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Posts posted by MikeyGMin

  1. Anyone with experience here? Thanks!



    I wrote the review. It's all true. My only disappointment is that we aren't going to be in the same city in the near future. ;)


    I think I provided enough pertinent information in the review, but I'm happy to answer additional questions via PM if there is something specific you'd like to know. Keep in mind I really like the young man though. I won't talk about him crudely, but could go on for days about the quality of his body. :)

  2. Please @MikeyGMin tell us the arrangement you've been able to make on here that don't include $

    I don't intend to tell you squat about my personal relationship. Other than it's very good, mutually satisfying, and does not have the transactional nature of an escort / client relationship.


    You've been given plenty of examples of when support (sometimes monetary sometimes not) are given and affection (sometimes sexual and sometimes not) is returned. That should be enough to make you think about your narrow view of the subject, or at least give you pause, but I really don't give a shit who you call an "escort."

  3. Am I just being stupid to worry about how an escort would feel being with me?

    I have had the good fortune to be with some breathtakingly beautiful escorts. The truth is that it can be a little intimidating, but it is so worth powering through and losing yourself in the moment. It's also worth taking a moment, pulling back and just taking it all in. Really look at the male beauty displayed in front of you and appreciate your good fortune. Then get back to licking it all up! ;)

  4. Grayson is complicated and tends to make his ad more complicated than it needs to be with talk of politics etc. That said, he goes to great lengths to explain what the deposit will be used for. Based on his travel schedule it looks obvious that he's rolling through Florida and may or may not stop in all of those cities depending on appointments. It would suck to have a hotel in every one of those cities and no appointment to cover it.


    Do I think it's a great business model? No. But if Grayson has proven one thing over the last couple years, he runs his business his own way.

  5. Once I consider someone a friend I will lend or give them just about anything. I think part of it comes from a lifetime of loving Latin men and having them in my life. It's a generalization, and I may get blasted for it, but I have found Latins generally more giving and supportive of their friends and family. (They can also be very hostile and suspicious of non-friends, but that's another story. Lol)


    I also have very little attachment to "things" and place great value on my relatively few friendships. If I can give them something that makes them happy...it makes me happy. It really does. So there is a self-serving aspect of it and isn't as altruistic as I may be sounding.

  6. why a term for reporting that someone is gay or has same-sex relationships?”

    Perhaps because it can devastate their lives? I don't care a bit who invented the term or how it has come to be used, but I believe there is a HUGE difference between outing someone who is hypocritically working against our community (Aaron Schock) and someone who is choosing to remain in the closet -- for whatever reason. (Anderson Cooper)


    Reporting on the hypocrisy and contradiction and sometimes downright evil of an anti-gay public figure who slips off to suck cock is news wothy and justified. Reporting on a public or private figure who is just not ready to come out, but doing no harm, is not right. Visibility is an important part of getting and maintaining gay-rights, but you don't get to force someone to be part of that visibility.


    Outing Tom Daley or Anderson Cooper (it wasn't much of a secret) before they were ready to come out would have just been salacious "news." Are we expected to consider that responsible "journalism?"

  7. Dear lord....I’ve been trying for months....but I can’t get past the horrible haircut.


    Do you think he’d get a real haircut if I threw in an extra $1,000?

    It sure puts that gorgeous Justin_teen's haircut into perspective. Doesn't it?

  8. with the Japanese at the top of the list

    Dear god! Don't ever say that to a Korean man! :eek:


    Seriously though, it's very common for an ethnic group to have prejudices among themselves. And generally each group thinks they are at the top of the pecking order. I have a LOT of Latin friends and you should hear the Costa Ricans trash the Nicaraguans. And the Nicaraguans trash the El Salvadorans. And it goes on and on. The only thing they ALL agree on is that U.S. Cubans have the most attitude. LOL

  9. I've had the pleasure of meeting young Fabian also. He has an incredibly fit and athletic build without any hint of that steroid bloat. It's all natural gym and crossfit work. He really makes that extra effort to connect. Something so many of us appreciate.


    I will also be submitting a review with more -- but appropriate -- detail. ;)

  10. Hi,


    I'll be a few days in Dallas and booked Alex Hardy and Tyler Roberts






    But debating maybe to change one of them to Giallo, Chizz, Hungtool or Parker Allen







    I like them hung and built, not skinny.

    So many to choose from, what should I do ?

    All these guys are hot, but I can't believe you're even contemplating subbing out Axle Hardy! To each their own.... :)

  11. I don't think so. That Greek love idea was between an older man and a younger man. Alexander and Hephaestion were about the same age. What they had I think today would be called a bromance. And regarding Bagoas I don't think sex with a eunuch makes one gay.


    Alexander had two wives one of whom bore him a son and a mistress who bore him a son.

    Interesting take on it. I don't think there's any way anyone can say without having lived the context of the day, but if I remember correctly, aftee Hephaestion's death, he built temples to honor him and his life cratered out of control. Doesn't sound like the reaction to the death of a bro.


    I also don't think the fact that he wanted children to carry on his dynasty is very compelling evidence of heterosexuality.

  12. I don’t think @diehard_002 was judging, just telling us what he thinks is happening, and it is useful for us to know if we want to hire him.

    Especially since the hourly meets arenot of interest to him, then I can move on, because I am not spending 2500 on anyone.

    There are a couple guys — who don’t escort to my knowledge — that I would pay $2500 for a night with. This beautiful young man is not one of them, but there are definitely a couple. (Maybe I would change my mind if they were actually attainable. ;))

  13. Sorry. On Daddy's. Posted today. (Thought there were more.)

    The "recap" section of his reviews says $300 an hour, but you'll note that the reviewers state that they paid $2500 and $2000 for an overnight. I would be very surprised if this hottie can be had for $300 an hour at this point.

  14. Theses are two different masseurs. Jake Jennings isn't a twin of Jared.

    Yes. Jacob from Austin (Jared's twin) uses "Best of Texas Massage" in the title of his ad. He doesn't even mention his name and you'll only find it in the reviews. He is definitely not this Jake Jennings person. As @Electra225 said, Jacob is professional, reliable and a total sweetheart. Beautiful tight body that he is very generous with. ;)

  15. Difficult for you or for the man escorting? Just curious

    It's really more about who is doing the asking than who is doing the answering. It's his reputation that needs to be protected so it would be awkward with anyone in his peer group. They would not buy "we met online" because his Grindr hookups are hot AF -- not men old enough to be his father.


    Any of my friends or associates would accept "online" and either know exactly what that meant or be clueless. Depending on how well they know me. ;)

  16. where we ran into a group of his friends.

    They are the problem ones. My friends know me well enough to know exactly how we would have met, but he's on the DL with his friends, so having drinks at one of Austin's limited supply of gay bars is not in our future. ;)

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