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Bargara Leatherboy

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Posts posted by Bargara Leatherboy

  1. I mean as she said, it is XXPEN$IVE to be her, so I guess there goes reason A -


    The issue with this thread is ”WE DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS’. so lets stop the blame game until we know the facts.


    On the off chance that Erika knew about this, I will be the first to change my opinion of her.


    As a gay man I have had nasty comments made about me (with no grounds of truth) all my life (60 years) so I prefer not to play that game.


    I know what it is like when people post that I must be a pedophile because I am gay, so lets not go around saying she is guilty of something her husband may have done, its possible she knew nothing about his business dealings and maybe that’s why she divorced him. After all she did not know he was having an affair for all those years.


    we cannot expect to be treated with Respect when we do not show respect to others .....

  2. I travel solo all the time. I have taken many, many trips solo to Asia. There used to be a company based in Bangkok that organized private tours where it was just me with a driver and/or guide. Lots of great trips over the years all over SE Asia. I've done a couple of solo trips to Sri Lanka where it was just me and my guide/driver who is now a friend.


    I travel around Europe solo frequently. Also Australia and Canada. Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea are great too and easy to do on your own. I am so used to it now that I'm not sure I could travel with another person now.


    For sure your personality will make a difference. I'm an introvert so I don't meet a lot of people when I travel and it's generally not a problem. I enjoy my own company so I keep to myself mostly. Extroverts who need someone to talk to all the time might struggle a bit.


    Those companies still exist (or did pre covid)


    I found an amazing tour guide and driver, in Thailand, that took me out to the Railway Market, and then to a long boat canal tour and tour of floating markets, I was able to tailor the tour to suit me, I found it via a google search, gay tour company google

  3. I do not know what Pinterest is, or Snapchat, or how to use TikTok, or find the good stuff on Instagram.

    Verizon once game me a Samsung Gear VR Headset, but I didn't know how to use it, so it is still in the box. I checked just now and it is compatible with S6 phones, and I now have an S9.

    I rarely know the names of singers or popular TV shows. Is that being old?



    Google is your friend to learn how to use any of these new apps programs and activities. Often that will lead you to a youtube clip on how to do something ... such a useful resource

  4. That's diversity for you. Diversity means we don't all have to feel the same way or think the same way about things and be shamed or told we are wrong. Sex work being a moral issue is different from it being a legal issue.


    And I think by you throwing shade at people who might have moral issues with sex work, you just prove how far we haven't come. Isn't that the very issue of diversity?


    I have the greatest respect for sex workers, some of the nicest, balanced, wise and worldly people are sex workers. Yes there are some at the other end of the scale who are doing it to fund drug habits and making an existence but .....


    As far as throwing shade at people who judge sex workers, I am throwing the same shade at those who judge others in a negative way.


    It is that universal issue about why is anyone concerned about what others are doing, if it does not impact you.


    Its that universal question that is so common in cultures based on Christianity that society as a whole will interfere with others rights to live, whereas I subscribe to the philosophy of if you don‘t want/approve/like don’t take part.


    Do not want a same sex marriage - do not have one

    Do not believe in abortion - do not have one

    Do not believe is sex workers - do not hire one


    Etc etc


    I respect peoples beliefs and ways of living, until they try to force their point of view or lifestyle upon me.

  5. You know what you need to sound more convincing? More exclamation points!


    I do Not need to sound convincing.


    You do not agree with an opinion I shared which is what a forum is all about.


    Its called Freedom of Speech !!


    Your constant snarling at me, is bullying harassment and just unneccessary.


    You are so much of a coward that you are hiding behind a hidden profile.


    Scroll on or move along - build a bridge.


    it is the actions of members like yourself who drive member away - so in the end you will be the only person here agreeing with your posts.


    Tedious and boring!!!

  6. Childhood for me was pretty crap, my parents enrolled me in the local swimming club, one year, I loved it, not to mention the hot guy who I trained with swimmers build, muscles in the right place, and a blulging red speedo.


    I don’t remember ever getting to see what was in the speedo, certainly no action. The next summer I had a broken arm, and half way thru we moved countries,... I took up swimming again as an adult, swimming laps with eye candy as a bonus

  7. I have a basic phone that's running out of space and I don't have a bank app loaded, so that limits me.The last two guys I've hired preferred electronic payment, the first I paid by bank transfer using my laptop, the second with cash. He would have accepted PayPal or PayID. That's an Australian bank-operated instant payment facility that uses your phone number as a reference. Obviously legality isn't an issue here, but still I'm concerned about PayPal's reported attitude to this work. That second meeting was one of only two times I have used cash in the last 11 months.



    PayPal is something I am happy to use.


    I guess the legality comes down to how the provider sets up their account, do they describe themselves as a masseur or a sex worker, or a consultant etc.


    sex work is the worlds oldest profession, not sure why people still have moral issues with it in 2021

  8. Do you mean the iPad 1st generation??


    I’m thinking to upgrade my iPad 3rd generation onto the newest model next year. I use my iPad as a kindle or to watch YouTube.


    Yes it was the first generation, I know. Over 10 years old, but i could read on it, do facebook, play some games ......

  9. There have been many moments :-


    working in customer service I used to run credit checks for new customers, they needed to be 18 years old, I used to type in the date of birth and query them, now working in law enforcement i run checks on suspects, some are born in 2010 and have criminal records....

    turning the radio off in the car before reversing, or parking

    avoiding bars where you cannot talk over the music

    Not knowing the latest pop stars by name or recognising their music

    finding my taste for hires runs in the over 30 age bracket


    there are some benefits of ageing ........ now let me think .....






    thinking .........





    thinking ..........










    still thinking .........

  10. How often do you visit? Are you here every day? Some are here from morning to night, seven days a week. Why?

    There's more: How often do you post? Do you use private messaging? Do you feel a sense of camaradarie here?

    Do you ever get annoyed? Do you use the ignore function? Has that been successful for you?


    * aim for daily


    * if time allows


    *Too busy for that


    * when i have something worthwhile to say ( and I am the judge of that)


    * I do (rarely but I do, more often I respond to others who PM me)


    * i do and don’t , some OP are delightful some as the opposite (pretty similar to life in general)


    * often


    * i have been known to use the ignore function


    * successful if someone is being a troll or a pest or has some sort of personal prejudice against me (again same as life in general)

  11. It appears @westernsyd has deleted all his posts in this thread, so don’t expect a reply.


    The rudeness of the audience motivated me to remove those posts.


    If anyone wants to discuss with me they can via PM !!


    The facts speak for themselves, I have not had a cold or flu since May 2009, by using this product.

  12. I dislike early morning departures more. QF could do that with a quick turnaround and 10 or 11am departure from LAX. Bear in mind that their LAX departure times are the same year round, so Sydney arrivals would vary according to the respective daylight saving times at each end. As a Canberran who has to connect from one of the arrival cities, evening arrivals can be tricky.


    we are all different, i often take an early departure from Syd, the traffic is better if we don’t overnight at the airport hotel, and hitting up outbound Immigraton and Security at 6am normally means no delays. Decent coffee in the lounge with a French Bubbles chaser. SQ at 750 to SIN or GA at 915 to DPS are our regular flights. Arriving there early afternoon allows to time to relax and enjoy

  13. What airplane can carry that much fuel? When I traveled to South Africa from JFK, on a very, very huge jet--one stop was made. The same for San Francisco to Sydney. We made two stops. Hope Mr. Joyce was truly candid in his speech.


    Is his speech written somewhere and can be obtained on the net? If so, please cite the source, for I'd be interested in reading it.


    the new Dreamliner (Boeing 787) is made of lighter material and can go further.


    I imagine your flight from JFK to JNB would have most likely been on a A340 and there was a tech stop for refuellng in Africa.


    SFO to SYD has been non stop for at least 30 years, since the 747 400 variant started, same as LAX SFO.

  14. What airplane can carry that much fuel? When I traveled to South Africa from JFK, on a very, very huge jet--one stop was made. The same for San Francisco to Sydney. We made two stops. Hope Mr. Joyce was truly candid in his speech.


    Is his speech written somewhere and can be obtained on the net? If so, please cite the source, for I'd be interested in reading it.


    the new Dreamliner (Boeing 787) is made of lighter material and can go further.


    I imagine your flight from JFK to JNB would have most likely been on a A340 and there was a tech stop for refuellng in Africa.


    SFO to SYD has been non stop for at least 30 years, since the 747 400 variant started, same as LAX SFO.

  15. The hypothesis that sanitizing reduces Covid-19 transmission has been systematically examined by many different groups of scientists, and the hypothesis has not panned out (in experiments done in multiple countries around the world). To disagree, you would have to explain why you disagree with the findings of the studies. An observation, such as "I sanitized my airplane seat 8 times and didn't get sick," can certainly generate a hypothesis, but the hypothesis must stand up to the scientific method/experimentation, before the hypothesis can be accepted as factual.


    Pre Covid that has worked for me !!!


    As Covid is a virus that is spread like a flu or cold virus, some of it is airborne and some of it is on a surface. Considering that Covid lasts on a surface for up to 14 days , there has to be some benefit in wiping down surfaces, and hand sanitising.


    The Airborne but is managed by the masks.


    why do Dr and Nurses wear masks in theatre etc, why do the Japanese wear a mask when they have a cold ??


    My medical people here in Sydney say that wearing a mask, and hand sanitising , wiping of surfaces is the best we can do at a ground level practical level.


    I would prefer to do something than sit around wringing my hands and worrying about when i am going to catch it and die !!!!


    there has to be a correlation between these actions and the actions of lock downs, border closures, not being able to travel, to congregate in groups, to socially distance.


    In Australia we have lost about 1000 people in a 25 million population, those numbers are way down on what happened in the USA the UK and EU, because people chose to make their own decisions and not wear masks and not socially distance and etc etc etc.


    take what you want from that !!! But that’s a scientific experiment that has some good results, it has to be considered as helpful !!!!

  16. I always used to come down with a cold or flu after flying on an international flight, have a great vacation and then be sick for a week or two when i got back - never felt good.


    During the dramas with swine flu, I had to travel to New Zealand when my Mum Passed away, this was April 2009. The day I was due to fly home, my flight was delayed as the inbound service had a sick child on board. we were told by the Business Class manager that the delay was for the aircraft to be sanitised.


    Get home a few days later get really really sick. You guessed it swine flu !!!


    SInce then I have never had a cold or a flu. When I fly i use hand sanitizer, everything i touch i use sanitizer and wipes. So i get on the plane, i wipe down my seat belt, my arm rests, the entertainment controller etc etc etc.


    When I go to the bathroom, and from Australia every where is a 3 -17 hour flight away, I do what I need to do, i wash with soap, i then grab a tissue or paper town to open the door, throw that in the trash. Go back to my seat and you guessed it - hand sanitise.


    In places like Bali or Thailand I do the same after handling the money.


    Yes May 2009 was the last time I got sick.


    With Covid we are that much more aware, so this has become a standard procedure. I hot desk at work, so we do it all the time.


    Rates of colds and flu‘s went down last winter, why because we are wearing masks and sanitising.


    Something is working, so lets keep doing what we are doing until we are able to eradicate this virus

  17. I love travelling on my own, and these days with smart phones eating alone is not an issue. I used to take a book with me prior to smart phones.


    I organise my trips myself, its amazing what you can learn on line - just study some tour guides so you can maximise the experience.


    I did a solo trip to Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Hue, Danang, Hoi An,Nha trang, Ho Chi Minh City, the Mekong Delta, up the Mekong into Cambodia, Phenom Penh, Battambang, Siam Reap, and back home via Kuala Lumpur.


    Flights, hotels, transfers, train, car, boats , just amazing. Everything worked.


    Equally when my husband and I went to Europe we did 45 days in 14 counties a mix of flights, ferry, car hire, trains, luxury hotels, GayBnb, stately Homes, just amazing.


    You do need to be organised, but its fun for me to do it.


    Travelling alone is awesome , people talk to you because they feel sorry for you, there is no one to tell the tales of your holiday pleasures, if you want to spend some time in a bathhouse, or have an encounter with a local man or a rent man you can,and nil secrets to be shared.

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