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Posts posted by goosh69

  1. 3 hours ago, sincerequeer said:

    I missed my chance at Tony Capucci and I still kick myself. Now, I have literally read reviews about him being so disengaged to the point of even falling asleep while getting head or something LOL. But I'd still take a crack at it. Early on if I opted against going for a meeting, I would feel good about myself for saving the money, etc. But Him plus another (totally low key non porn guy that's never been mentioned on the board I don't think) I regret not having done it when I had the chance. Now, I don't know if I would necessarily do 1k, but they're the ones I'd shell out my max for, and whether or not that's 1k depends on my budgeting that month lol

    He fell asleep on me. 

  2. On 1/24/2024 at 4:10 PM, Diamante said:

    I saw Lucas last year and he looked exactly like his photos. I don't know what people complained about regarding fillers and work done to his face. None of that seemed to be the case when we met. 

    Fillers and other injections take time to settle. The most famous example is of course pictures of Madonna when she goes out in public before they have settled versus after they have.

  3. 41 minutes ago, HungDom said:

    We are not identical at all... very far from identical - I'll actually give it to him that he's way more handsome than I. Identical is, say, this https://www.google.com/search?q=taylor+swift+look+alike&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijpqe54oCEAxW8M2IAHWWwA9sQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=taylor+swift+look+alike&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIICAAQCBAHEB4yCAgAEAgQBxAeMggIABAIEAcQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeUOUGWOUGYLkMaABwAHgAgAFCiAF-kgEBMpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=eaS2ZeOFCrzniLMP5eCO2A0&bih=738&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS945US947 And there are countless people around the world who are identical, even every celebrity has someone who looks exactly like them out there, but we are actually very different and we look different ;) I'll try reaching out to him, but we do not live together or nearby each other, thanks for the suggestion. One thing is for sure: there's no need to attack, bicker, fight, or offend anyone, even more, someone you have never met in person.

    Lets see you and your “cousin” together. No one is buying this BS.


  4. 3 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

    The final night. So let’s call my initial guy Dan to try to keep the story clearer.  He chose an awful restaurant for dinner that I was literally angry about. I tried to be a good sport but was so uncomfortable that we cut it short during apps and a first round of drinks. 

    Not having a plan B, Dan encouraged me to ask one of the other Toronto boys I’d been chatting up for a recommendation. The boy I asked said he knows the best restaurant, and said he’d tell us if he could come. We discussed and agreed to meet at 9:30 at the new place. 

    This is Dans first time having a 3rd guy introduced into an arrangement. While we were heading to the second restaurant we discussed ad nauseam his feelings, and my concerns about what could make the night turn.

    Let’s call the second guy Colton because that’s his name. Colton arrives a few minutes after we were seated. The vibe was amazing and we all had a wonderful time.  After several drinks, Dan asked “so now what?”  I said I’m going to the bathroom, work out a plan everyone’s happy with and fill me in when I get back. 

    They decided that Colton would join us back at our room. Colton overuses the word “vibe” but apparently the vibe was super important to the last 12 hours. 

    We fooled around from midnight to 4am. Colton’s dick was twice the size of Dan’s which in Dan’s minor inebriated state, he had to keep reminding us about. The romp was incredible. There was so much synergy and both boys made sure that I always felt included and when they did stray to play together, it always lasted exactly the right amount of time before they got back to me. There was a lot of cum, and then the most awkward “rest” til 7 am.

    Colton and I woke up together. We did a brief hygiene check and got to it. I had wanted to fuck him so bad the night before but it just didn’t happen. We made up for it this morning.  It woke Dan up who was enthralled with the show. He is still afraid of most penetrative sex but found ways to participate. 

    We finished up by them sharing my secret sweet spot that leads to the best orgasms.  Colton left with his load on his unwiped tummy, Dan’s in my mouth, and mine all over everyone. 

    Dan is in the shower, then it’s my turn, and it’s back home for all of us. 

    When you’re 5’7” on a good day, and your body runs warm, sharing a bed with two guys over 6’3” is not all it’s cracked up to be.  


    I’ve never actually seen a single guy I find hot on rent men in Toronto. Wheareas Montreal has tons. I can’t imagine several nights of escorts in Toronto. Even just walking down the streets during business hours, it’s a fairly fugly city in terms of men. Shockingly fugly.

  5. 1 hour ago, HungDom said:

    Once again, no attacks, no bickering, even worse when it's directed to someone you haven't even met- I can prove over videochat I'm not the provider you guys linked/are talking about (whom you haven't even met in person either, but from what I've read he seems to have been extremely well-liked by all people who did meet him in person, and he seemed to have had all 5-star reviews back when I saw his ad).

    I'm only here to provide and add up, not to fight, offend, or accuse anyone. Keep your spirits up; it gets better. After winter comes spring. No bickering. There's no need to attack, fight, or offend anyone. Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for the love and the nice DMs from many of you.


    The ONLY way you can PROVE this is for you and your “identical escort slash cousin “ to get on the same video chat at the same time. Otherwise we all know it’s just you trying to pretend you’re someone new. 

  6. On 5/5/2023 at 5:16 AM, 30somethingsexybear said:

    ew, this is pedo adjacent behavior. Surprised David Geffen hasn't snatched him up already.

    Geffen likes guys who look like Superman. He’s well known for that. Tall handsome MEN. Occasionally blondes, but generally  Christopher Reeves or Henry Cavill. He might occasionally dabble in a Chris Evans/Hemsworth type. I know this pretty well. Like, really , really sure of this. I’ve NEVER heard of him liking them underaged. At all. Weird you’d post this. He likes MEN. Like fitness model types. He and I have been 1 degree of separation 20+ times at least. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Socalguy said:

    I would have to add Eric Hassan to this list. The first time I laid eyes on him I was floored. The fact that he is also an incredibly nice, sweet and intelligent gentleman in person definitely adds to his appeal.


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in New York City, NY - Thedudenextdoor: READY TO CONNECT!


    Biting my tongue so hard I’m bleeding. Are you sure you’re replying in the right thread?

  8. The guys who are down low actual fashion models (like with actual ads and such), reality stars, top professional bodybuilders, or just plain top IG/OF types , etc., easily ask for and get $500 to $800 an hour. Because they either are in enough demand and/or can make more money online than in person. I’ve stumbled across a few over the years (I’ll delete and block someone who DMs me asking about getting in touch with whomever - I’m NOT a pimp.)

  9. 11 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    Without veering too much into "Strip Club" subforum territory, looks like Matty is scheduled for the Adonis nude party tonight, according to this morning's email from Tim. It's possible that Tim will let him keep underwear on, though, as he's done for a very few previous headliners.  Wish I wasn't 2500 miles away. 

    Take that email with a grain of salt. The best looking guys he features in it each time actually show up maybe 75% of the time. He claims they flake, but sometimes they tell me (when I do see them) that he takes “maybe” or even a polite “no, maybe next time” as a “yes”. 

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