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Everything posted by Becket

  1. Chad Everett on "Medical Center." Gawd I craved being examined by him. I've been on the lookout for hot doctors ever since.
  2. What heavenly high school did you attend? My memories of showers were get in and get out before being noticed. "Hot sex showers?" I would not even presumed to dream such a thing!
  3. This smacks of witch hunts. Or, more recently, high schools, colleges, and other young groups trying to weed out "the fags." Racism is endemic. But you gonna label every dude with the scarlet R who ever told a joke about race, who made a choice because of race. Count me OUT of this clusterfuck.
  4. That blond guy doing a push up was in the most wonderful little film. He played a Mormon boy-white shirt, black tie, and all. He never said a word; just was poked, prodded, spanked, and f***ed by the fellow he went to proselytize. Best picture, for sure. Hit a number of my fantasy buttons.
  5. Becket

    411 on God

    Jesus H. Christ!!! God is a client? I wonder if he tips well.
  6. It's always a red flag for me if the first thing the escort says is "Do THIS or ELSE!" The ego has landed.
  7. From time to time I've tried to pick out doctors and dentists the same way. Not really a smart strategy long term, but if it's just a one time visit.....Just a silly hobby I suppose.
  8. In my younger days I was a Dan Fogelberg fanatic. But the last few decades nobody does it for me like Michael "Bubble."
  9. Logan Brock in Dallas. Great body, super passionate lover. And a nice person all around IMHO.
  10. We're all worried about Asia? Numbers wise, the worst place to be right now is in a major city in the good ole USA!
  11. It seems like the guys who do well traveling a lot just keep plugging at it. Some trips (and cities) will be fruitful, others less so. But the anchor clients are important. So is hard work, determination, resiliency, a positive outlook and a good sense of humor. Duh! I have yet to meet an escort who thinks the whole thing is just "easy money."
  12. Can we please get past the point where people must be classified one of only two or three ways: Gay Bi Straight. The only codifying that makes sense to me is that sexuality should be colored infinite shades of gray.
  13. "And I thank you" ZZTop. Just for the last lyric......"Now I know what the other fellas talking about. Whey they say that they been turned out. AND I WANNA THANKYOU. And you KNOW who you are!
  14. Love watching Rafa Nadal. Best booty in the game, and he's always pulling at his wedgie. He is so beautiful I think.
  15. Quoting many commentators, in five minutes the Queen gave us more strength, hope, and leadership than two months of The Donald blathering on in his two hour (so called) press briefings.
  16. Bravo. Thank you. In other news, there is a commercial on TV that features a purple cow. Have you seen it? It made me smile.
  17. The great thing about this forum is i always finds people who have the similar issues. I love the process of hunting up a massage, getting ready for it, thinking about what's to come. Then, after it's done and the money's gone, nine times out of ten there is a feeling of.......MEH!!
  18. I love a good steak, specifically a porterhouse or T-bone. Peter Luger has been on my bucket list for ages, but I am a rare visitor to NYC. You might have read that a NYTimes restaurant critic tore them a new one in a recent review. For those who have eaten there, any merit at all to the review, or just another snarky piece trying to sell newspapers? It's not a cheap place to eat but I don't mind splurging for a memorable meal from time to time. Inclined to go eat there anyway if I ever get the chance. Thoughts?
  19. Agreed. Have him deliver a pizza to your room, or dress him up in a uniform. Find a way to be playful with it. Or, you could always just meet him at the side door and sneak up to the room. But where's the fun in that?
  20. Pretty good article, yes. Threw up in my mouth a little when Aaron Schock was held up as a positive example of the "coming out" journey. But otherwise a good read.
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