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Everything posted by Becket

  1. I loved the smile at the end. Perfect
  2. Why do clients make appointments then bail? It happens. It will happen again. Life happens. He probably wasn't being intentionally mean or unprofessional to you. Don't take it so personal.
  3. I understand what the OP meant here. I didn't take it as overtly racist and I didn't think we in all of our PC-ness need to jump all over him, IMHO.
  4. This is the one that gets me: Six kids die this year of vaping. We gotta ban E cigs. Thanks Donald! Thousands die this year of gun violence. Yet we can't even CONSIDER touching gun laws. Hey Trump! You're the BEST!!!
  5. A bi-curious person: You Might Munch Vagina.
  6. Becket


    Can no one stop the dastardly Dallas Mafia?
  7. All beautiful. But no one comes close to Manuel Neuer of Germany and Bayern Munich.
  8. Church folk all know that angels are male because we sing, "when angels prostrate fall."
  9. She has had so many "last" concerts. But I don't care. She can do no wrong in my book. I love her most recent single, "Don't Lie to Me." It's all about our wonderful president, who I always thought had hit rock bottom, but manages to dig a little deeper with each passing tweet. You go on, Barbra. Keep having all the last concerts you want. You are the soundtrack to much of my life.
  10. Every sport pictured. Even ping pong! Marvelous.
  11. I'm up for a threesome with Podrick and Gendry. I hear Podrick has a huge.....personality.
  12. At least you don't have to deal with the dreaded "Dallas Mafia." SCARY!!!!!
  13. My big fetish, and I know this is weird, ya'll, is I have a burning desire for the guy to look like his pics. Don't laugh at me. It's hard admitting this. I need your support.
  14. They didn't mention what kind of frying pan it was. We southern boys know that cast iron is the best, both for frying and for cracking a skull. Just keep it well oiled at all times. And never clean in the dishwasher.
  15. I still enjoy Travis from time to time. He comes and goes, and is not easy to book. And he's straight. But he doesn't mind mutual touch and has a great body and good attitude. On the expensive side, though. I don't know. The guys who travel here from other cities are usually a good bet.
  16. Fine to be optimistic, but don't get your expectations too high. Also, as in any relationship, treat the escort with respect, as you would want to be treated. Easy stuff.
  17. I have always been disappointed with guys who describe themselves thus. Nothing meaningful ever happens.
  18. Just from my X-Wife. She'll throw out f****t or make some catty remark, usually when I'm not around but our grown kids are. Nice lady. One of those long ago choices I'd definitely reconsider. I do like having my kids, though......so there's that.
  19. Liked them all. Love some of the music from the Streisand film: Evergreen. Lost inside of you. With one more look at you/Watch closely now. All wonderful tear jerk tunes.
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