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Posts posted by MikeyGMin

  1. Or maybe this (ex-)client is just a cheap selfish f*ckface. My theory is that assholes sh*t on other people if they think they can get away with it. Would this client go into a convenience store and try to steal $60 from the register? Probably not because with the witness plus security cameras, there's a good chance he'd get caught. But he had no problem stealing $60 from you (shorting your fee by $60 is flat-out theft in my book) because he knew he could walk out the door before you realized you'd been shorted. Even if you counted the money right away, he could just pretend to be mortified about his "innocent" mistake, no big deal.


    They say that we are so quick to see in others what is true of ourselves. If so, then this ex-client trusts no one because he's a lying, cheating sack of sh*t and assumes the same of everybody around him. Karma has already caught up to this asshole because any person who trusts absolutely nobody lives an awfully lonely life.

    I always get a chuckle about how much I agree with you outside of the politics forum. Over there, virtually everything you say is wrong ;) but over here, I think we could actually get along. I guess beautiful men will eclipse politics every time.

  2. It's probably not fair, but it's one of the many small things that add up to determine whether I will repeat. I love it when a guy just sticks the wad of cash or the envelope right into their pocket. I expect them to count it the minute they're on the other side of the door, but that simple act of not doing it in front of me gets major repeat points in my book.

  3. I equate the order with which a person keeps his surroundings with his personal hygiene.

    Interesting. You do you of course, but I have never found any correlation whatsoever to personal hygiene. I have noticed some correlations to personality traits, but those actually tend to be positive. I have found that guys that are comfortable in a messy or cluttered environment are generally much more easy-going. I, however, cannot relax around clutter which is one of the many reasons I prefer incalls. :)

  4. I am reminded of a certain Very Well Respected Escort here on the site. He avidly says he does not bottom for clients. Period.


    The first time we met, I had a go ... and found that his nether bits were aching for some action. Unfortunately, I do not top, but I've never seen anyone so responsive to anal manipulation whilst claiming to be a Top.




    I've met quite a few tops who are very receptive to tongues and touch, but don't want to be penetrated. They are actually my favorite kind of guy.

  5. Yes, I always insist on a shower right before I do any rimming. shower.gifIt's not only hygenic but I usually get to do the soaping up (yay!).


    So, often the escort is perfectly happy to kiss afterwards. http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/asskiss.gif


    But I respect them if they aren't into it.


    I met one guy who was fresh as a daisy, but was honest that it just weirded him out to think that he was "tasting his own ass." No harm. No foul. But the funny thing is I cannot remember much else about the session. It obviously wasn't one of my better ones. :(

  6. His twin here, right?



    Yes. We affectionately call them "the twins." I haven't hired either one of them, but I've heard many times that the straight one has his limitations but a ton of personality.


    I agree with @gallahadesquire that you better know what you're doing. I've known several CMTs and they are justifiably the biggest massage snobs out there. Since most of us don't know what we're doing, he would probably be agreeing to a touchy-feely rub down.

  7. Mikey, are you saying he incorporates edging into the massage?


    I honestly can't say how much was technique vs my normal difficulty climaxing, but I was "almost there" for a good 30 minutes until I was exhausted and wanted to stop.


    Note: he is very clear about what gets massaged. He has some good technique to work up to the main event, but you spend no time on your stomach getting your back rubbed. :) Not a good fit if a Swedish or deep tissue massage is your first priority.

  8. Just Sayin', do you know how much he charges for an hour? You might not be so interested if his rates are high; why won't he tell us?


    He will tell you right away if you shoot him a text. It's more what we think of as an escort rate then a massage right. The value depends on how much you like the edge.

  9. I think I may be a minority on this one, but I actually don't like a HE massage. it's just odd and uncomfortable for me to lie there and be serviced like that. However, I am going to try a tantric massage from thls Swiss guy who is coming to town later this month, but based on his description, it's a very different thing. It's definitely very sexual, but not the equivalent of a reach-around. :)

  10. Zeel is an amazing service with excellent customer service, great prices, all licensed professional therapists, just really top notch. I use it regularly and I highly recommend it, particularly to any athletic guys on here who might need help with an injury on short notice sometimes. Not the place to go if you really want more than a massage though. It's gonna be legit 99 times outta 100.


    Zeel has an interesting business model if you are really interested in legit massages. You can sign up for an annual membership where you agree to at least one massage a month at a discounted rate. They send you a professional-grade massage table free with the membership. That's not really a perk if you are tight on space, but I'm fortunate to have a room that I've already dedicated to massages. Having the table set up in there will actually be a great bonus.


    I just started so I haven't received the table yet and have only had one massage. It was very good, but I will probably go through the lineup to find someone a little more attractive. I really am only interested in a legit massage, but even those are more enjoyable the more attractive the masseur. :rolleyes:

  11. His ad never shows up when you pull up Atlanta escorts, but he still appears to be actively advertising. (Maybe it's an option for escorts to have just a BIT more discretion in placing their ads.)


    Are you using this "search near me" option or the location drop down box? I always assumed you would get the same list either way, but my friend showed me the difference. You get a bigger list using the location drop down in the search function.

  12. I don't mind a "shave" but this guy has the meat cleaver out ! More like cutting it in HALF !


    I agree. I love it when a man totally owns his age, but I can understand shaving a few years. Especially in your early thirties. I've seen guys on this forum say they will not consider guys out of their twenties, so why not stay 28 for five or six years? As long as you are really fit and can pull it off.


    However, there ain't nobody out there who can pull off a decade or more shave. :rolleyes:

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