburn, so I haven't eaten it in decades. Thank you so far everyone. Still struggling with what to do with my apples. I can't imagine Apple and Pineapple would taste good together. Maybe with frozen peaches. And I'll give the apples with pears a whirl...or a pulse.
  15. I don't have a juicer, I have a blender. I don't like adding powder or yogurt. I'm not opposed to adding juice or ice. But I don't like adding yogurt or cottage cheese or powder. I prefer to leave all or most of the peel when I can. So, unpeeled banana and mostly pealed orange with water or water and OJ. Very good. Whole apple and ice and water is only ok. I want to improve this one. Whole apple and OJ and mostly peeled orange, good. Frozen berries and water and banana, unpeeled, very good. Any other suggestions? Frozen peaches and???? And what can I mix the apples with to make the juice taste a bit more exciting? Thanks! p.s. I'm not interested in blending veggies. I do eat whole fruit and whole veggies all day every day.
  16. WorldEscortSean (RIP) was the only escort I heard say he expected double the rate in any threesome. But Sean was, famously, a bit difficult.
  17. 19 hour coach flight would not be a problem for me. Just more time to read. Sounds great, actually.
  18. They come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. :-)
  19. Earlier tonight I created an account. I looked at the pages of friends: All photos of food and hotel rooms and clothes. I looked at the accounts Instagram recommended: All photos of food and clothing and dogs and babies in pink jumpers. This is the same junk I saw on the phones people held in line ahead of me, as I explained earlier. I see no depth, just self-absorption. I see no value in social media. RSS feeds, on the other hand, are fantastic. If I'm wrong, point me to the weighty 'grams, now that I signed up because I'm too insecure to allow a challenge to fall, a decision I'm certain will bite me in the ass someday.
  20. The shallowness of the content. I don't use twitter, but as I said Twitter streamlines following multiple news sites such as those I listed, so I suppose it could have some utility. Instagram, useless photos of useless stuff; the suckiest of time sucks. You're better off reading a book, or staring off into space.
  21. I have 1.19 Terabytes of porn files...so far.
  22. When the bathhouse, The Hollywood Spa, was still on Ivar you could ogle men using the gym naked as if they lived in ancient Ithaca.
  23. Briefly explain your criteria for sharing face photos in the text of your ad and also in your responses to texts and emails. If they are thinking of hiring you based on your ad and on your faceless photos, they will not mind one more small hurdle such as a phone call.
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