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    MikeBiDude reacted to jawjateck in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "You seem normal."
  2. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
    Now boys and girls, to get this joke,
    put on your best mock French accent and read outloud fast...

  3. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to Meo in A series of unfortunate events   
    I'm very pro-counseling, but between the unilateral sexual shutdown and the "get out and leave your dogs" approach, you are having a "Scrooge"-type glimpse of what your future relationship could look like. Counseling would be a great avenue to discuss what "go find someone to play with" really meant and what your ground rules should be going forward. However, a law office is the only place to discuss being kicked out and having your dogs stolen. I have two friends who were middle class professionals (earning $50-$60K per annum) partnered for about 10 years to upper class professionals earning about three times as much. My friends' investment in legal counsel in far less acrimonious situations really saved them financially and psychologically. You are starting off in an acrimonious situation and you should consult counsel ASAP, for your own mental health as well as your financial health.
  4. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to Racketjock in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "Looking forward to seeing you at 8pm for an outcall. At 7:45 pm, I'm really excited to see you and have a great time. Can we do 11 pm?"
  5. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to bigvalboy in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Me: (smiling) Why the extra fee tacked on? It seems like you're hustling me.
    Him: (laughing) Well I'm a hustler and that's why they call it hustling, it's what I do.
    Me: (straight faced)
  6. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to JayCeeKy in A series of unfortunate events   
    As a licensed Couple and Family Therapist, I have spent many years with clients who have literally dragged their partners into therapy - demanding that their PARTNERS CHANGE! It doesn't work that way. You are only responsible for one person in this life... and that's YOU. Sometimes, if you make changes in your life, your partner will also change, but don't count on it. I encourage my clients to say the newly-revised SERENITY PRAYER:
    God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the people I cannot change.
    COURAGE to change the person I can.
    And the WISDOM to know..... it's me.
    Good luck on your journey.
  7. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to TopTierTop in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    This forum has brought me a lot of new business since back when I wrote that post and I participate almost on a daily basis. I guess that's why it says "Master" under my name now.
  8. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in 411 on Totally Smooth Skin in LA   
    I guess I didn't recognize Daniel with dark hair and "veni vidi vici ", I like the blond look much more
  9. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from + glutes in 411 on Totally Smooth Skin in LA   
    I guess I didn't recognize Daniel with dark hair and "veni vidi vici ", I like the blond look much more
  10. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from + Eric Hassan in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    +1 to the 100th
  11. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from bigvalboy in Zac Efron will be your New Baywatch Babe   
    +1 all night long
  12. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to bigvalboy in Zac Efron will be your New Baywatch Babe   
    lmao...Wow, tough room. I don't care, I'm with Topseed...
    Topseed Knight
    I'd pound his ass into the sheets.
  13. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to scorpioguy in 411 on Totally Smooth Skin in LA   
    that's daniel
  14. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from marylander1940 in College_guy in San Diego?   
    Anyone been in touch with or experienced this San Diego gentleman?
  15. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from Traveler North in College_guy in San Diego?   
    Well, I mentioned I've been texting him - and I must say that although our convos were friendly and responsive - his level of excitement in setting up a meeting was low. Maybe his ad got more response than he intended? Maybe he decided he doesn't want to do this work anymore? Maybe he found "one" that's taking care of him? Maybe he'll be back!!!
  16. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + Lance_Navarro in Someone needs to go to jail. (Oakland club fire)   
    I understand the desire to find who is at blame in this terrible incident, but I really feel that right now our energy is better spent asking "who needs our help" versus "who is to blame". It does appear that the owner was negligent in many ways, and that will be addressed, but it doesn't appear that this was an act of violence or intent. I'm just feel that compassion is more important than condemnation.
  17. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to TruHart1 in 411 on Atlantic City's Beautiful Keith and Dolphb   
    A non-age shaving escort is the exception, truly a rara avis. There are a few, but I have found most escorts I've gotten to know well enough admit to shaving anywhere from 5 to 15 years off their real age, in other words, just as many years as they think is believable!
  18. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to jjkrkwood in Feed the Hungry for the Holidaze   
    Anyone got some Food ?
    " I'm a bit Hungry TOO! "

  19. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from nylund in 411 Matias in San Diego   
    I have a review submitted but not published, him as an escort not masseur. Also I left a Rentmen.com review
  20. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to Jbdesc in Where are the shorties???   
    One of my favorite pics
  21. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + Truereview in Where are the shorties???   
    Short guys are my preferred match bc I'm short myself and we just fit really well together. I've gone on "safari" for this exotic creatures before (for the PC police that's a joke; I don't hunt people...)
    Anyway, Chicago is by far the best city for shorties. If you don't mind Latinos: Uriel, CoryTaylor, Alexanderxx, and RomanEmperor. I like MarioLatino in NYC and JackNimble in Atlanta. BravoDelta I try to catch when he travels. Could not agree more with Dr Freud about RafaelLords, although I haven't seen him since he relocated from Miami to Ft. Myers.
    Good luck! - your neighborhood slut
  22. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to mike carey in Do Any NYC Escorts Like Opera   
    The first half is my point exactly. I'm sufficiently old school that there are times when I think it appropriate to wear a jacket.
  23. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + quoththeraven in Do Any NYC Escorts Like Opera   
    Without perusing everything posted here in the last couple of days, though I've read some of it, may I add a plea for forbearance and tolerance? (Which it feels like I've done a lot of lately.) It's great to dress up for the opera and treat it as a special occasion! But it's also great to like opera and go there regularly straight from work, or stretch one's budget to buy tickets, or want to be comfortable while enjoying opera.
    At the end of the day, it's about enjoying opera, not what one wears to attend a performance. (Or at least it should be.) Otherwise one risks suggesting that there's only one right way to enjoy opera, which risks turning off any new or younger attendees who are going to think, with some justification, that operagoers are a bunch of out-of-touch fuddy-duddies.
  24. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to TruHart1 in Do Any NYC Escorts Like Opera   
    I'll have to agree to disagree @jimboivyo since I believe like @sutherland the MET needs asses to fill seats to survive, whether those asses belong to a well-dressed Michael Lucas or a casually dressed Austin Wolfe! Both asses quite impressive, BTW, even though the hotties in question both call themselves tops!!!
    For me the elitist attitude of some people, many of whom never attend the opera at all, is very old fashioned and out-of-date, mainly because I have believed for many years that opera needs a wider appeal in order to not become an endangered art form.
    [Edited to add: The MET's official dress code has been quite relaxed since the late 1960's so that's how old-fashioned the elitist viewpoint is for attendees of that "august" opera house!]
  25. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + glutes in "Simply Soothing" from LA   
    I'm just guessing, but when there is silence, one of two things:
    - Masseur is really good, member wants to keep it a secret
    - Masseur is terrible, and member doesn't want to be cast as a Negative Nellie
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