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Posts posted by MikeyGMin

  1. After seeing one of his Periscope tirades it is clear to me the dude is seriously messed up. He was pissed off about negative comments on some porn blog and was in a state of agitation. Billy even said that he was doing clients a favor charging $400 to meet him because otherwise he wouldn't give them the time of day. Or words to that effect. The really big turnoff for me came at the end of the clip when he stood up and pushed a load of semen out of his butt.


    I saw that Periscope also. I actually thought he was pretty amusing up until then, and I definitely think he is hot, but that completely ruined it for me. I heard he pulled a similar stunt on Twitter, but I stopped following him.


    1st Thing-I think I asked this before. But what is Periscope?


    Periscope is a live streaming app from Twitter. You follow people in a similar fashion. Lots of the porn guys are playing around with it. Whenever they want they can start a "broadcast" and you are notified and decide whether to watch or not. You can be a complete voyeur or you can interact with them. The recording is also saved for 24-hours. It can be quite revealing about the person's personality. I have fallen in love with guys because of a good Periscope and have completely lost interest in them because of a bad one.

  2. We're both likely to get slapped by QTR here. Of course there are exceptions on both sides, but in general, the difference I notice is in the sex scenes. Male authors recognize that there really isn't a lot going on in a man's head during sex. Even when it's with someone you've been craving for a long time as is often the case in these romance novels. Guys are thinking about how it feels, tastes, smells etc. We aren't having any great epiphanies about having found the love of our lives or anything else. If it comes at all, it usually comes after we cum. :)


    I know that is a HUGE generalization, but I have read a LOT of these books. (What a claim to fame. Semi-expert on M/M romance novels. My mother would be so proud!)

  3. I don't mind admitting I love Jay Bell, but he's pretty romantic. If you don't mind edgy but still romantic (and incredibly hot), you might try Santino Hassell's Sutphin Blvd. and Sunset Park.


    Thanks. These look interesting. I don't mind dark stories and there doesn't always have to be a happy ending. (But is preferred.) I just can't relate to BDSM, so anything along those lines just loses my interest. I'm always looking for an author that can walk the line between sex from a male perspective and pure porn. I love porn but would rather get it from a website. ;)

  4. This is too funny. I have only owned up to this guilty pleasure to a few of my closest friends. You are right that they are completely light reading, but after a day of thinking, it's nice just to relax. I signed up for Kindle Unlimited because I was going through so many of them.


    Yes, they are fluff pieces but I highly recommend the "Something Like Summer" series by Jay Bell. It's a good but fairly typical story of Ben and Tim's young love and difficulty coming out. It's told from Ben's first person perspective and Tim does not come off particularly well. He ends up breaking Ben's heart.


    However, this is where it got interesting for me, the next book in the series "Something Like Winter" is the same story told from Tim's perspective. It's different enough that it doesn't get boring, but I thought it was really interesting to see where Tim went and what he struggled with.


    I understand your shame. It's like stuffing your brain with cotton candy, but I always have had a thing for sweets. :)

  5. I saw Alex a couple years ago. Very nice guy. His picture doesn't do him justice. He's got a big one and used it well. Nice guy too. Definitely recommend him.


    I'm actually not a fan of the over-endowed, but if this guy is even better looking than his pictures...he is hot, hot, hot! I love a muscle boy, but this guy's naturally toned look plus his height would be a major turn on.

  6. But it's not true in others. I believe the latest, although not unanimous, conclusion is that while abuse may influence a few, mostly it's a matter of being born/wired that way, if we're talking about attraction to prepubescents (the true meaning of the term pedophile). Attraction to teenagers/youth (hebephile) is common and sometimes reinforced by society but can be dealt with by sticking to partners who are over the age of 18 but look younger. Hence all the porn out there with young-looking men (gay porn) and women (straight porn).



    From personal experience. I was molested for two years as a pre-teen and it certainly didn't start a cycle of abuse in me. It might be more common that physical abuse creates a cycle.


    My abuser was a 29 year old (when it started) friend of the family. I have often wondered if that imprinted something on me or it's just a coincidence. My whole life I have been attracted to men who are in the 25 - 35 year range. I was a very predatory teenager who put several men at risk when they succumbed to my advances. For many years the objects of my desire were age appropriate, but alas, now that I am getting up there in years, they have become inappropriate again. :(

  7. Forgive me-but what is Periscope?


    Periscope is s live streaming app created by Twitter. Anyone can broadcast in real time and some of them are very entertaining. The viewers can send messages and interact with them. Sometimes they are out and about and sometimes they are just at home and either bored or just need some attention. Either way you get a glimpse at their personality.


    Billy has been on a roll and does several a day. He can be quite amusing.


    Happy to give you more info if you PM me.

  8. You should follow him on Twitter and Periscope. He does a LOT of Periscopes and you will really get a feel for his personality. I think most people will either love him or hate him. Personally, I think he's a huge stud of a man and I love his sense of humor. He has a huge personality.


    Oh...the pictures are completely accurate. The only thing they are lacking is a good shot of his gorgeous hunky ass.

  9. The first hire is always a crap shoot. I did a $250 that was pretty disappointing which, oddly enough, is what convinced me to go the extra $50 for someone I was really, really interested in. Turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made in a years. He is absolute top shelf and worth every dollar. If he raised his rate, I would almost certainly pay it. (You know who you are, so if your are reading this, don't get any ideas. :);))


    I know that some of you will think that is foolish, but it's not really a financial hardship so why wouldn't I?

  10. I didn't realize this query was supposed to be restricted to escorts. If I was wrong in answering it, I'm sorry.


    Heavens no. The forum is called "Ask an Escort" but there are always tons of non-escorts with opinions. I last participated in these forums nine years ago and nothing appears to have changed.



    The origin of the quote is rather unsavory. I hate myself when I use it. But it seems so apropos sometimes I can't help myself.


    Now that I know its origin, I will certainly never say "a wise man once said…" But there is no denying the simple truth that the heart wants what the heart wants. It isn't always logical, and it isn't always pretty, but it is what it is.


    That said, I don't agree that it's the escorts responsibility to end the arrangement. The client needs to get their shit together or they should be the one to stop calling the escort. The poor escort gets financially penalized either way, but they shouldn't have to do it to themselves.





  11. As a famous director once said, "The heart wants what it wants." .


    Tangent time. Sorry Mike, but you aren't really getting much advice from escorts anyways. :):)


    Do you know who said that? I have used that quote dozens of times to explain the unexplainable when it comes to matters of the heart. It doesn't make it any less true, but I would love to know who the hell I'm quoting.

  12. I said "I love you"to an escort once. It was just a misstep. I didn't really mean "I LOVE YOU." I meant more that I loved what we did together, or loved our time together, or some such. He is a special man, but I'm not in love with him.


    Ditto. I have a regular that I see every few weeks. I love our time together, I love everything we do together. I really care about him as a person and would be there for him if he ever needed anything. I love our arrangement but am always conscious of the boundaries.

  13. have you ever had an escort use their real age and pic? I was told by someone I've seen for awhile to add 5 years to the age; I happen to know this person adds almost 10 years and still going strong.


    As long as their pictures are accurate, I don't really care about their exact age. Hot is hot, but the pictures really do need to be recent and accurate.

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