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Posts posted by goosh69

  1. 10 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Yes, I have an I daily check United considering the flexible cancellations and rebooking rules.

    Are you implying the same escort would charge 200 at one time of the day and 250 later? 

    Yes. Just like the same exact seat on the same

    exact United plane on the same

    exact United route costs different amounts depending on how far in advance yoh buy it, the day of the week and time of day of the flight, how full the plane is, and a number of other factors.

    go on the united website right now and look at the cost of a 6 AM flight versus a noon one for the same route. Or how much cheaper Saturday afternoon and evening is versus Thursday for cross country flights (particularly in business class.)


    It’s called dynamic pricing. It’s all over the economy - the most extreme example being concert tickets. This a basic thing in economics and MBA courses. And you’ve definitely experienced it if if you’ve ever traveled, as hotels and rental car companies do it too.




  2. 13 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    How much do you offer and does it change based on the guy's age, location, etc? 

    Sorry but that's a complicated and certainly unusual approach. 

    Have you bought things in the modern economy? Movie theaters and airlines charge different rates for the same services all the time. Restaurants have early bird specials and happy hours. Stores have sales and then sales where things are “an extra 25% off.” Whole Foods charges less for the exact same bottle of Kumbucha as Erwon a few blocks away. The exact same items cost different amounts from different sellers on Amazon. Car prices are different per customer depending on how you haggle with the dealer. Etc. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    I think the reason most people get worked up about rates being ‘over priced’ or ‘not good value’ is because they can’t afford them. The rate someone charges is entirely up to them. You can choose to pay it or not, that’s entirely up to you. If there’s a market it will happen. 

    ^THIS. Supply of the hottest or most “famous “ escorts is limited. The demand from guys willing to pay is sufficient. People are “foolish” enough to pay more to rent apartments in Beverly Hills versus cheaper nearby areas just south. They are “foolish” enough to pay more for an Escalade over a nearly identical Suburban. Or to get business class over economy plus. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, coriolis888 said:

    Was the "provider" joking or just wishful thinking?

    Widely followed OF stars and porn stars do charge that and get that or more. Haven’t you seen all the other threads where we discuss how they can mak so much money online that they don’t need to meet in person unless it’s for a lot? There are like 50 threads in this.

    And that, BTW, is a way Sex workers can increase productivity per man/hour (see my post above), they same way recorded music boosted the earnings of musicians. as for porn stars, it lets them disintermediate studios, distributors, video stores, etc., and potentially keep more earnings to themselves. Or if not, avoid dealing with multiple other people per project.

    either way, it does cost that much now for some guys. And guys like me are willing to pay. 

  5. On 6/21/2023 at 12:11 AM, coriolis888 said:

    Inflation is high, in general, but not as high as many providers have made their rates -

    Think about the current inflation rate for ordinary goods and services- roughly 8%

    Think about the current provider inflation rate- (using rentmen as a guide) 25% to 50%.

    It is ridiculous.   

    The NYC rate for the best looking guys was $300 or more in 2000. I personally paid that much IR more back then. We are not talking year over year inflation. We are talking many years. And you are using the overall CPI. The CPI for GOODS is often negative, and is currently much lower than the CPI for SERVICES. Think of how the prices of flat screen TVs actually go down, but tuition, haircuts, and eating at sit down restaurants do not. Being an escort should be compared to the CPI for services, which for human-based industries (say hairdressers) enjoy no technological means of increasing productivity per unit.


    And BTW, this completely uncotroversial amongst economists, Wall Street analysts, or business leaders. Not one one former economic official from any presidential administration would dispute that service inflation has been higher than goods inflation for decades. 

    on recent inflation: 


    on services inflation over time outpacing goods inflation:



    This century has seen divergent price movement. Consumer goods are cheaper, while critical categories like health and...




  6. That’s some straight up nonsense that he prefers TS woman. The guy’s posted tons of YouTube and OnlyFans stuff with cis straight women (and he you can find him in some of the women he’s been with on their accounts.) 

    he will kiss and let you suck for extra. He’s ok if you’re into worshiping a guy and making out but no he’s not into anal.

    for me we lacked chemistry. He looked great. It was just not there for me. And for a foot fetish model, he had a DESPERATE need for a sandblasting and a pedicure for those gnarly feet.


    But I still need to set the record straight on some of the nonsense I see in this thread. 

  7. On 2/18/2023 at 1:14 AM, shadeheffashade said:

    I’m going tomorrow for the first time if only half of the guys show up does that mean the clients are basically fighting over the dancers? What is the overall dancer to client ratio? 

    I said 9/10 times only 50% of the STAR performers show up. 100% of the time the less hot guys show.

  8. On 1/18/2023 at 3:03 PM, Harryinny said:

    With sexuality much more in the open, men and women having sex earlier, same sex marriage, etc... I think that many men tempted by the easy cash (as they would think) launch themselves to escort...plenty of straight and bi guys going for it.

    Teens are going objectively having less sex and sex later than in the last, and thus has been a two decade trend. I have no idea why you think otherwise.

  9. 8 hours ago, Milo Janus said:

    I'm sorry if this has already been posted.  

    Has anyone met an escort from their Only Fans, Just For Fans, etc. page?  On Just For Fans page some list a phone number, which I find curious.  Is it for fans to call and say how much they love they page or is it something more?  Anyone have such an experience?  Inquiring minds need to know!

    Use the search function next time, this has been a very recent topic of discussion. 


  10. 11 hours ago, borgerback said:

    Hm.  Had a bit of a strange chat interaction with him.  Being very interested in his body, and his 'bondage' preference, I reached out.  Interaction by him was enthusiastic but strange to my experience (as I ponder what to put here I can see that some might find it good marketing).  It included some red flags.  First, he wanted a deposit - a substantial deposit.  Second, he wanted to work with another provider, for a rate of $1,000/hr (which in any universe is outside my budget).  Third, he wanted a picture of my penis, and asked me for it  twice.  I don't have such a photo in my library, and that's when I gave up.  

    These are not red flags, they are a flaming inferno of disaster you avoided.

  11. 3 hours ago, itrashcan said:

    Has anyone met him recently? His RM profile is expired but he still seems to be available. When I ask if he is available on a certain weekend, he usually says "I think I should be". But last time, he told me a day before he's not going to make it. So he doesn't seem to be very sure if he will be available and I have to travel to LA so I'd like plan ahead (~2 weeks).

    He’s extremely flaky yes.

  12. On 11/23/2022 at 1:27 PM, TorontoDrew said:

    I found an article on Reddit but nothing on here. The last two days I've had three very attractive Asian men contact me on Grindr.  One was nice but after three something smells.  Apparently it starts off with looking for a relationship and ends with Crypto investments.  All started talking about money pretty quickly.  Any one else experiencing this?


    I get attractive and fake profiles of Asian men hitting me up all the time on both Grindr and Tinder. I find that if my very first reply is that I only chat with guys I do a video call with. 99/100 times the fake profiles (no matter their fake race or ethnicity) vanish after this. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Rudynate said:

    Because you're spending a lot of time talking about it.   I suspect some clients prefer someone of lesser intelligence because it is easier to feel superior to them.

    How am I “spending a lot of time talking about it?”  Scroll through this thread and see exactly how many comments I’ve made. Or through my entire history in this forum and see if I’ve EVER complained about an escort’s intelligence or education. EVER. Then reconsider your post. 

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