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Posts posted by goosh69

  1. On 6/17/2020 at 4:48 PM, filmbuff78 said:

    Well, I contacted him and he quoted me 450/hr to start. I told him thanks, but that's more than I'm used to spending. He asked me what my budget was. I told him that guys in LA are usually 300/hr plus tip. I was OK being flexible but a 50% markup was more than I was looking to spend. His response was, because he's a doctor and double Ivy League grad, he's more upscale than the other guys. I told him that the escorts here aren't hillbillies with straw in their teeth and many are college graduates themselves. Maybe not doctors, but they're educated at fine universities. Moving on....

    $400 and hour gets you a very good looking but struggling soap actor or reality star with actual IMDB credits in LA. Maybe $500. $600 is just unheard of.

  2. 5 hours ago, rvwnsd said:


    The other, more likely, explanation is "clean cut" is not as popular as it was 12 - 15 years ago. Styles and fashion have changed. Plus, the clean-cut 26 year old who was escorting 15 years ago is 41. He might still be escorting and might still be clean-cut, but he's not in his 20's any more.

    Yeah…tats are SOOOOOOO much more popular now. And it’s true that the guys with IG or Twitter or only fans will occasionally reply and meet their “fans” in person. Sorry no SoCal bottoms to recommend, but in general about 25% of the guys who will do nudity on social media will meet you for the right price. I’ve found. But half the time it’s to do less than you might want them to, such as worship only or whatever.

  3. So I’ve given that site another try and…we’ll, nothing has changed even now that the guys are mostly vaxxed. Flaky guys who take weeks to even read an email (it says when an email has been read). Perhaps 10% of the time they reply after reading, with something lame like “hey!” Or “what’s up?”. Weeks more go by, and eventually I give up.

    OR they list themselves as in your city and when you finally get them to text or WhatsApp or FaceTime you…it turns out that they recently moved back home to the Midwest and are maybe looking for a sugar daddy to possibly fund  their return to the big city. Even though you’ve never met in person. Like I’ll buy a plane ticket for someone I don’t know. Not going to happen.

    it’s a slog. 

  4. 2 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    "If he doesn't like that, nicely ask him to leave if it's an "out" call."

    You allow a stranger in your house and if that stranger has the balls to ask for money up front you are going to refuse the advance payment demand and "nicely ask him to leave" - 

    What happens if he "nicely punches you in the mouth or threatens over the situation of coming to your place only to be told to leave without money?  

    Either way, it is a difficult situation. 

    Providers complain about being scammed while clients also complain (rightfully) to be scammed. 

    How does a happy medium solve the issue?

    I certainly do not know the answer.  

    This issue comes up fairly often in the forum but never a meaningful solution comes from discussions.  

    I’m pretty big. 

  5. On 9/19/2021 at 2:11 PM, Prime38 said:

    I have just recently started using Seeking in August as I had an arrangement with someone else for 4 years and now thinking we should end it.  It has now been a little over a month of trying out Seeking and I'm kinda in the same boat as a lot of people on the thread.

    I live in the Los Angeles area and I turned to Seeking because the people out here (I'm sure like in every metropolitan area) are complete flakes and the cities here are so far apart with traffic making it hard to actually date someone. I was also tired of just renting because I wanted a more meaningful relationship that was both beneficial, I generally like taking care of and helping people out. 

    When I signed up, I also noticed that so many guys said they lived in LA but they really didn't or said I'm planning to move to LA soon. Some were just there to be attractive and expect that their beauty would be enough for a relationship. Some reached out to me and turned into the LA flakey people and never wanted to set up a meeting. I had one guy that we meet in West Hollywood and literally turned around and walked away after 5 minutes of meeting them. 

    I did end up narrowing it down to 4 potential guys, all of them saying that weren't really looking for someone to take care of them, so I've been confused and completely not used to how to handle this situation like @Coolwave35 was mentioning.

    3 of those guys eventually just fell off my radar, but with the one final guy we've been texting since August and have meet up twice in person. I was starting to notice that I kinda was falling for him, he's in his last semester of college and I helped with his books and dorming this week, he passed along nudes to me without me asking which made so happy. I did ask in return for the books and dorming that we meet up this weekend and he said yes. I have been texting him since this past Friday to make the plans, he never committed. I then found out via social media that he ended up going out and parting with his friends while I could have used what I helped him this week to have a good time at Adonis and not feeling lonely by myself on a Saturday night.  

    I'm still trying to make sense of Seeking, but I can't tell if this normal LA flakiness or maybe I'm just not being as direct as I should be. Anyone have thoughts?

    This is all more typical than Paris trips with hot jocks. Thanks.

  6. “Hi & thanks for visiting my profile.
    Please include ALL of the following:
    1. What you’re interested in doing
    2. When
    3. Where
    4. Whether you prefer Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, or Bitcoin as a deposit is required to book.
    If u don’t receive a response plz double check u answered ALL 4 questions. Thx

  7. “Hi & thanks for visiting my profile.
    Please include ALL of the following:
    1. What you’re interested in doing
    2. When
    3. Where
    4. Whether you prefer Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, or Bitcoin as a deposit is required to book.
    If u don’t receive a response plz double check u answered ALL 4 questions. Thx

  8. idk WHEN you saw him but (as all the others have also concurred) he is in GREAT shape now. (as of 6 mos ago and back I can't attest to but as of LATE he's been hitting the gym a lot and it more buff than ever)

    But he FELL ASLEEP on me. Like 10 minutes in. Who cares what shape he is in unconscious!!!!

  9. Wow if you can’t find one in NY then it may just be timing - record numbers of young people are leaving the Big Apple for health AND finical risks. I bet you’d do better with an individual search for each locale that’s on your travel list. It’s a popular type in every city I would think, but not at all mine, so I haven’t noticed a decline in the frat type ads in LA that isn’t proportional to an overall reduction in active providers right now.


    Health? This is one Of the few places with very low Covid-19 cases in the whole country. It hasn’t been “health” since early May.

  10. @goosh69 even if not the best bj, appearing truthful (which Mo Mason believes) is part of the fantasy they fulfill as part of their job. And just so you know, there is a high chance that @Mo Mason does give the best bj ever not only because it's his #1 favorite thing to do, but also because women in general hate giving bjs while gays love it. Gays give the best bjs, and straight men and women know this.

    If you’re an escort for gay men, you’ve had lots of gay men give you blow jobs, so the woman thing is irrelevant.

  11. I like hiring straight guys because they're so much more fun to blow. They always feed me a load and then remark that I've just given them one of the best blowjobs they've ever had. They sure do get into it.


    Gay guys, on the other hand, usually tell me that they can't get off via oral. And they don't. It's such a bummer.


    And since sucking dick is my #1 favorite thing to do.... heck yeah, I prefer the straight guys.

    I find it difficult to believe that they literally always tell you it’s the best blowjob ever, and that when they do say such, that are being truthful.

  12. I am 10000% attracted to MASCULINITY with a male muscular body involved. I once had a competitive bodybuilder identify as straight stay with me for a few months. He had a girlfriend. I met her. He was extremely effeminate. I never saw anything like it. You couldn't pay ME to have sex with him. If a guy is gay and masculine I'm there. It's just that so many, when you take them to dinner and a gay bar for drinks, their masculinity goes downhill and the attraction dissolves. I'm not attracted to women sexually because they are feminine. No primal arousal there whatsoever. so it doesnt matter to me what their sexuality is... gay or straight. It's just I usually hire straight men with the notion that there will be testosterone attached to their muscles not chanel no. 5.


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