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Everything posted by Becket

  1. All the events have a "free secure clothing check." UM....what's that? I've never been to one, but it does look like a fun way to spend New Year's Night here in Dallas. I'm usually kinda shy. Wonder if I would have a good time, if they would let me go slow, my own speed, etc. Anyone have any experiences they'd like to share?
  2. Just my kind of first date. Love it. More please.
  3. Love this. More, please.
  4. It's part of the fantasy many of us have. When it's just fantasy it's all fun and games. No way to be sure.....just be sure you know you're getting the good with the bad. No sending him home early if the chemistry is not right one night. All relationships are for "better or worse." This one will be as well. Sounds exciting, scary, fun, and overwhelming all at once. But hell yea, go for it.
  5. My favorite gossip concerning this topic was that "he had to fold it in half to fit into his football pants." Also that "while a student at Arizona State University he was so big that he had a hard time finding girls to date." All frivolous nonsense of course. But can you imagine having a penis so large that it is more of a problem than a blessing? Such silliness. And I love it.
  6. A gun in plain sight? Talk about a buzz killer. I can't even begin to think how ....inappropriate.....(to be kind).....that is.
  7. I remember one particular dancer at Swinging Richards in Atlanta always wore a cologne that really got me going. Asked him what it was during a private moment. Said it was Dolche and Cabana (sic) Light Blue. That nice, light fragrance combined with his natural smell was such a turn on. Funny what one remembers from time to time.
  8. Don't think I'd change my looks much. At this point I'm content with being average. Ultimate fantasy regardless of place and time? Yea, Brad Pitt and Chord Overstreet are great choices. I always loved the porn star Scott Baldwin, circa 1995 or so. So cute. Such great energy and vibe.
  9. I really want to like this show. But most of the characters are so unlikeable. I don't know who to cheer for. Interesting story lines. Liked the bit about the Father kinda "wink wink nod nod" helping the son out of being arrested for killing a waiter during a drug run. And the whole story line about the merger between the Helen Hunt character's company and the family's played out nicely. And the acting is great. So many fine actors playing entitled rich elite so well. But I need someone to gravitate toward. A Miss Landingham on the West Wing. Or one of the hot doctors on House. Can't think of any character I'd want to have over for dinner. O well. I will watch though. I'm hooked. Weird, huh?
  10. UPDATE: Sorry for the confusion guys. I never did do well in spelling, can't spell to save my life. I didn't realize it had been so long since he was active, 2006 being 15 years ago. (Gee, I can do arithmetic!) So many guys in this community never met him, obviously. Also, it is awkward asking for help for one, when many inactive guys struggle after no longer escorting full time. We could have GOFUNDME's for lots and lots of folks. But Dave (his real name used with permission) is sick, and he can't work at his regular gig. It'll be a while until he can. The same thing is happening to many good people. COVID is a bitch. And one of the worst things about COVID is that one feels so alone. (I hate to think how Daddy must have felt at the end.) So I went ahead and said I would speak up for Dave. I understand he is getting better, though still stuck at home in quarantine. He is coughing less and no longer has a regular fever. He is getting some energy back. So it will be at least two weeks before he can get back to work. Check out the page at https://gofund.me/0fa4008f. One of the things he asks for is a quick hello, a kind word, a reminder that he is not going through all this alone. If you'd care to throw in a few bucks, that'd be nice too. Thanks guys.
  11. My new favorite is Caleb Dressel. Cute, hot, hunky. Great smile, humble in the interviews, shed real tears when he saw his family cheering for him. All around, all-american guy.
  12. I was sad to hear that Brandon Steele is suffering from Covid. Apparently he is pretty sick. He is not in the hospital but seems to be stricken with the "long" Covid. He also has family members who are sick, two of whom are in fact in the hospital. Brandon was a friend to this community for many years, and is one of the nicest and friendliest people around. But tough times have taken over. I noticed there is a Gofundme page if anyone would care to help out Brandon (https://gofund.me/0fa4008f). I am always proud to be a part of this community when we come together to help someone in need.
  13. I am fearful the whole thing is going to turn into one big clusterfuck. It's already messy. But I will watch. It's too hot to go outside anyway.
  14. Hopefully there will be lots more coming out in pro sports, now that he and Carl Nassib of the NFL Las Vegas Raiders took the plunge. All this makes me very happy.
  15. Wise and accurate post I think. It's hard to beat the Windsor Court for a glorious New Orleans hotel. Royal Orleans also nice. Brennans is one of the four great "Mt. Rushmore" restaurants, along with Galatoires, Antoine's, and Arnaud's. Happy to go to NOLA just to eat. Even the hole in the wall places are awesome. Can't remember ever having a bad meal there, though one time we sat at our table at Antoine's for 45 minutes without being helped by a waiter, so we left. Off night I guess. I still went back the next time and it was fine. I love all the little rooms and private dining areas they offer, away from their main dining room. Sadly I think Antoine's is currently closed for the summer. Think I heard right.
  16. And for those of us who are really old, Dr. Kildare? Or Marcus Welby MD?
  17. A little cynical. It is a staged event, these coming out announcements. But for years we have wanted one player....just one player, who actually is on a team and plays the game well, and is a normal and regular guy, to make this announcement. It's been all over the edges before. A recently retired player comes out. Another says he "might" be bi.' A kicker says he's gay and who cares. This guy is from hollywood casting. Dreamy looks, corn fed aw shucks ma country boy, loves his family and his country. Frankly, he won't scare or repulse middle america.
  18. I remember Michael Sams getting drafted, and he made sure the cameras covered him tongue swallowing his twinky boyfriend on national TV. Then he said, "I'm a private person so no more interviews please." NEXT day MTV announces a new show featuring Michael joining the team, in the locker room, adjusting to the NFL, etc. Neither he nor his TV show lasted a month.
  19. Back to soccer, nice to see the German players making a ❤️ sign with their hands after scoring a goal. They played in Munich where the stadium wanted to light up in rainbow, but were prohibited by UEFA. The players had the last word. BTW, that is the most gorgeous bunch of athletes I've seen in a long dam time. Faces of angels, bodies of gods. WOOSH!!!
  20. ...and Joy Behar of The View makes jokes about "penetration in the end zone." HaHa Joy. Funny girl. That's a good one. Add her to the pile of excrement exuding out of that waste of a show. No, Joy, I kid. I should be like you and joke about rape. Wouldn't that be funny? Joy?
  21. Not a total press blackout it seems, as she can be found on the cover of the Japanese version of VOGUE this month.
  22. Cute kid. Happy for him. Great to see he has so much support from his family, his team, and his league. He'll need it, as some idiot(s) will try to make his life miserable. On another topic UEFA, the governing body of European soccer, is prohibiting the main stadium in Munich for lighting up in a rainbow. Hailed as the "right decision" by some East European governments, Hungary for example, it is a reminder that, as bad as it can be for some people here, hate is officially sanctioned in many places.
  23. The mesothelioma ad. The same sad woman and her sad, sincere single line: "Call for the free book. And receive SO MUCH MORE."
  24. So do they allow loud laughter in Hawaii, or just "a low Ha"?
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