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Everything posted by EZEtoGRU

  1. First of all...I'm not sharing any load. I want it all for me🤪! Secondly, the key to keeping the politics forum at least somewhat civil is having clear rules and then ensuring rule-breakers face consequences. As long as that is happening, I'm quite happy for the politics forum to remain. Things seem to be running quite well right now. The summer break from the politics forum turned out to be helpful. I personally have adopted a new approach now. I simply do not engage with posters I consider baters and trolls. Whilst I have put no-one officially on the ignore list, I am effectively ignoring them and their posts. I have seen enough of their views and beliefs on the politics forum. I don't consider their contributions to be of value to me and I have no reason to read the same comments they make endlessly. Why bother even reading their input and then getting into an on-line yell-fest.
  2. Has anyone that lives in states other than NY, CA, TX, FL been able to get the vaccine in their state? So far in Michigan, there is little availability and what they have is being given only to people who have been exposed to MP so I would not quality. Are people in other states finding the same issues on availability?
  3. Anne Heche to be removed from life support today according to a statement from the family. A week after the crash, Heche was "brain dead" but remained on life support, according to a statement from her family and friends shared with CNN by their representative. Heche has matched with an organ recipient and will be taken off life support on Sunday, a representative for her family told CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/12/entertainment/anne-heche-family-statement/index.html
  4. No-one is disputing that she is brain dead and legally dead. That is not the issue. A poster indicated she had been taken off life-support which, as of Friday night was not the case (as far as I could tell). There won't be a funeral until Anne is fully removed from life support. I really don't know if anything new has happened since Friday night. I do fully support keeping her body going so they can get as many useful organs as possible.
  5. This is splitting hairs but her body is still physically alive. Yes she has been pronounced "brain dead" and declared legally dead...but she has not physically died yet. I have not read anywhere that she has been taken off life support. Reports in the press have been confusing to say the least. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/actor-anne-heche-dead_n_62f1be02e4b0f9d8c01fa9c4
  6. Some confusion about Heche's "death". It seems she has been declared legally dead but has not physically died yet. She is brain dead but her heart is still beating. Anyway, I'm sure it's just a question of hours or days at this point. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/anne-heche-death-obituary-car-crash-190632934.html
  7. Police indicate there was cocaine in Heche's system based on tests done at the hospital. Also possibly Fentanyl. No alcohol found in her system though. Separately,People Magazine is reporting that Anne Heche's rep has said: "Unfortunately, due to her accident, Anne suffered a severe anoxic brain injury and remains in a coma, in critical condition," the rep says in a statement on behalf of Heche's family. "She is not expected to survive."
  8. TRT is not without it's issues...particularly if one has a family history of prostate cancer. Testosterone is like a superfood for prostate cancer cells.
  9. Not to worry. The poster in question frequently adopts positions on this forum that are baseless. Let's move on. I hope Heche survives her injuries. If she does, she has a long road ahead...both physically and legally.
  10. Child vaccination rates in the US have been dropping for years. I guess it was inevitable polio would rear it's ugly head again. Here is an article from today's paper citing the issue of lower vaccination rates amongst Michigan toddlers. I'm sure the same is happening in many states across the country. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/08/09/michigans-childhood-immunization-rates-vaccine-fears/10266489002/
  11. Reports this evening that Heche is in critical condition with significant pulmonary injury. It is said she has been in a coma since shortly after she was rescued.
  12. Some of the lesser well-endowed guys at Twist (Miami) used to pad their undershorts as well.
  13. How crowded does Piranha get on Fridays/Saturdays? Are lapdances available?
  14. I concur with Rod. I would pick Santorini over Mykonos. I have to confess I was pretty underwhelmed with Mykonos.
  15. I agree that Canada has handled this better than the US so far. The vaccine is not readily available in Michigan unless you fit into one of the extreme risk categories...which I do not. I see Ontario every day from our living room window in Michigan. The vaccine is easily available in Toronto. What about other places in Ontario? I'm about a 60 minute drive from Windsor and a 30 minute drive from Sarnia.
  16. Gas prices in Michigan have dropped about $1.00/gallon in the last 3-4 weeks. Costco is now under $4/gallon.
  17. Going to a strip club and getting lap dances right now does not seem like a sensible thing to do. Especially if one is not vaccinated against Monkey Pox. I'm going to wait a few months until I am fully vaccinated and the authorities hopefully have things more under control on the spread of MP.
  18. Technically we are in a recession. However it really doesn't feel like a recession. As others have noted, employment is strong...people are out and about doing things and spending money. Restaurants are full. Airplanes are full. I think inflation may well have already peaked. Gasoline prices are falling quite a bit and that will put downward pressure on prices for other goods and services. All other things being equal, I believe it will be a short/shallow recession. Perhaps 2-4 quarters. Of course various things could go pear-shaped to screw things up. Pick your crisis: Ukraine/Russia/Iran/COVID/Monkey Pox. Those are difficult to predict. Personally, I have made no changes to my investment strategy this year.
  19. I saw Company on Saturday and really enjoyed it. It's the first version of the musical I have ever seen so I have no other version or actors to compare it too. I felt Lenk and LuPone were both excellent. The staging was creative and unusual. Unusually boisterous crowd. Huge applause and cheers after almost every number. It seems fans are rushing to see it before it closes. I don't blame them! Definitely a winner.
  20. I'm hoping to get to Europe in September or October to take advantage of the weak Euro and Pound. I'm waiting till the crazy summer travel is over and airports are somewhat back to normal. Also, I want to get my monkey pox vaccine before I go. I have decided not to have any intimate encounters until after I'm vaccinated.
  21. The above was my experience as well. I renewed 3-4 months ago and received my new card in about six weeks. Done all on-line with no interview required.
  22. Face or neck tattoos? No...full stop! Other tattoos on the body? It depends. One or two are OK but...why ruin a perfectly good body with a bunch of tattoos? I still don't get it.
  23. Agreed. "Muscle gods" means it's Brazil.
  24. I've never had decent Key Lime Pie outside of South Florida. I'm sure it exists somewhere but I've never found it. You must have key limes to make it or it won't be as good as it should be. I lived in Miami during most of the 1990's so I had ample opportunity to enjoy excellent Key Lime Pie. Joe's Sone Crab was my favorite. We still order the KLP from Joe's. It ships overnight via Fedex and is packed in dry ice. So good.
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