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Everything posted by Becket

  1. The review in question was polite, fair, and even. Derek's response was just awful. Hey Derek, do you really think so little of us? Do we disgust you? Do you laugh and make jokes at our expense? Because that's what came through in your callous and dismissive comments. It sounded like you're a punk. Is that who you really are? I hope not. But you embarrassed and humiliated someone who was simply asking you for a little warmth and comfort. You showed your ass and told us to kiss it. Good looks are only part of what we "miserables" pay for. More important is a positive attitude, a smiling face, a friendly tone, a promise that for at least one god dam hour of our lives we can have some of the things that may be missing from our lives. I think you owe your client an apology. But what do I know. I'm just another......whatever it is you call us.
  2. "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!" My first crush of an overly dramatic older woman flourishing her mysterious powers.
  3. Thanks to those who started this thread and others who add on beautiful, vibrant photos. Blonde fellows have always been mysterious to me and it would be a lucky night when I would find myself in the company of such exotic beauty. To touch, to caress, a blond butt was something I thought I'd never achieve. Yet there he was, standing at my hotel room door. I'll never forget it.........Thanks for my stroll down memory lane. Love this site.
  4. From the 70's. Jim Palmer in jockey underwear.
  5. Vaginas we have known huh? Check please!
  6. There was a Collin at SR a couple years ago. He was beautiful. He was also a total jerk, IMHO. I never understood how he ever made any money. He would always be hanging with whatever girl group was there. The guys like me all loved to look at him, but he would act bored and somewhat put off that we would deign to ask for a chat or a dance or whatever. Your Collin might not be the same one I'm thinking of. I hope not. I'd love to meet him if it's another dude.
  7. These make me a little sad to think I wasted my youth hiding in the closet.
  8. His life certainly seems to have changed since being discovered as a simple math professor. Parties, runways, frolicking with the boys. His beauty is stunning. Wonder how much longer all this will last for him. As it seems to go, we'll move on to the next one soon. Eighteen months or less? Time to change my avatar?
  9. Is this the same "big red" who allegedly entertained one closet queen straight acting straight actor in a "wrestling match" a few years ago. Rumors in indiendos. Have we no shame.
  10. GoT reminds me of the True Blood series for the following reason: If one waits long enough, one's favorite character invariably will be "gettn' neeked" at some point. And then in the next scene there will be blood. Luv ya' Jamie, you damn fine man.
  11. I'm not hiring him because I don't think he uses his real name? Really? And your mama named you "Massagelover?"
  12. Becket

    Hunter Maverick

    Here's the word(s) that's a real boner killer. Straight. Girlfriend. Sorry but nobody is that good an actor. Too many of us have flunked chemistry. Oil and water. No mixo.
  13. When Brandon from SC starts escorting I'm selling the farm to get in line for him.
  14. This thread makes me so happy. Please don't stop it.....
  15. No, but had lunch with an escort and his Mom once upon a time. That was odd. But really cool too. The mom was very supportive of her son and gracious to me. We talked about "mom at brunch" stuff. Very polite lunch time conversation. But I felt warm and welcomed, and kinda amazed (and encouraged) at the trust everyone at the table had for one another. Most of us were raised by someone who they still may love and value. A couple escorts I've met work and keep working to help pay for stuff their parents need, like rent and medical and food. Most of these working guys have really interesting stories. Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful male body and I love the chance to have sex with them. But there's other stuff available when we learn to trust one another. Thanks for all the responses to my bitching about too many women at SR. I just need to be glad there is the VIP section where a dick is required for entrance. And no....Shelia, you can't bring somebody elses. Which brings up a thought: Wonder if you're a man in drag. Could you wander into the VIP then?
  16. Chad Everett on "Medical Center." Most memorable episode: He pulled down the pajama pants of a kid my age to give him an injection in his butt. I remember turning flush, wanting more than anything else to be that kid that Dr. Gannon was gonna touch like that. I'da been like, "Nope, that wasn't it. Another take please." Never led me to doctor patient porn strangely enough.
  17. Think I remember him. He had a couple brothers, too. Wrestled in just the briefest brief tights and cowboy boots? All american looks and doing flips almost neeked Saturday nights at 11. O hell yea!!!
  18. Yep, the VIP continues to be a safe haven from all the VAG in the club. Hopefully it won't turn into the 'gay guy ghetto.' I dunno, maybe I was just there on a particular night when there were more gals than usual.
  19. Visited SR this weekend in Atlanta. It's one of my favorite places and I almost always have a great evening. There is a real obvious change going on that has caused me to wonder whether or not I'll ever go back: 1. The number of women in the club seems to have doubled if not more. Large groups of young women and older "legal" girls, dressed to kill, are making their way into the club. They took up almost all the tables up close to the stage; I believe a few of them had reserved seating. Occasionally one or two will arise from their seat and give the dancer a dollar bill. Most of the time they remain seated and hope the dancers will come by for a lap dance. These lap dances always seem to take place in the middle of the group and result in wild screaming and gesticulating. No matter how loud is the music, everyone knows when a group of ladies is getting a lap dance. Worst of all these groups of women don't seem to have any idea that they are in a gay club. The DJ used to announce from time to time, that "this is a GAY CLUB ladies. The dancers would appreciate your putting a buck or two in their arm bands." The really obnoxious women will take a bunch of singles and throw them at the dancer on stage. "Making it rain" is not really the custom at SR. Patrons are supposed to come up and put some cash in the armband of the dancer. Sometimes the dancer will respond with a quick hug. It always seemed a bit more intimate to me. Throwing money at the dancer on stage just seems tacky if not imperialistic. "Bend over and pick up the money off the ground. You're less than me," it seems to be saying. 2. Le Bare is a famous club in Dallas just for women. Men are usually not allowed in. Once inside they have their choice of any number of hot straight guys who will pay them lots of attention. SR has always felt like a home away from home. This was my club. Here were "my people." Guys just like me enjoying the sights and sound and company of good looking young men. I'm sorry to see SR becoming so concerned with welcoming females to the club. I miss the old SR already.
  20. He is what the Romans envisioned when they talked about children of the gods.
  21. Lawdy what a beautiful man! One can just imagine him whispering sweet Italian nothings into one's ear while snuggling up on a cool Tuscany summer morning.
  22. The OP post was interesting and helpful. Thank you. The OP post referenced in Eli-in-NYC thread sounded like a completely different person; angry and mean spirited. Yes, there is a lot of that around here. There is also sarcasm, wit, humor, LMAO quotes, cartoons, and stories that make me teary eyed. I continue to be puzzled as to what is going on with the review site, which is (as I am reminded over and over again), NOT connected with the Forum. I come "here" for both reviews and forum chat. I miss the reviews, and hope they resume soon. I would be happy to assist if there is anything one can do to get the reviews going again.
  23. I just love Karma. United's real problem is not here in the US, where we sometimes have no choice but to fly brand X if we want to get to a particular place. And we'll forget and move on to whatever is next in.....oh.....about 14 more hours, depending on how absurd our President is today. No, United is in a clusterf**k because the gentleman in question is of Asian descent. No US airline has more invested in China and Asia than United. Their pretty American hinies are hanging a long way out on this one. Offend that particular demographic and see how long their memories are! Besides, there are several Asian Airlines who's service and equipment make United look like a Well's Fargo horse and buggy.
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