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Posts posted by MikeyGMin

  1. Beef stew. I don't really enjoy cooking, but I make a really good beef stew. I roast potatoes, carrots and mushrooms separately and then add them at the end. It keeps them from getting mushy and adds a really delicious roasted flavor.


    When I think of comfort food I think of something for when I'm not feeling well. My go to is simple scrambled eggs. Scrambled soft and put on a piece of toast. It's what I got when I was a kid, and there's nothing like being sick to make you feel like a child again. Men are such babies. ;)

  2. There was a similar thread a few months back




    The general consensus, in case you don't feel like sorting through all the posts, was that the only person stupider than a provider who asks a potential client for pics is a client who actually complies with the request. :rolleyes:

    That's a complete mischaracterization of a very long thread. There is no "general consensus" on this topic. There are plenty of us who don't have security concerns or insecurities to deal with and have no problem providing stats and a picture. I've been doing this successfully for a long time and I'm far from stupid dude.

  3. I know escorts are not a cumming machine.

    No. No they're not.


    Am i too greedy?

    See above. :)


    Seriously though. It's not always possible even for the best guys, but if a $300 an hour escort is up selling for it, he's a scammer.

  4. An escort I was trying to hire asked for my ‘stats — size, height, weight, ethnicity’. I felt quite a bit insulted. That was probably just his second text message.

    It's a hot-button issue for many people, but I would try not to take it personally to the point of being insulted. It's a sure sign the escort has limitations on the type of clients he can serve. It could be size. It could be age. It could be race. You will never really know, so unless you are really interested in that particular provider, it's best to just move on. Better to know up front than to show up and be someone the provider just can't work with.

  5. I am always annoyed at all these studies searching for an explanation for homosexuality. You need an explanation only for the abnormal. Why do they not look for a cause for heterosexuality?

    Understanding the (likely multiple) reasons why people are born gay could be very beneficial. There are many people, including members of my own family, who still believe it is a choice. It would be very useful to understand the biological reasons why homosexuality is a natural variation. It's not going to matter to the true bigots of the world, but it could help with some of the more reasonable types.

  6. It's interesting research. I remember hearing about it many years ago and I'm glad to know they have continued to study it. They have always been clear that they believe it is only one of the many possible prenatal or genetic predispositions for being gay.


    It's true for me. Youngest of three boys and the only gay one. I also have a friend who comes from a very large family. Ten children altogether with six boys. He is the 5th boy and his younger brother is also gay.

  7. Thanks so much for your reply. Really helpful to know and I’ll keep this in mind. Just to clarify, if an overnight rate is say $1,200, a weekend would be $1,800 to $2,400 per day?

    I'm also curious about that. I guess it depends on when the date starts and finishes, but assuming it's roughly 48 hours -- say Friday evening until Sunday evening -- I would expect to pay about 1.5 times his overnight rate per day. But I know that jawja is much more experienced in these matters.


    I've never done anything more than an overnight except for one extended holiday trip, and that was a completely different thing because it was an all-expense-paid trip designed especially for the young man.

  8. It makes sense for the service provider to discount a known customer

    It does make some sense to combat the flake factor. Lord knows that clients who flake out are the bane of every escort's existence. However, I have found that by the time something develops into a "regular" situation, I'm long past wanting to talk dollars with a guy.


    I feel like I get extra time, attention and priority from my regulars that's just as good as any discount -- at least for me.

  9. Music puts me to sleep

    I'm the exact opposite. Music is meant to be listened to so it over stimulates me and keeps me from sleeping. A TV on in the background will put me to sleep in 15 minutes as long as it's lots of talking and not a lot of action and explosions Etc. I have a lot of stand-up comedy on my DVR that lulls me to sleep.


    The type of music depends on what I'm doing. If I'm alone and puttering around I really like coffee shop covers. I love the slowed down, new takes on hits that I'm familiar with. Late 80s and newer. I've never been a fan of Rock even when it was current.


    If I'm with friends it's electronic dance music or Top 40. The more we drink the louder it gets.

  10. With a boy. I was 16 and it was in my bedroom during a sleepover when my parents were out of town. It was a disaster. He freaked out afterwards and it broke my heart.


    With a girl. Also 16 but a few months later and it was in the back of my car. It was a disaster. It confirmed that I was well and truly gay.


    Happy ending though. Hooking up with the girl made the boy very jealous and he got himself un-freaked pretty darn quick. He became my first boyfriend in the summer before senior year of high school. Best school year ever! ;)

  11. I was told by a friend that Gilead covered $3600 a year towards it. He has a $6000 deductible on his plan. So it's not covering every penny(though that's a not insignificant amount of assistance). And I knew it wasn't Gilead for MS drugs, I was just saying that the fact there's an assistance program doesn't mean everyone is eligible.

    Mine ends up being "free" because I have a low deductible and Gilead picks up the co-pay, but I do pay a pretty penny for that insurance policy.


    Austin has a PrEP Access Project that I haven't had to use, but my doctor is right next door and volunteers. He said they can get the meds to anybody at any income level based on a sliding scale determined by ability to pay. I can't believe this program is unique to Austin.


    It's not going to be right for everyone, but I would think that for a sex worker the benefit far outweighs the risk.

  12. (One of the wealthiest and best known men in Palm Springs wears the same model white tennis shoes no matter how he is dressed, even in a tux.)

    That's quirky to the point of being crazy. He might as well wear tissue boxes the way Howard Hughes was purported to do. ;)


    Seriously though, I love shoes and have more than a hundred pairs. It's not like they wear out once you reach a certain number and rarely wear them. Even though it's very matchy-matchy, I get a little shot of dopamine every time I get a perfect shirt-shoe match.

  13. @Gar1eth - you can set your settings at RM so that others do not know you were window shopping

    I use this privacy feature and find it very useful. I have to admit that I'm a little more obsessive about a couple guys than I want them to know. ;) I check their ads just about anytime I go into RM just to see what they are up to and where they are traveling. Don't want them thinking I'm a stalker. Lol

  14. I will admit that I'm completely biased. I think Kyle is one of the sexiest men around. I think he's the perfect blend of masculinity and a gay man who is comfortable with himself and not putting on faked mannerisms. His flame burns at the perfect level for my taste. :) I also think he has beautiful, well done tattoos.


    But whether you like the look or not, for all of you who "just don't understand why someone would do that to their body" here is a pretty well thought-out explanation on why his ink is important to him.


  15. What if she said I simply won't have sex with someone with blond hair? Is that blond-phobic?

    No, but I bet if she refused to have sex with black men you would probably have no problem calling her a racist.


    I actually do think it's homophobic -- especially with her comment that she doesn't know what they do in their private lives -- but I doubt the crossover male models give a shit since they get paid more to do gay porn. At the very least it demonstrates a lot of ignorance about disease transmission. You would think someone in the sex industry would stay up on the science. And don't they do pre-shoot testing in straight porn the same as gay porn?

  16. I'm glad that I'm not limited by either fetishizing tattoos or being turned off by them. (I have enough deal-breakers as it is. :)) There are guys I find extremely sexy who are heavily inked and others without a piece of body art on them. I just like it to be consistent with their overall image and attitude.


    Cases in point:



    Fabian is as sweet as they come. His completely unmarked body goes with his personality. There is a wholesomeness about him that would be diminished by tattoos.



    Marco is hot AF. He exudes sex. The way he walks and talks and carries himself. His ink is just part of his whole "I live life on my terms" vibe.


    They both make me weak in the knees. Just for different reasons.

  17. That's a tough one. I'm pretty sure I would have given him some money, but anything more would have been based on his age and whether I could determine why he was homeless. If there was a Starbucks nearby or something like that I may have taken him there to talk.


    Being homeless because his family booted him out would have gotten much more support from me. Especially if he was quite young. Drug problems or mental health issues would still have garnered sympathy but much more fear of getting involved and trying to help. I can get a kid to an LGTBQ youth support center, but would have no idea how to help someone with drug or mental health issues.

  18. So funny. But all you have to do is "confide" in a few family members; everyone else will know for sure then.

    LOL Ain't it the truth! At at least with my family.


    I officially came out -- as in having a conversation to explain that Todd and I were more than just friends -- to my mother and two sisters. That was several months before Christmas and I ended up taking him to all family Christmas events and introducing him as my partner. I don't remember seeing a look of surprise on a single face! :eek:

  19. I have been completely out to all of my family and friends for more than 30 years. I came out to all of them when I met the love of my life. He was not a dirty secret that I was going to hide. I was proud of the beautiful man that I had managed to snag and was not interested in having anyone in my life who did not accept and honor our relationship. I lost a couple of friends and several family members over it, but I said good riddance!


    I never hid him from anyone at work either, but after he died and I changed jobs, there really wasn't much to tell. I don't hide it from the people I am close with, so I assume that it is generally known, but it rarely comes up.

  20. Ditto! Much better than that guy that is dressing everyone with the same white underwear and staging all his pictures in the same swimming pool. What is his name? Henderson?

    Have you ever looked at his website or one of his books? He actually does quite a few different settings, lighting Etc. The pool is a beautiful setting and the pictures have become iconic. If I were a model in that kind of condition and that ripped, I would want to include one of the iconic Henderson's, but he does all kinds of stuff.

  21. The former will not be super duper awesome at all times, in all ways, to all people, and the latter is not the scum of the earth, probably just clueless, and living moment to moment, never thinking too far ahead.

    Took the words right out of my mouth!


    I disagee with @Smurof though. I have had several guys send me a text after a meeting saying they enjoyed the experience and hoped to see me again. It was right away -- not days later as if fishing for new business. Far from an invasion of privacy, I found it very sweet.


    A current favorite sent such a text shortly after our meeting and he completely stole my heart. :p

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