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Posts posted by MikeyGMin

  1. with all due respect, that might not be the game plan / strategy for all escorts.....

    Nothing you could ever say about escorts or escorting in general applies to ALL providers. I have certainly never met one who prefers to "share with as many others as possible" -- with all the unknown risks of flakes and freaks -- over a good group of regulars.


    There's no such thing as absolutes but there are certainly sound rules of thumb.

  2. I’m alone most of the time. NYE and Valentine’s Day just drum my aloneness into my head more.



    Valentine's Day means nothing to me because it meant nothing to me or my ex. It's just a silly, frivolous Hallmark holiday that we barely even acknowledged.


    New Year's Eve is a different matter though. It's one of the times when I really feel his loss. We used to have a few friends over for a nice dinner like @Bearofdistinction is preparing and then drink wine until midnight. Nothing too raucos but enough to be buzzed by the time the ball drops.


    That kiss at midnight can be really meaningful when it's shared with someone you love. I always felt like it was a mini-vow or recommitment to the next year. (Sappy I know.)


    These days, the last place I want to be is anywhere there are couples sharing that special moment. I take two Ambien at 9:00 and hope the fireworks don't wake up my dog! Lol

  3. He is a great guy! Very nice... lot's of fun. I think he's been Dan for awhile. I think he changed his name because Bogdan was to difficult/different for clients.

    It's really his profile name I was talking about. He's been Russianhot, DanRussian and now GoodLookingGuy. I'm sure he has his reasons, but it is making it difficult for his fans to keep track of him. :) Maybe he figures appearing to be fresh meat is beneficial in his regulars have his phone number. Don't know. Just sorry I missed him last time he was in Austin. :(

  4. It's interesting because it's usually a red flag when an escort frequently changes his stage name, but if you search on "Bogdan" you will find a lot of very positive feedback. I didn't go back and reread the threads but I can't remember ever hearing anything negative. If he came to my neck of the woods I would definitely meet him!

  5. He's been advertising for less than 3 weeks, so this is a good example of where lack of response from the forum is not necessarily a red flag. His ad copy is too brief to really get a sense of what he is offering, but the video is very hot. His private pictures don't do him justice.


    If I were in Dallas, I would probably ping him and try to get more of a sense of him from his communications. That and his rate would determine whether I would go forward. Either that or wait possibly months for a review or member feedback.

  6. It's so you can't get pissy about how long it's taking them to respond to an email or a request. Lol. :p


    Actually, I'm sure there are other valid reasons, but that's what always comes to mind when I see it.

  7. I like it and certainly feel like I get $10 a month worth of value from it. I like the videos and being able to access the semi-private pictures without bothering a guy that I am unlikely to ever meet.


    The videos have been a deciding factor in several of my last hires. There is a very cute young guy from Seattle who is coming to town. I was interested just based on the ad copy and the pictures, but the cute little video sealed the deal. Just that extra glimpse of personality made him someone that I wanted to definitely meet.

  8. one person, however, gave me pause as he repeatedly asked for an extremely detailed recounting of just what went on between the escort and me.... so detailed that it truly made me suspect that someone had an .... shall we say ... agenda, and that i was being used to further it.

    I've gotten a couple of those over the last few months that made me extremely uncomfortable. I'm happy to vouch for authenticity and the characteristics of a particular provider, but I'm not going to go into graphic detail about our session.


    I would provide more detail to several of the guys that I have "known" for a long time and communicated with previously, but they all tend to be guys who are more interested in the overall experience and don't need graphic detail about who did what to whom.

  9. Please do post the multi-hour/additional hour discounts in your ad. Many clients, myself included, are looking for such providers, and now that sites like RM won't post rates, asking for those arrangements is an additional hurdle. I don't want to derail this into one of those threads on anxiety about asking for rates. But Im wary of coming across as disrespectful to the escort because asking about discounts for longer sessions can sometimes seem like haggling to lower rates. Plenty of ads indicate that those escorts don't like those kinds of client inquiries, so I'd hate for the escort to think that's what I'm trying to do.

    May I suggest that you don't ask about discounts. Just ask them if they have a two or three-hour rate. I am one of those people who is 100% against haggling, but I've always been comfortable asking that question. Just a suggestion.

  10. I think you're conflating various uses of the word. In certain settings, a hustler is sort of a shark or an agrresive wheeler dealer, like a pushy used car salesman.


    A hustler can also be somebody who is resourceful and willing to work hard.


    Within the world of male sex work, "hustler" is simply an unflattering label for a male sex worker. It harks back to the days when young gay men who offered sex for money cruised certain neighborhoods and any young man hanging out in these locales was assumed to be a hustler.


    Today's escorts, back then, would have been called "high-class hustlers."

    I'm well aware of how the word was once used. I do not agree that just because "escort" was coined and is commonly used today, it makes "hustler" a pejorative. You're free to think of it as one. I will continue to use it to mean a male sex worker who wheels and deals more than the average escort, but with no negative implication.

  11. What is the difference between a hustler and an escort? The terms are synonymous to many.

    They aren't to me. I don't consider "hustler" as pejorative either. It's just a description of a different style. More of a wheel and deal kind of approach.


    For instance, when this particular hottie was in Austin last year for 2 weeks, I saw him a couple times. We stayed in touch and texted almost everyday about simple things. Where he could stay. What he could do. How lame the Austin market can sometimes be for escorts. He was always friendly and flirtatious.


    At the end of the trip he said that he really really wanted to spend the final night with me. I'm not stupid. He knows I'm not stupid. I know that he knows that I'm not stupid. :) He was hustling a bit to try to make the trip successful. It also relieved him of the final night of hotel expense.


    I told him that I couldn't afford such a luxury (not true and he knows it) so he came back with an amount just slightly above his two hour rate. (Because "He really wanted to spend the night with me." ;)) I agreed and we had a great night together. He cooked for me, we drank tequila and just had a good time in and out of the bedroom.


    He hustled that last overnight but he completely delivered a great time. If he had not, then he would be a scammer not a hustler, and that obviously is a pejorative.


    Just the way I look at it. Others will have different interpretations and different uses of the word I'm sure.

  12. As part of my planning for an early retirement next year, I recently moved my 401k into a capped fund with downside protection. I feel like I've captured or at least protected part of the irrational gains of this year. The principal is protected up to a 10% loss but gains are capped at 42% over a five-year period. Any gains over 42% go to the company. Basically, their payment for that 10% protection. Obviously they are betting on doing better than the 42%.


    The five-year term coincides nicely with when I will be able to withdraw from the 401K without penalty. I thought I would be very happy with gains of 8% per year, but I think I may not have factored in compounding appropriately.


    It feels like there is less risk and still the possibility of decent return, but did I do something stupid?

  13. FWIW: I usually don't read threads with unclear or vague subjects.


    For example, your post "Reddish Boy" might have gotten more attention with subject "411 ReddishBoy in NYC"

    I think this is really important. I rarely click on posts with obscure titles and including the location is really important. Where he is home based is more important than where he may be traveling to. I'm pretty well-versed in the Austin escort scene (that's more of a confession than a brag ;)) so I will always click on something regarding an Austin-based escort, but unless I'm really bored, probably won't click on someone in a city that I've never been and a name I don't know.


    And as said above, bump it once or twice before giving up. After that, you just have to wait and see if anything turns up or take a risk.

  14. That is an asshole. One can imagine what your date would be like.

    Wellllll... maybe yes and maybe no. There is a smoking hot Latino who rolls through town once or twice a year. He's a bit of a hustler, but he is so transparent about it that I don't find it offensive. I know who I'm dealing with and what I will get. His model is $300/hr for the first two and anything over that gets reduced to $250/hr for all the hours. ( 3 hours = $750) The sweet spot is obviously 3 hours. I'm not going to pay $600 for 2 hours when I can get that third hour for $150 more.:)


    Is it the most generous business model I've seen? No. But it works on me and knowing that he's a bit of a hustler doesn't mean he under delivers. He is sweet and sexy and fun during the agreed-upon time.

  15. Yeah... it depends. You said you've seen the guy before but you didn't describe him as a regular. I get pretty fond of my regulars so it would depend on how long it had been since I'd seen him and how much I was missing his company. If it was just one previous meeting, I would probably want to meet the new guy to check out that chemistry.

  16. There have been times when the boy could't keep it up, and i told him i would give him another 10 or 15 minutes to get it up and stay hard.if not i let them know that we will be done and i give them a portion of the money for time spent.

    Same thing i would do if i hired a plumber or painter.

    While I understand your disappointment, it doesn't sound like a very effective way to coax an erection out of someone. You can tell when a guy is really trying and it just isn't happening versus someone who isn't even trying. I hope you're a little more kind to the former because adding that kind of pressure certainly isn't going to help.

  17. I was aghast how the media, especially all the LGBT Websites and magazines, ignored American Crime S2.

    Sexuality was a huge theme. Several other critical themes were woven into it. IMO the acting was impeccable.



    I started it but it was just too gut-wrenchingly painful to keep watching. It left me feeling terrible and I began to dread a new episode instead of look forward to it.


    Did it have any kind of happy or reaffirming ending?

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