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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. Briefly explain your criteria for sharing face photos in the text of your ad and also in your responses to texts and emails. If they are thinking of hiring you based on your ad and on your faceless photos, they will not mind one more small hurdle such as a phone call.
  2. Briefly explain your criteria for sharing face photos in the text of your ad and also in your responses to texts and emails. If they are thinking of hiring you based on your ad and on your faceless photos, they will not mind one more small hurdle such as a phone call.
  3. I love the taste of coffee in another man's mouth. It's coffee. There's nothing better. Not even coke or wine.
  4. If you've seen my dad you'd know why this would not be a boner killer. He's got a smile and guns like no other 80 year old I know. And, now it's hard to talk about anything lightly because I'm watching Notre Dame burn down.
  5. These are fantastic. Thank you all.
  6. You might want to look for someone who has over ten years massage experience with dozens of positive reviews and also has two decades of escort experience with well over 100 positive reviews. Now, where could you find such a man?????
  7. Damn you. Thought there would be a sequel to California King :-)
  8. God oh God. Please stop using Instagram. A person can make an argument, I guess, for the utility of twitter such that it does make it easy to follow Nytimes The Economist BBC News Fox news etc. But when I see EVERYONE in front of me in line, wherever, on instagram my heart just breaks. Such a worthless worthless time suck; granted this is based just on what I see on everyone's screens, which is vapid shit and nothing else, I've never actually used it.
  9. Fantastic. Thank you.
  10. You're always going to receive requests for (cheaper) massage appointments, regardless of where they saw your listing, especially if you mention massage in your ad, and even if you don't. If you plan to escort for years then one solution is to spend some time and money training in massage. After that, list yourself on massage sites, and give massages (at the lower rate). 1. It's extra money. 2. It ultimately increases your escort business. How? If the client both likes you and wants more of you he'll hire you for the escorting appointments going forward. If he's satisfied with the massage, well you have a new massage client and that's good too.
  11. I have no confidence this will happen. Nothing remotely as useful filled the gap when equally stupid rationals killed our categories in Craigslist and Backpage.
  12. Most of the 67 Adult Tumblrs I follow seem to have no plan. It's very frustrating. There were two WaPo op eds and one NYTIMES Oped speaking to how bad of a decision this was.
  13. Ok, I'll answer directly: probably 70%. Maybe more. When I was in my 20's it was less because I had a lot more clients in their 40s than I did in my thirties, or now. But It's always been more than half.
  14. This is a great Tumblr I follow on Swimming nude in Public in the "olden days" with lots of photos from YMCA and coed (men nude women clothed) swim teams. Enjoy: https://boysswimnude.tumblr.com/
  15. In the beginning I felt excited to have a gay network, but then I think it was a combination of lazy programming and a fickle, disinterested audience including me, that made it feel no longer worthy of the "favs" rotation on my remote.
  16. Maybe my understanding is off. I thought they took drugs consenually as much as a 13 year old can take drugs consensually. Did Polanski in fact slip her a micki as they used to say? That's awful. I did not know that, or I conveniently forgot it. I don't remember books afterward like I used to. I do remember finding Arabella compelling. Oh dear, I don't remember well enough why this book made me think men too often allow their dicks to be their ultimate compass, only that I did.
  17. Tess is on Netflix DVDs: https://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Tess/60010978 You can watch it again. Polanski's victim has said multiple times she didn't feel like a victim then, and she doesn't consider herself a victim, then, now, and he was not the first person to have sex with her, and that if the culture needs her to forgive him, she does.. The slaves likely never forgave the Egyptians, yet we still appreciate the Pyramids. Bad people can make beautiful things. Norman Mailer was a terrible misogynist, and his books are remarkable. John Updike was no fan of the gays, and his short stories are divine. I read Jude the Obscure for the first time last summer. I liked it a lot. And it also made me sad for nearly all men, gay and straight. I noticed in an episode of LOUIE where Louie CK tried very hard to stand his ground against a very entitled millenial. He was doing well (this is the episode where the young woman owned a kitchen store in Manhattan), but eventually he caved in, and her being young (and therefore attractive) had so much to do with his pussiness. So my point: Hardy, and most other straight men, and most gay men, give young folks undue aderation due to their being young. And I don't fucking get it. Adoration should be earned. If I'm not mistaken, the main character in Jude the Obscure was obsessed with this woman, though I don't remember her being particularly interesting or engaging. I know what everyone takes away from the book is the horrible section of the dead kids, but for me, the take away is that Thom Hardy, and nearly all men are, when it comes to youth, as Louie CK.
  18. OOO I love Tess D'U. Good for you. I love everything I've read of Hardy. I particularly love his antagonism toward religion. The movie Tess is quite extraordinary. Rewatch it.
  19. If you are in or come to LA I can lend you my copy of this rather magnificent essay he wrote for McSweeneys years ago about his NASCAR weekend. Here's an exceprt, the actual article is about 8000 words. That said it will take me some time to find it, I just did a quick swep and didn't see it. But I'm sure I have it, let me know. Here's the excerpt: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/gentleman-start-your-engines
  20. The iPad killed the days when I read only one book at a time. Currently: Rereading Infinite Jest: https://www.amazon.com/Infinite-Jest-David-Foster-Wallace/dp/0316066524 Reading Blonde: https://www.amazon.com/Blonde-Novel-Joyce-Carol-Oates/dp/0061774359/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1538775752&sr=1-1&keywords=Blonde&dpID=51pxphvWbEL&preST=_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch Reading the second volume of Isherwood's Diaries: https://www.amazon.com/Sixties-Diaries-1960-1969-Christopher-Isherwood/dp/0061185000/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1538775781&sr=1-3&keywords=isherwood+diaries&dpID=51PYiXJzQYL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch Reading the Cleopatra biography, finally: https://www.amazon.com/Cleopatra-Life-Stacy-Schiff/dp/0316001945/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1538775819&sr=1-3&keywords=cleopatra And, someone just gave me Washington Square, so I started that: https://www.amazon.com/Washington-Square-Henry-James/dp/1720535973/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1538775855&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washington+square+henry+james&psc=1
  21. Yes, and the OP scenario would be, to me, a form of working for someone. I was eager to participate in this thread--thank you for monitoring it btw -- yet I didn't address the OP head on because it's not a scenario likely to befall someone 45 years old, agree?
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