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mike carey

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Posts posted by mike carey

  1. 6 minutes ago, viewing ownly said:

    He sure tried to play it off like he was inadvertently pointing, and the soccer guy just so happened to be there at that moment. 

    I feel stadium bans for anyone is insanity. Unless you're on some kind of ankle bracelet, how will anyone know in a gigantic stadium if you return? To compare currency, do you still approximately double what you see in Britain to the U.S.A.? In other words, is this fine about $12,000 U.S. dollars? 

    That is a strange amount to settle on. Where does the money go? I for one will never sit that close in a sporting event ever again. The players stink!

    It was in Spain, not Britain and the fine was 6,000 Euros, which is $USD6,435. (The GBP is USD 1.26.) As I read it the fine was imposed by Spanish civil authorities, the government's anti-violence commission, so the money would have gone to the Spanish state. I assume his ban from stadiums in Spain would place him on some sort of La Liga black list that could be checked at turnstiles or ticket offices. How effective the list would be is a separate question, but entering a stadium may well be an offence.

  2. Those who follow such things, and comment on them in places other than this site, may recall that at the White House state dinner during his visit last year, the prime minister Anthony Albanese noted ruefully in his speech, in a comment directed at his partner Jodie Haydon, that he won't be able to top this as a date night. Well, first thing this morning, the 15th, he posted a photo of the two of them on Twitter, with the caption, 'She said Yes'. Who said romance is dead?

  3. 4 hours ago, Max said:

    Love my BMW XM; best of both worlds. I can decide to drive battery only and get gas when the weather is nice, or add in the V8 and have plenty of power. It's a great toy. Of course, none of these are any good for the environment as long as we burn coal to power them. Once we get fusion and better batteries, they may make environmental sense as well.

    Not good for the environment, but they have done the calculations here, and less green house gases are produced using coal to produce the electricity to charge an EV than an ICE vehicle would produce to travel the same distances using petroleum-based fuel. Of course the more green energy in your local power supply the less CO2 your driving will produce.

  4. 12 minutes ago, newdad said:

    Thanks! where's this thread? I tried searching for his name here but got zilch. What name did he use prior?

    When you are typing your search terms in the search box, there is a drop-down menu at the right for what parts of the site to search. When I searched for 'giantboy' from this thread I initially left it on the default of 'This Topic' but they came up when I widened it to 'This Forum'.


  5. 9 minutes ago, marylander1940 said:

    I remember when Native Americans complained their art wasn't displayed next to Roman and Greek statues, now that it does, they want it NOT to be in museums. 


    This thread is about the Natural History museum and there is a category difference between displaying indigenous artefacts in such a museum and displaying indigenous art in gallery. Displaying art is more likely to give indigenous people agency in a way that treating them as part of 'nature' does not.

  6. 1 hour ago, Basstiannn said:

    the people who is writing here are probably just frustrated guys because I opened my album to them at some point and then close it after a while, my photos are not there for the entertainment of all these people... I’m only interested in meeting kind and well-educated people. You guys believe that on your  side you have many rights but that is not the case and true,,, you must earn it to deserve it... their anger lies in the fact that they do not have easy access to me like they have with 99% of the other scort there. My message is very clear and very respectful if none of you is able to answer something so simple I will definitely not be interested in meeting them.

    I’m quite respectful and if you approach me in a respectful way you will get the same thing back, people who know me already know what kind of person I am and my reviews can confirm it. The message from me is be nice to the guys there, it's enough to be exposed there to also have to come read all this. how sad. 
    and yes that is Me. “Basstiann” Been reading this a long time ago. 

    Welcome to the forum! People here have a variety of opinions and yes, some if them might be disrespectful, but most will not. Take what you read with a grain of salt, but most of it will be well-meaning and supportive.

  7. 17 minutes ago, augustus said:

    It would be disastrous if Boeing went under.  It's a big contributor to our exports.  We already run a trade deficit as it is.  Boeing will recover I'm sure.

    I agree, but doubt that it is in any danger of bankruptcy. If it were a stand-alone commercial aviation company I would be less confident but with its substantial military division far less so. Still, it's a big source of US exports and a big employer and both of those are intrinsically valuable to the economy, both of the whole country and the regions where it and its suppliers have their plants. Recent events have illustrated that maximising profits can be at the expense of long term value and Boeing management would do well to take that lesson on board. If they can. Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers (if it persists in out-soucing parts of its manufacturing process to unfortunately named companies like Spirit), its work force and its local communities and to governments rather than rent-seeking for short-term profit might be a useful business model, even if it has a utility rate of return.

    I read a critique of management practices in a different context that said company management is prone to manage in their own best interests rather than the best interests of shareholders or any other stakeholders. I wonder if that is a factor in Boeing.

  8. 4 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    Guys who do this to me multiple times get much, much higher rates as the emails pile up.

    I figure they'll either pull the trigger or they'll go away because they can't/won't afford it. 

    Either way, it's a win for me.

    *Counts number of times contacting Benjamin*


    *I guess I haven't talked about rates, more often about fares*

  9. 1 hour ago, Lucky said:

    So it seems that this thread adds nothing to the question on whether it is safe for guys here to visit Rio! Just stay away from Cubans!

    Indeed not, but as the thread was started with the express purpose of discussing this particular alleged murder, talking about the general level of safety for short-term casual visitors to Rio de Janeiro would be off topic. (Except perhaps to comment on whether the death was relevant to the broader safety issue.)

  10. 36 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

    Yes, it was sarma!  Thank you :)   But I think the photo you posted may be the Greek or Turkish stuffed vine leaves - also really tasty.  The sarma my neighbours made was with cabbage leaves.  This is the closest image I could find online:


    Rather than continue this delicious tangent in the Deli and risk being called out for being off topic, I've started a thread on Sarma in the Cooking Forum here -


  11. Although a Deli may be an appropriate place for food, the one here is reserved for other delectable morsels. Hence the food element of this Deli thread belongs elsewhere, and by 'elsewhere' I mean here in the Cooking Forum.

    I had not heard of the Serbian and Croatian dish Sarma, so I googled it. Turns out that it is one version of a whole family of similar dishes (it's a Turkish word for 'wrapped') that includes stuffed vine leaves. It seems that in parts of the Balkans both types, vine and cabbage, are used depending on the season. For your culinary pleasure:



  12. 5 minutes ago, glutes said:

    It is beyond obvious that BOEING cannot be TRUSTED to build safe airplanes!!! The CEO and board need to be fired and replaced with engineers who actually care about safety not JUST PROFIT……


    The incompetence is simply mind boggling.

    I'm wondering if Qantas is regretting ordering more B787s as well as the Project Sunrise A350s. They've gone all Airbus for their narrow-body replacements. 

  13. I watch a left-leaning British politics podcast not known for its favourable attitude towards the monarchy or the king himself but it recently selected him as its hero of the week from its panelists' nominations for a hero and a villain. They noted that since his announcement there had been a marked increase in men seeking prostate tests.

    In case you were wondering, their villain of the week was not one of the usual roster of politicians but rather five African grey parrots who had been removed from their public-facing place at a zoo for excessive swearing. When they were moved, the other parrots they were placed with also learnt to swear. Zoo-keepers were planning to put them into a larger flock of birds in the hope they would alter their behaviour to be more like the others. What could possibly go wrong?

  14. 37 minutes ago, BSR said:

    Some trivia about Jannik:  yes, he grew up speaking German at home because his parents are Austrian.  I assumed he learned Italian in school, but as you point out, he grew up in a German-speaking region of Italy (his hometown is only ~3 miles from the Austrian border).

    At 13yo when he went to live & train at Riccardo Piatti's tennis academy, he knew only the basics of Italian, couldn't speak it.  He lived in the home of one of the coaches who spoke German, but when the coach was out, which was often, Jannik had no one to talk to because the wife & kids didn't speak a word.  Until Jannik learned to speak Italian, he eased his loneliness by speaking German with the family dog.  Lucky for him the dog was fluent.

    At the risk of one of those tangents, I remember as a kid reading the Britannica Yearbook (yes, I was and am that sort of person) and seeing the Südtiroler Volkspartei as being represented in the Italian Parliament. South Tyrol was an Austrian province until it was annexed by Italy after WW1 and remains majority German-speaking.

  15. 2 hours ago, nycman said:

    It would be a close call.
    It was really bad.
    Thankfully, it’s just as easy to fly out on Tuesday…which would be my advice. 

    I flew out to DC on Tuesday afternoon last year, and the PSP terminal wasn't crowded, there were places to sit that actually had access to a power point. Not a non-stop flight, but a simple connection (and access to the Alaska lounge) at SFO.

  16. 1 hour ago, TruthBTold said:

    Do you mean Alaska Airlines?  Do I have to bring my own door?  😆

    Well, the day I checked the timetable it's listed as a Max 9. And FWIW, $239 Saver, $289 Main Cabin, $2123 First (or 25K/125K AS miles + $6) one way, and it's an 11.45am JFK departure. It doesn't tempt me to change my flights!

  17. Moderator's Note

    Gentlemen, a reminder that this topic is about racism in the delivery of healthcare. The OP didn't specify whether his question was about the US, but the interview and the book are specific to that country. It is not about access to the heath care system in general nor about the politics of health care in the US.  Please stay on topic and steer clear of politics. And yes it is possible to discuss the issue that way.

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