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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. Interesting. Some of these guys are sexy, but some of them who could be sexy are actually scary looking to me because their eyes convey so much hostility.
  2. I agree that I at least appreciate his honesty in canceling the appointment. I have been "stood up" a number of times and I think that's way more obnoxious than an escort calling a prospective client to cancel, regardless of the reason. Sure, it might make me reluctant to book him in the future but I definitely wouldn't book someone who simply didn't show up and didn't have the courtesy to cancel. At least with a cancellation, the client has more opportunity to took for someone else.
  3. I don't know what it is about this guy, but he really gets my motor going. He's actually a little funny looking in some photos but I just want to eat him up.
  4. Yes, there were some hot guys in the cast but the show was so horrible that I couldn't even finish watching an entire episode.
  5. I wouldn't pay $500 per hour for anyone unless I had a lot more disposable cash. But in terms of playing this fantasy game, and sticking to gay porn performers I would choose any number of Sean Cody performers (particularly Stu, Blake, Jess, and Tanner) or Corbin Fisher's Quinn; and the straight porn performer George Uhl. In terms of mainstream performers, I would choose Taylor Lautner or any of a number of other men whose names aren't coming to me right now.
  6. There is a world of difference between ordering medication online where you know it has an active ingredient (take Viagra, get an erection) versus one where you can only hope that it contains the proper amount of the active ingredients. Unless you have a way to analyze the pills at home to be sure what they contain, why would anyone want to risk ordering PrEP online?
  7. I haven't seen anyone suggest that just because masseur X had full-on sex with client Y that client Y then expected any other masseur to do the same thing. This is simply a discussion where some clients have described situations where, for whatever reason, the masseurs have ended up having sex with them. It almost sounds like you are trying to argue that that should never happen, and I get your point if you're talking about masseurs who work in a spa or other business where there are rules. But guys advertising erotic massages and then performing them in their own apartments or in their clients' apartments? The only "rules" about what that massage will entail are those of that specific masseur and that specific client.
  8. OK, I take back what I said about Chad based on the new photos he just added to his massagem4m ad. Looks like he's put on a significant amount of muscle and is now more appropriately described as smokin' hot rather than cute-as-a-button.
  9. Funny how different people can have different experiences. My experience with Pan was sensual but not particularly therapeutic. This was years ago so maybe his set-up is better now, but I basically got a light bodyrub on a thin futon on the floor followed by a nice body-to-body rub. Chad definitely had massage skills and the table to go along with them. The massage also turned more erotic towards the end. I agree that their body types are totally different -- or at least they were when I hired them both a few years ago. Chad is less than average in height and has a tight, compact, slightly muscled physique (and a cute-as-a-button face and charming demeanor). Pan is much more muscular. I wouldn't discourage anyone from hiring either of them, but if I were to choose to return to one of them my choice would be Chad.
  10. I hired him a few times a few years ago. Looked like his pictures (cute) and provided a nice, sensual massage. Sorry I cannot be more specific since it's been a while since I saw him and my memory isn't what it used to be, but everything I do remember was positive.
  11. A video clip of Reeves on the Burns and Allen show.
  12. Steve Reeves (okay, I know it's a stretch since he isn't particularly tied to old Hollywood) http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6352283&d=1383858584 http://www.musclememory.com/images/vintage/ReevesSteve_2.jpg
  13. Maybe someone else knows the names of the various hunks in these screen captures from the Frankie and Annette film, Muscle Beach Party.
  14. No thread about old Hollywood hunks is complete without a photo of Sal Mineo. http://www.mancrushes.com/sites/default/files/sal-mineo-movies-3.jpg
  15. Maybe I should be ashamed to admit it, but I have a soft spot for Ryan. I was predisposed to not like him after the Olympics 4 years ago, but then I watched his short-lived reality TV show. I found out that he was both the relatively immature, frat-boy party animal that was his public persona and a young man who cared about his family and friends and who actually treated the women he was dating with respect. I was expecting him to be just a dumb jock whose only purpose outside of sports was to get laid, but he came across as a nice, thoughtful guy. Not the brightest bulb in the bunch, but not stupid, either. I know -- reality TV isn't reality, so I don't know what he's like in real life. I'm not excusing lying about being robbed, but I do think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of the swimmers' stories and those being put forth by the Brazilians involved in the incident.
  16. If you filter Palm Springs ads to show only those who include PNP (party and play aka using drugs while having sex), Tryp's ad is included. I don't know the guy so I don't know anything about him, but I find that men who "party" tend to be unreliable in general.
  17. I don't find the sort of boarding announcement quoted above to be annoying. What's annoying are passengers who insist on bringing aboard as much junk as they are allowed, and then not having the common sense to actually have their bags ready to put overhead as soon as they reach their seat rows. Anyone who needs to open said bag to get things out of or put things inside of a bag while standing in the aisle is inconsiderate; sadly, there are always at least few passengers like this on every flight.
  18. Your link didn't work for me. Maybe this one will work for others: http://sanjose.backpage.com/MaleEscorts/sexy-latino-guy/24633922 I have to say that he's been on my radar for a long time as well. Any feedback would be most appreciated.
  19. Or maybe someone who lives in a building in which Lance previously rented an apartment recognized him and reported it to AirBnB.
  20. Former: I don't know. Too many from which to choose. Maybe Mike Henson (RIP). Current: Also so many from which to choose, but maybe Jess from Sean Cody. I certainly have read lots of negative comments online about him (I guess many guys simply don't find him attractive), but I think he's hot and I love that in many of his scenes he's so into fucking that he comes quickly and multiple times.
  21. When I search the phone number and click on the link for the BP ad, I get a message that the post has been removed and am offered several other posts in the m4f category, one of which is the silly one linked above. I don't see this phone number in that ad, so I don't know why anyone would link them, either. FYI, you can still see the original BP ad by clicking the down arrow on the search results to view the cached version of the ad.
  22. An odd thing to attack Bieber about. I wouldn't go barefoot in an urban area due to concern about broken glass or other hazards, but worrying about spit or poo? Didn't y'all go barefoot in the summers where you lived? It isn't like such things don't exist in the country as well.
  23. Let's just clarify the issue. Some of us who hired him did not have an issue with body odor/hygiene. Others have. So who knows whether he simply had an issue for a while (I once had a bad case of jock itch and my crotch area smelled bad even after showering because of it) or whether some people have exceptionally strong senses of smell or there's some other explanation. I just want to be fair to the guy, even though I haven't hired him for the past couple of years so I cannot attest to what he's like today.
  24. Their current ages range from 15 to 18. Not quite 12, but all but one isn't legal in most states. (I think the oldest one is the one on the right as you look at the photos -- in most of the photos posted, anyway.) Not that it matters. Straight American men of various ages were creaming themselves when Britney Spears was a minor.
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