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Posts posted by Rudynate

  1. 15 hours ago, augustus said:

    They should!  How much of a decline in prices is the question.  Just look at this article.  As I've been saying inflation is far worse than the official numbers.   They have to lower prices because people ain't got the money anymore.  



    The president of McDonald's USA clarified its price inflation in a press release in response to 100% price increase claims by House Republicans, among others.


    It's easy to say that inflation is easing because the consumer price index doesn't include two major sources of inflation—energy and food. It's a good thing nobody uses cash anymore—grocery price inflation is so bad that, if we were using cash, we might soon have to take wheelbarrows of cash with us to pay our grocery bill.

  2. On 5/27/2024 at 7:46 AM, DynamicUno said:

    I went to a brunch place near my house this weekend that I hadn't been to in a while.  It's a local chain, a normal table-service type place with a brunch type menu priced a bit upmarket for my area.  I was dining solo, just coffee and an entree.  The service was excellent, food was served  lightning fast, the portions are generous (if a bit mediocre tasting), and the server was attentive.  The place was lively, but not packed.

    When the check arrived, I thought the total was a bit high, then I noticed the tip line said "Additional gratuity".  Then I noticed that 18% gratuity has already been calculated in.  Seeing that, I added a small amount to approximate my normal 20% tip and left.  

    This "little thing" has me never wanting to go back again.  I'm accustomed to (and expect) gratiutiy being added for large parties or certain special events, but don't think it should be done for normal size parties and especially not solo diners.  Also, there's was no signage (that I saw) or note on the menu about the gratuity policy. 

    It feels dishonest, almost like they're expecting that many of their customers won't notice and calculate their tip as they normally would.  It also feels like it puts me in a weird spot where the pre-calculated gratity is a little lower than I would normally add, but adding a small makeup amount feels just as bad as leaving nothing.  

    I won't be back because of this tip policy.  Am I being unreasonable, and this is just the way things are going with our tipping culture?


    They should have provided notice, for sure. In situations where they add an 18% gratuity, I don't add any extra - they have indicated what they consider a reasonable gratuity. 

    For his birthday, I took my husband to a wonderful French restaurant in Cole Valley - they advertise that they are a "no-tipping" place - the menu prices include a 20% surcharge that covers employee benefits, proft-sharing, etc. etc.   Works for me.

  3. On 5/16/2024 at 5:09 AM, KensingtonHomo said:

    I read the reviews on their profile, looking for consistency and checking if the people leaving the reviews are legit. For example, have they reviewed other providers? If they have a link to their socials, I'll take a look at those as well. Then, I'll search for them on here and consider those accounts. 

    I'm really looking for an overall picture that is consistent. 

    I'm not really worried about danger, particularly if the provider has a decent history and shows his face, gives me his phone number, etc. From there, I ask questions to get a sense if it's a fit. 

    Honestly, I think Grindr might be more risky. 

    This.  I don't do any sort of exhaustive research, but I want to be reasonably certain that he is who he says he is.  

  4. I think it is pretty common.  We have a friend who has it and used a mask.  The mask seriously degraded his sleep quality.  He doubled up on his inhaled medicines that he uses for allergies and he no longer had to use the mask.  I think my husband has sleep apnea, but he's in denial about it.  I have a touch of it, but I control it by always sleeping on my side.

  5. On 5/13/2024 at 7:05 AM, SometimesBi said:

    Ok, I hope this question isn't too weird. 

    I'm sure most bottoms, myself included, prepare themselves (either BM, enema, and/or shower shot or similar) fairly close to getting topped. So no questions about that.

    But what about if the bottom does not know what the day/evening might bring. If as a bottom I wanted to get myself ready, and then go out on the town looking for a top to hook up with, how long might the AVERAGE bottom remain ready "down there"? What if it's a couple hours, or more, before getting topped?

    (Yes, I understand the risks of the random hookup, so I hope this topic doesn't dwell on that.)

    I'm just trying to get an understanding of how long does the lowest part of the intestine stay empty. Yes, each person is different. But might this conversation yield an average expectation?

    Imodium is your friend.  I don't use it much because I haven't been that active in awhile, but if you take two doses, about 5 hours apart, in addition to your normal clean-out regimen,  it will give you a lot of peace of mind.

  6. 14 minutes ago, EZEtoGRU said:

    Same old posters pushing the same old nonsense. Sheesh…it’s like a broken record. The reality is that huge headway has been made on the inflation front.  The rest will be slow-going. 

    Anyone that thinks the economic consequences of COVID are over with is clueless about what’s gone on.   Supply chain problems continue in a big way. Millions left the workforce either by choice or cause they died of COVID. Many places are still not fully staffed.  Think hotels, restaurants, retail stores, etc. Even factories continue to be understaffed. Nearly every place I drive by here in Michigan still has “Now Hiring” signs out. 

    When there is a shortage of workers, wages go up. Our local Burger King is paying $18/hr for full time workers and $16/hr for part time. This is much higher than the state-mandated minimum wage.  It’s just what they have to pay to get applicants. Otherwise, prospective employees feel it’s not worth their time. 

    We are still feeling the economic fallout from COVID…so making that final move down to 2% inflation will be slow-going. 
    don’t expect restaurant prices to fall as long as we continue to have a worker shortage in our country. 

    Once they go up, prices don't fall. That, after all, would be deflation, which is an even dirtier word than "inflation" to those who make monetary policy.  But at some point, we can hopefully expect that they will stop rising with such energy.

  7. I don't operate from a decision that I'm not attracted to men my age - I could be attracted to a man my age.   In actual fact, though, I don't encounter many men my own age that I'm sexually attracted to.  I was at a party a couple of months ago, and a man my own age hit on me in a very obvious way.  I was flattered, but he didn't do anything for me - no aversion, though.  

  8. 38 minutes ago, viewing ownly said:

    Probably 97 times out of 100 if I see a guy, regardless of physical appearance, who is in his 60s or higher, not a single person has shed light on their experience. 

    As an only child growing up, I was always of the silly belief that much older people are yucky. Really dumb to carry that stereotype, now that I'm in the "yucky" age frame!

    An exception that I find (the 3 in 100 I guess you could say) are the guys in their 60s who are obviously lying about their age, but look good enough to be able to get away with it, which is sensible for increasing their business levels. 

    You mean old providers or old clients?

  9. On 5/5/2024 at 3:04 PM, Thelatin said:

    That’s where I’m at.  I feel good, I look good, life is great.  I go on vacation and see guys a bit older than me…they look sad and worn out. 

    You WILL get old and will be faced with the challenge of finding satisfaction in life as an older man.  Those sad old men lurking in bars haven't yet figured out how to negotiate that challenge.

  10. I have made small loans to friends and family.  I always insisted that they sign a note - and I always got repaid.   Once, my mother asked for a largish loan - to pay tuition for my brother and sister in private schools.  Since their state had perfectly good public schools - I told her "no," hard thing to do, but I knew I would never get repaid.

  11. 9 hours ago, samhexum said:

    Was this you (sort of)?



    They could always have 2 kitchens & 2 dining rooms, & serve you one dish in each.


    Not Jewish myself, but I worked for a kosher caterer.  Most of our jobs were at an affluent ortnodox synagogue in the suburbs.  They had a huge main kitchen that was ultra-kosher - actually two separate kitchens - meat and dairy.   But this synagogue was so big that they had a couple satellite kitchens - which were kosher enough - a single kitchen with meat on one side of the kitchen and dairy on the other side.  But the satellite kitchens weren't kosher enough for Passover - during Passover, they were closed and locked - nobody could go in them.

  12. 7 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    It's quite easy to grow. Find a spot in dappled sunlight and moist soil. It will take over quickly and provide you with plenty for a mix in your salads if you don't care for upper class finger-sandwiches.

    Most every decent food hall in NYC will carry it but middle America chain supermarkets won't.

    In this part of the country - almost any supermarket has it.

  13. 11 hours ago, NYXboy said:

    I have seen some providers who set an alarm timer for when you arrive/go.   I have no problem with this. 

    In my experience though - most providers just give gentle subtle clues about when time is up, if you can read social cues you should have no problem. I have stayed longer and chatted or just generally hung out, but I think it is kind of rude to go out of your way to try and stay over time and not pay - which is what you are essentially asking.  

    Overstaying your welcome in any scenario is not cool - I think a good motto and social etiquette is "Go before you are asked. Don't wait to be asked to leave."  

    The best way to get extra time is to book and pay for it. 


    I have a good sense of time - I usually know, within 5 or 10 minutes or so,  what time it is.  I just know when I have about 15 minutes left on the clock - time enough to dress after a quick shower.  So. I'm the clockwatcher.

  14. 3 hours ago, DaltonJ said:

    Probably not. I’d knew I get your kind of response. If they care to answer, great. If not, no big deal. I’m far more interested in having a meaningful or insightful conversation than reading about fart fetishes. 

    Unfortunate you experienced my response as "tart."  What I was going for was to point out the tough spot you are putting would-be responders in.

  15. 5 hours ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    I see what you mean, but for me it is because I have never felt romantic love.

    Prior to meeting my husband, I had been in a few relationships that were all short-lived - the longest was a few months and I would characterize them all as flirtations or infatuations.  At some point, I diagnosed myself as having a classic gay man's fear of intimacy. Within 2 or 3 years after that I met my husband and we have been a couple for 32 years. 

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