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Bargara Leatherboy

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Posts posted by Bargara Leatherboy

  1. I can remember being taught about Sexually Transmitted Diseases when in Form 4 at high School. Grade 8 in the US system.


    We were shown some pictures similar to the one about about STI in the bum.


    I remember on of my peers saying to me when we left the film room, so you queers can catch it too.


    How times have changed

  2. I now go to a health clinic where a podiatrist does my feet. Every 10 weeks. As a diabetic we need to keep a close eye on our feet. So my nails are trimmed, my feet’s are scrapped and cleared of hard skin, its $81 in Australia and my health insurance pays $30. It is safer than a nail place for hygience

  3. Hi WesternSyd, good to see you're still active on the forum!

    I'm gonna guess you're in Sydney now. As you may recall, I live in Bali - and cannot agree with what you wrote. Unfortunately, there is a lot of negative press in Oz about COVID in Bali - and has been since the start of the pandemic. Rates here are not "very high". They're not even close to being "high", in comparison with so many places in the world. There are less than 10,000 COVID cases in Bali, and the island has over 4 million people. Now, within Indonesia, the COVID rates have been and continue to be high in Jakarta (about 85,000 cases) - but that is 1200km from Bali. Cheers -



    Yes still in sydney, I do remember that you live in Bali. This week I have just cancelled my second trip to Bali for this year.


    I am in daily contact with Balinese - so it is interesting what the truth really is.


    I am confident to travel to Bali during this situation, but as I cannot get an entry visa, nor an exit permit from Australia, there is not chance of that.


    I do see the videos of empty streets, and am helping Balinese families out with some rupiah.


    The sooner we get to travel again the better

  4. There are plenty of “massage” places in Asia where you choose a service, 1 hr 2 hr 2 hands 4 hands etc then choose a boy from a line up and off to the treatment room. During the treatment the boy will offer you extras and you negotiate the extras and the price.

    I have had these experiences in Bali, Vietnam, Hanoi and HCMC, Cambodia, and in Thailand.

  5. The question was



    My pic is real, it was taken by me in my garden of a water Lilly I planted and nurtured !!!


    As I am not promoting my business here, nor am I using this pic to arrange meetings , I consider it a real pic !!!


    open to discussion

  6. I worked for a while in a hotel bar.

    One long weekend we had a submarine crew staying, they have to be housed on land when the sub is tied up, they spent the day drinking in the bar,towards the end of the eveenjng a senior officer offered me a note with his room number and come up and see me a when you finish.

    I did he must have fallen asleep as he did not answer the door .

    A month or two later one weekend night. Sr was not very busy, at close a customer asked me to double check his account , while chatting about that he said he had been checking out my cute ass all night and come up and see me.

    I did and we had fun

  7. Reminds me of the last time two hot Mormon boys knocked on my door, they wanted to come in and

    Talk about God.

    I said sure come in, but how about we practise my religion .

    They said what’s that.

    I said I praise god by having hot 3sums with hot Mormon missionaries, they ran down my driveway shouting we will pray for you brother.


    j have not had a door knock since

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