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Everything posted by Becket

  1. Not yet and not yet. I am hopeful for both, when it's my turn. It's reported that if you get on waiting lists, vac sites end up having a few extra doses at the end of the day which they must use or throw out. So, like a lottery, you might luck into one.
  2. Recently saw for the first time the ballet of Swan lake. It made up the last scene of the movie Billy Elliot, which I also saw for the first time. Both of which are stunning. Anyway, these pics remind me of the dancer in Swan Lake.
  3. My tennis crush has always been Stephan Edburg (sic). I loved every stroke of his. He aged so beautifully.
  4. Wanting to pay more? I'm always knocked out by providers who don't try to rip me off. It's very sexy.
  5. For a short time he went to work for someone close to me. I secretly enjoyed feeling I could get him fired if i bitched enough about him. Like most bullies, this one was bullied by someone else before he bullied me. I've been watching videos of macaques on Youtube. The bullying that goes on in the society of that species is just as predictable and ugly as our own.
  6. It seems the poster is struggling with his thoughts and feelings. Lets give him credit for that.
  7. Becket

    Happy trails

    How in God's name have I missed this thread? Maaaavelous!
  8. Yes it's worth it. I save tons. Yes indeed.
  9. A man walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The duck turns around and says" Hey boys. Can you help me get this guys head out of my ass?
  10. My favorite video is Brandon and Liev on SC. There is so much joy and passion going on. They really love the time they spend together, it seems.
  11. All of this is a reminder that 1. We're no where near through with this shit. 2. It's no time to be a selfish pig. You may get it. It may be mild. And someone else may get infected by you. And they might get very sick, or suffer and die. And the death will affect families in myriad ways, few of them good. 3. We are in desperate need of national leadership here. Coming soon (Jan 20?) I hope. 4. Please, my friends, Romans, Countrymen, think of someone else this day. Someone sicker, weaker, needier.
  12. Victor you seem to be very invested in the success of this provider. I'm wondering why.
  13. Even when nobody's trying to hurt you, one will get unflattering reviews now and again. Sometimes there's just no connection and the client feels entitled to vent. Doesn't mean that he's right. I'd briefly mention it, describe what steps you took to rectify, apologize that things didn't go as plan, shake the dust off your shoes, and moooooove the f***K on down the road. It hapens. You're in a profession where you will be evaluated a lot. Just get used to this fact. Get comfortable with people letting you know about it, whether or not you want to know. And relax. It's a bump on the road. There may be a few more in the years to come. Shake it off. You're good. You know it. Not your job to make everybody happy. Never was. In summary, Get back up on that horse......goat.....pig......whatever is your thing. You go girl!!!!!
  14. How ' bout a real review? They have this thing called "daddys reviews." Aside from the mouth of one Victor XX, I've heard nothing substantial. IN SIX MONTHS. This guy is coming to Dallas. I'd love to see him. But how can we know so little about a fellow who has given this thread 18 pages. ARE WE NOT ENTERTAINED!!!!! Um.....no ....sorry Spaniard.
  15. Yes. There is in fact a difference between and escort and a prostitute.
  16. Are we really gonna have another "provider" of the year award, even unofficially? Can we just.....not?
  17. Don't know why, but I always FELT better after polishing my one pair of dress shoes. They are those old fashioned shoes with the thin laces and sculpted sides. I smear on the black polish, then brush and buff till my arm aches. The result is a mirrored shine, sleek and snazzy. They dazzle only for a little while, but that's OK. I just wear them once in a while, because after a few hours my feet hurt. But don't they.....and me.....clean up nice.
  18. Your own........Personal........Trainer. Someone who cares. Anyway, reminded me of Depeche Mode.
  19. Just outside of Jackson, I'm guessing.
  20. He looks a bit different recently. The longer hair changes the profile perhaps. Still gorgeous.
  21. Easy fellows. Why all the criticism of a city one chooses to live in or visit? I really like Dallas. The weather has just enough variety and there are many interesting and unique neighborhoods like Deep Ellum, and parts of Oak Cliff. Many of the "burbs" have cute and quaint downtown squares and one of a kind restaurants and sporting. The pro sports are all passionate and competitive nationally and the political landscape is trending purple if not blue. There are many lakes and parks, and the public DART rail is efficient. Like all big cities it has its issues with crime, traffic, overcrowding, and environmental waste. But it as always seemed safe and welcoming to me.
  22. Danny-Darko doesn't like Barbra Streisand? Turn in your gay card. Immediately.
  23. To quote the king of comedy Richard Pryor: "Nope. Never touch it. I pee pee with it. That's it. Sheeeeiiiit!"
  24. I love the grown up Joey Mc of NKOTB. He's flat out gorgeous.
  25. O I don't know. Could be just the way he sorts laundry.
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