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  1. Applause
    NJF reacted to + IronMaus in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    It's not right-wing to want these sites to be as responsible as they can - but this is just the excuse others are using to take them down. The truth is we wouldn't have this sort of material and behavior if we viewed sex differently, and no matter how much you spend on preventing this sort of behavior someone will get through the cracks and the right-wing entities will exploit that.

    If it were the real concern, then we would actually be going after the people that exploit others sexually, post revenge/rape porn for money. But we don't hear about individuals who have done these things and what is being done to address them. We are blaming the site for their behavior and supposing that if the site weren't there the behavior wouldn't be either.

    Backpage worked hard to prevent sex traffickers and such on their site - even helped the US government sting and catch people using the site. Makes sense to use sites to help track people down and such right? Because it benefits not only sex workers but other intended victims. This didn't help them in the end. They were a website that provided a safe environment for SWers all over the world, making it harder for people to take advantage of us. Nobody cared in the end because groups like Exodus Cry found a way for the world to see them as "the largest sex trafficking site in the world" - and Democrats/Republicans alike rejoiced in "taking them down".

    Meanwhile, when you shut these sites down, you only move this behavior to other - often harder to track and monitor - venues. Sex traffickers have it a lot easier now than they did before SESTA/FOSTA becuase we've moved them onto the dark web and hiding in plain site on the street. But we are constantly hearing in the news about sex traffic operations being shut down. But actually its mostly massage parlors, with employees that are way more fucked when they are sent back to where they came from or put into the system in America.
  2. Haha
    NJF reacted to BuffaloKyle in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    They are now changing their minds apparently. An email is going to be going out to performers on their platform soon. 
  3. Applause
    NJF reacted to + IronMaus in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    Because of how well this is working, we can't see the forest through the trees. This effect is happening as a result of Evangelical, Conservative, and Nationalist efforts in many arenas. They create the perfect firing squad: a circle. So we sit around arguing with each other about what we think are the problems and solutions, meanwhile the source of the problems are pulling the strings and accomplishing more than we see until it is too late.

    IMHO I believe this movement is also being supported by Porn at the top - they want their money back before its too late and they aren't in business anymore.
  4. Applause
    NJF reacted to + IronMaus in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    Credit Card companies change of policy is the result of greater efforts and the middle of the story - we are going to see a lot more sites go down in the near future. Porn is under attack systematically and the industry's opposition have enough resources to seriously jeopardize Porn's availability and relevance. Here is an overview of the situation I copied from https://twitter.com/PostCultRev/status/1428584133555482630
    "A lot of people are getting the OnlyFans story wrong, and the reality of it is a lot more damaging and concerning to both the livelihood of sex workers and online freedom in general. OnlyFans isn’t ditching porn and sex workers because it’s trying to get new investments. It’s ditching them because on October 1st of 2021 MasterCard is implementing new rules governing sites with adult content that use their payment processing systems.
    These rules will basically require that OnlyFans (and every other site that accepts MasterCard payments) not only fully verify every user and every person who appears in every adult video, but review all posted content before publication, including real-time review of livestreams.
    The new records-keeping, review processes, verification and other requirements are going to be expensive and time-consuming. OnlyFans seems to have decided it’s not worth it. More importantly though, these rules will put incredible pressure on smaller sites and indie creators. Of course, they could just decide not to accept MasterCard, but it’s likely Visa and others will follow suit eventually.
    So why the rule changes? Because last December the New York Times published an opinion piece by Nick Kristof caller “The Children of Pornhub” that accused the site and its parent company of profiting off revenge porn, child porn and sex trafficking. Which, to be clear, they kinda were. PornHub was notoriously bad among the tube sites for its reckless lack of content moderation and exploitation of the people whose videos ended up there. Because of the story, Visa and MasterCard both cut PornHub off.
    PornHub has since moved to a model where it only posts verified users, but the big payment processors haven’t relented, and are looking to remove themselves from any other business that might be involved in sex trafficking, non-consensual content, etc. Hence the rule changes.
    But here’s the thing: Kristof’s story might have been correct on some of PornHub’s abuses but it was deeply manipulative and painfully wrongheaded about sex trafficking in porn and, like almost anything he writes about sex, a filtered version of Christian dominionistic propaganda. One of the primary sources in Kristof’s article is Traffickinghub founder Laila Mickelwait. She also works for the group Exodus Cry, a Christian group that is among other things anti-sex, anti-homosexuality and, naturally, anti-Semitic.
    Groups like this don’t care about sex trafficking or non-consensual videos on a porn site. Those are footholds to their broader goal, which is to destroy the entire sex industry. That the majority of it is legal and consensual is pointless; they want it all gone on principle. Sex trafficking makes a good narrative toward that goal. It’s why the old anti-porn Morality in the Media group from the 1960s is now called “The National Center on Sexual Exploitation”
    Kristof has played this role before. His basic tactic is to use manipulative and manipulated stories of sexual abuse to attack broader institutions. Then he ends up a mouthpiece filtering deeply regressive Evangelical Christian anti-sex mythology to the mainstream is a given.
    The attack on PornHub did nothing to stop sex trafficking and a lot to take money out of the legal porn industry. The new MasterCard rules are a direct result of this, which basically means an overwrought Christian anti-sex fever dream is now dictating sexual content online.
    Almost the entire anti-trafficking movement is an Evangelical project to get liberal supporters to sign off on a laundry list of Christian anti-sex policies. It’s been one of their most successful propaganda projects. It’s also likely gotten a lot of sex workers killed.
    It’s the reason Craigslist and Backpage don’t do classifieds for sex workers, because of trafficking scares, removing a relatively safe way to meet clients and moving workers back to more exploitative and dangerous venues.
    Anti-trafficking groups have shut down AIDS programs that worked with sex workers and replaced them with abstinence-only programs. They’ve gotten police doing “trafficking raids” that are just giant crackdowns on consensual sex work, sending more sex workers to jail.
    Because that’s the whole point of this. It’s a giant propaganda push, one with real teeth to it, to attack all sex work, legal or otherwise, consensual or not. OnlyFans dropping porn is just the next step. It’s only going to get worse.
    Some sources: MasterCard’s rule changes https://xbiz.com/news/258606/heres-what-the-new-mastercard-rules-mean-for-adult-sites-producers… Kristof’s use of Evangelical propaganda https://newrepublic.com/article/160488/nick-kristof-holy-war-pornhub… OnlyFans actual statement on why they changed policy https://xbiz.com/news/261183/onlyfans-releases-official-statement-about-upcoming-ban-on-sexually-explicit-conduct…
    Just going to make sure one point of this thread is clear: MasterCard’s rule changes will do nothing to stop sex trafficking. They might have a marginal effect on non-consensual videos in general but overall these rules are about their own liability, not concern for victims.
    The end result of the change is it will be harder to sell sexually explicit content online unless you are part of a major player that can afford the costs to meet the new requirements. Indie sex workers will be driven out and larger companies will be more powerful.
    So little to zero assistance for any actual victim of a sex crime and enormous overbearing punishment directed at the creators of legal, consensual work."
  5. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + jeezopete in Covid Vaccine Boosters are Here to Stay   
    Unfortunately the COVID vaccine will follow the path of the flu vaccine and becoming an annual ritual. With much of the world unvaccinated and active spreading the virus, new strains will constantly emerging and make annual boosters a necessity.
  6. Thanks
    NJF got a reaction from + IronMaus in Covid Vaccine Boosters are Here to Stay   
    Unfortunately the COVID vaccine will follow the path of the flu vaccine and becoming an annual ritual. With much of the world unvaccinated and active spreading the virus, new strains will constantly emerging and make annual boosters a necessity.
  7. Sad
    NJF got a reaction from Deadlift1 in Covid Vaccine Boosters are Here to Stay   
    Unfortunately the COVID vaccine will follow the path of the flu vaccine and becoming an annual ritual. With much of the world unvaccinated and active spreading the virus, new strains will constantly emerging and make annual boosters a necessity.
  8. Like
    NJF got a reaction from lonely_john in Covid Vaccine Boosters are Here to Stay   
    Unfortunately the COVID vaccine will follow the path of the flu vaccine and becoming an annual ritual. With much of the world unvaccinated and active spreading the virus, new strains will constantly emerging and make annual boosters a necessity.
  9. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + Charlie in Covid Vaccine Boosters are Here to Stay   
    Unfortunately the COVID vaccine will follow the path of the flu vaccine and becoming an annual ritual. With much of the world unvaccinated and active spreading the virus, new strains will constantly emerging and make annual boosters a necessity.
  10. Like
    NJF reacted to + tassojunior in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    and that owner seems to already have quiet a rap sheet. 
  11. Thanks
    NJF got a reaction from + tassojunior in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    The site is London-based, but the majority owner is based in US, so he is under FOSTA-SESTA laws. 
  12. Haha
    NJF reacted to + nycman in Hilarious statement made by flight attendant who "duct taped" unruly passenger   
    Back before the pandemic, I was on a flight home from Miami in First Class sitting next to a visibly intoxicated man.
    He was on his phone as we were boarding bitching like mad that they had denied him boarding on 3 previous 
    flights because he was “too intoxicated". He was screaming and slurring into his cell phone causing a huge scene.
    At the same time, he’s aggressively flagging down the flight attendant ordering drink after drink. He managed to
    get 3 full drinks down before we even taxied for take off.  
    The crew just kept on serving him. Then it dawned on me. They were getting him so plastered that he passed out 
    and slept the entire way home. It was an incredibly dangerous and foolish gambit, but it worked. He was out cold
    6 drinks and 10 minutes into the flight. He didn’t move a muscle for the next 3 hours. In fact, we all deplaned and
    he was still unconscious. 
    I was slightly terrified for the first 30 minutes, but I guess there’s more than one way to skin a cat. 
  13. Sad
    NJF got a reaction from + tassojunior in Onlyfans to ban Sexually Explicit Content starting October 1st   
    It is not just the bankers. FBI is investigating.
  14. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + ButchAtl in Alpharetta Georgia: Any thoughts on living there?   
    Living in midtown and working in Alpharetta maybe doable because you would be going against traffic
  15. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + ButchAtl in Alpharetta Georgia: Any thoughts on living there?   
    Alpharetta is too much a bedroom community and the midtown around the Piedmont Park is the more lively area. The traffic in Atlanta is notorious and you need to find a place that would you get to where you need to go without ever getting on the highway. 
  16. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + Charlie in Alpharetta Georgia: Any thoughts on living there?   
    Alpharetta is too much a bedroom community and the midtown around the Piedmont Park is the more lively area. The traffic in Atlanta is notorious and you need to find a place that would you get to where you need to go without ever getting on the highway. 
  17. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + Lucky in Alpharetta Georgia: Any thoughts on living there?   
    Alpharetta is too much a bedroom community and the midtown around the Piedmont Park is the more lively area. The traffic in Atlanta is notorious and you need to find a place that would you get to where you need to go without ever getting on the highway. 
  18. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + IronMaus in Alpharetta Georgia: Any thoughts on living there?   
    Alpharetta is too much a bedroom community and the midtown around the Piedmont Park is the more lively area. The traffic in Atlanta is notorious and you need to find a place that would you get to where you need to go without ever getting on the highway. 
  19. Like
    NJF reacted to Monarchy79 in HIV and Escorts   
    “Consenting”, is when two adults agree to have sex, under terms where facts are disclosed. 
    Had the OP had unprotected sex with the escort, knowing that he was positive, that would have been a consensual arrangement. 
    However, the OP specifically asked him his status, he lied to him. Therefore the OP consented to unprotected sex, under false pretenses. 
    This is no different than a straight man having unprotected sex with a woman who lied to him, stating that she was on birth control, when asked. 

    Had he known otherwise, he would have probably made a different decision in sexual protective measures, just as the OP in this thread would have. 
    This isn’t about HIV stigma. This is about HONESTY, DECEPTION, and LYING. 
  20. Applause
    NJF reacted to Mo Mason in Messy Joe Mendoza...being Messy...   
    I also would not ignore anyone here.  
    Because I'm not twelve.
  21. Like
    NJF got a reaction from Cooper in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    This is fantastic. Thanks you for everyone involved in the rescue, or shall we call it a resurrection?
  22. Like
    NJF got a reaction from builder boy in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    This is fantastic. Thanks you for everyone involved in the rescue, or shall we call it a resurrection?
  23. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + FreshFluff in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    This is fantastic. Thanks you for everyone involved in the rescue, or shall we call it a resurrection?
  24. Like
    NJF got a reaction from BabyBoomer in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    This is fantastic. Thanks you for everyone involved in the rescue, or shall we call it a resurrection?
  25. Like
    NJF got a reaction from + Charlie in Novak Djokovic tests positive for COVID19   
    It does not matter. Many patients suffer long lasting damages to the lung or kidney. Even some asymptomatic cases show lung injuries. Not a good thing for a top tennis player who fussed about what he eat to keep himself in top shape.
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